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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. Shoot, you should have to put the insurance policy cost against the cap if that’s the case
  2. yea- if they lose Dallas, and buff… that’s 0-4 that would leave them looking to go like 10-3 to finish the season? Ambitious. would love to see a cowboys win this week
  3. the special teams unit has consistently had issues.
  4. im not even sure that feels better. a unit that consistently has issues allowing a blocked kick is a hefty concern too
  5. ultimately it’d be a court fight with an insurance company over a 9 figure payout right? It’d be messy. I’d be curious the portion guaranteed for skill vs guaranteed for injury
  6. also OCs get poached at like a 3 to 1 rate compared to DCs. plus Brady has a pretty good reputation already
  7. That’s a curveball - it seemed most thought he’d be back this weekend
  8. I guess my next question would be what type of innovative play design are you seeking if this is football 101?
  9. im often guilty of overthinking and that’s why I sometimes like to dumb down things to the level of the starting running back averaging 3.5 points per touch in the first half I will say that I agree that we need to see more before crowning him - but qualify it with the fact that tonight wasn’t necessarily the place to show that. Simple things like motion and spacing were enough to win most, albeit not every, matchup,
  10. Tua just has no natural feel for impacts. He’s an athlete that isn’t naturally athletic almost.
  11. yea, it’s always tough to judge when live and against vastly inferior talent… but even worst case is that he is no longer the guy that’s vastly inferior himself. Admittedly my eye doesn’t always grab the individual performance so much as the differential vs the opposition when watching live which can make a night like this hard to judge in the moment
  12. I do think Fitz was right - pop him on IR. Take the camera off his every practice report for a few weeks and let him figure it out. Odds are it’s a few weeks anyway. Take away the daily discussion of it for a couple weeks.
  13. I’ll admit, I felt skeptical tonight and am curious to see/hear more. With a backup tackle, 3rd string guard, and backup qb - my head went straight to it being overrated but I’m open to checking it out to see if it would be play that gets home in tougher situations
  14. At one point our RB1 had 6 touches but was only stopped by Miami 3 times. Our rb was averaging 3.5 points per carry, not 3.5 yards. im not sure what else you do with to scheme that up more as a coordinator
  15. are you missing the formations, motions and creating of matchups? for a guy without elite weapons I think seeing backfield alignments and backfield personnel packages vary like they do has been the initial flashes of maximizing what we do have. He also didn’t have to progress into the early plays setting up later plays this week with the game in hand early. He was efficient with short fields and guys were winning head to head so you only go so deep in the bag of tricks
  16. The team was sharp. Players looked confident, play calls consistently good conceptually. got the good bounces - good all around I think if you go back there was some weird body language on the dolphins side very early. I caught myself commenting on Tua after the first pick. We are definitely in their heads in a meaningful way at this point and that’s real currency that goes beyond tonight’s preparation last up though - if being nitpicky- a blocked fg continues the special teams woes. They must get that unit under control or it will continue to cost in major moments.
  17. we will see. I’ve heard similar, and then he has kids that might influence differently. ultimately it’s his choice. I think Tony Gonzales is going too hard in the retirement paint right now. While it’s a real consideration he’s a tight end not a doctor and needs to let it play out
  18. It’s his choice but his family may influence it heavily
  19. Kromer is one of the best position coaches in the league.
  20. Seems wasteful to feed achane here
  21. It’s shocking we don’t have someone on the practice squad at this point
  22. it was a tough camera angle to read how the route was run. I’m not sure who was the bigger share of the blame.
  23. which is why you look to make the move prior to paying him - but you get every carry you can first
  24. yea I mean, 2 backup lb, backup nickel and the whole safety situation so zero starters against a team designed to stress those 5 spots?
  25. have you not seen our roster? get used to it.
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