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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. Ridiculous...utterly ridiculous...so now the NFL's Goodell is the Nazi and people back this fool????...c'mon...bad judgment is now grounds for losing your job?...please...this country gets more and more sickening by the week...nobody has any heart...NFL guys are getting suspended for anything and everything...if they go to the bar, suspended...if they do an endzone dance suspended...I think Sapp was right NFL now stands for the No Fun League as far as celebrations go...and now on top of that even if you're AROUND something bad...or even ACCUSED of something bad, you're in violation of the NFL...this is stupid...like Willis once said "I guess I'll just stay in my house and play Madden all day, that isn't a violation of the NFL rules now is it?"...please...plus I'm still fuming over the hockey game, where players show zero heart now...just sports suck nowadays...they really do...



    you really feel passionately about bens right to nail underage drunk girls eh? you seem to post in each and every thread about it.....

  2. Well, you had a decent run Mr. Gosselin, but you are not going to be near the top if you believe this is what's going to happen. Probably more near the bottom.


    Washington still takes Jimmy Clausen? Uhhhhhh, no. McNabb is going to be their guy for the next 4 years atleast. The #4 pick is going to go to a QB that will ride the pine that long and Chris Samuels just retired?


    Raiders take Kyle Wilson? Uhhhhhh, no.


    Dan Williams is a possibility, but I don't think it will happen. Too many other impact players left on the board. I think we take Spiller before we take Dan Williams.


    Ryan Matthews to the Dolphins? Not happening.


    Gronkowski in the first round with all of the injury problems, especially a back injury? I don't see it.


    Arizona will not take a WR. They have Fitz, Breaston, Doucet, and 3 other WR's.


    Dez Bryant is not going to last until #27 and the Cowboys are not going WR in the first with Austin, RW's big money contract, and Ogletree on the rise in "Big D". They also still have Sam Hurd and Patrick Crayton. Not happening.


    The Chargers are iffy. They traded Cromartie which likely means they believe in someone else being able to do an adequate job. I think they need more help at RB and NT versus a Rd.1 CB.


    The Jets are not going to take a CB in the 1st after just trading for Cromartie. Get real.


    All of those differences shake up his entire mock. It won't be pretty. :rolleyes:



    Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't his first two gimmicky all bpa, or all team need and the third is his actual this is how I think it'll play out?

  3. To the people citing the blash report- do you think there is a reason he didn't want his name on the initial report? Do you think his opinion might have been skewed by celebrity as much or maybe more then hers? Do you think the phrase "this drunk b**** is trying to put this on Ben" spells trouble for his report?


    I don't know how he handled it but I worry that he might have pressured her to back down. If true - I'm sure a drunk, freshly victimized, 20 yr old girl getting told by the cop that she doesn't really know might have had an impact.

  4. They're the most pro-Clausen of any site I've seen.


    There's such a wide range of opinions in regards to Clausen. In an article in the draft issue of Bills Digest, Russ Lande says he's a second round talent. He also claims that he's never spoken to anyone who sees him as a top 15 player, even those who love him.


    I guess I see that a little exaggerated.... I know people like mel kiper aren't scouts and gms but it seems most if not all put him top 10

  5. I think she bears some responsibility. Especially since she told the cop she didn't know if she'd been raped or not. I don't think there is any excuse to rape a girl but she needs to keep herself sober enough to recall what happened an hour ago. How can she say she didn't say ok if she can't remember anything?


    The problem for this girl is that so many other women have tried to shake down athletes for big money that it causes a lot of scrutiny to anyone who makes the claim. As I said before I think he's guilty but not beyond a reasonable doubt. JMO


    If this really happened the worst thing she could do is sue him unless she donates all of any judgment to charity. If she sues for a lot of money it will just make her look like another gold digger.



    I've seen the "maybe she doesn't remember saying yes" as a defense in a lot of debates. I mean.... Seriously?!?!?!


    Its sad we live in a world that is even thought yet alone socially acceptable enough that people would bring it up in this debate.

  6. Buying drinks for a 17 year old at a bar she snuck into is NOT THE SAME as having non-consensual sex with her.


    Also, I've met girls like the so-called "victim." I've seen her and her friends make spectacles of themselves, underage, at bars they have no business being at. Bottom line, she's dumb, she's naive, and her behavior/glaring indiscretions throughout the evening were asking for trouble. Does NOT mean she deserved said trouble, but nobody deserves to be shot in the face when playing with daddy's shotgun, either. (pun intended)


    Plus, the smoking gun report indicates that body guards and club personnel were in cahoots. What does this mean to me? That this sort of thing happens with some regularity. The difference in this case? Some DUMB DUMB DUMB girl got burned playing with fire. When she's old enough to drink, perhaps then she'll be old enough to traipse around wearing a wash cloth halter top, following professional athletes in and out of clubs with one hand down their pants.


    For now, BR's a scumbag, just like every other professional athlete/musician/actor who pulls b-t-h-s into the backroom, but just because this dumb girl was too young and too naive to play the game, let's not suddenly pretend like BR's (like Tiger before him) is some sort of lone offender.


    no it's not the same thing, and I know she's not 17 either but when it all comes down, it's on Ben not the bartender when he's distributing drinks to minors. That was just a more extreme way to illustrate the idea that fakes don't matter in the discussion. Clearly they are different though, hence one ends with a fine and the other would be a registered sex offender. Probably a bad way to have illustrated my point.



    The rest, no Ben isn't unique. That's the worst part of it. Until people like him start getting nailed on this behavior it'll just keep happening to young naive girls. I don't know if she was one of those naive girls or not.... I tend to think yes but who knows....

  7. No, that would not be on Ben. He was in a club and the club is responsible for everyone that is in the place. They provide the alcohol, not Ben. He could have bought her drinks, yes, but how is he supposed to know she is only 20. That is the clubs job to enforce that and make sure only people 21+ are drinking.


    And lots of people have fakes....



    See here's the thing -- what you just described is Ben being at fault. He bought a round of shots and had them take one. Fakes don't mean anything at a bar. Think twice before you bring that girl home, if she's 17, but in a 21+ bar with a fake you are still going to jail. It's not a valid defense to anything.

  8. Care to illustrate how exactly this is clear...? I haven't seen it, other than comments from posters on this board making stuff up.



    I mean, i cant speak as to his mental health but the last couple times he has been in public he has looked poor physically. No i do not just mean cause he is old, but he has not looked in good shape even for his age, in my opinion

  9. I don't look at it the same way. College football is very offense oriented - defenses for the most part are way behind (there are obvious exceptions like Alabama). There's a reason the spread works on Saturdays and not on Sundays.



    Patriots and Saints are two teams that use a lot of spread principals in there offense.... they tend to be pretty good.

  10. Buffalo fans are insane. They love to B word about the few good players we have. Evans has probably dropped less than 10 passes in his entire career. We have crap on the oline. Our QBs are laughed at by the rest of the league. Yet, somehow the receiver who is off to the best start of any receiver in Bills' history (Andre and Moulds are no slouches) is the problem with this team. It's beyond dumb.


    Evans on the Colts would be Marvin Harrison in his prime.



    Agree 100% from what ive seen, which admittedly is less and less since moving away, then getting saints tix, games are getting harder and harder to see. Not to mention nationally buffalo doesnt get a lot of love.


    Can anyone say on his opportunities over the middle what he has done? I remember seeing him take a slant last year in a way that impressed me, and stood out as something i hadnt seen from him. if sent more often do you think he could do this consistently, or is he getting sent occasionally and not getting space?

  11. Evans other than the ball washing he put on Losman has been pretty quiet. So no hate, but he is nothing better than a very good #2, speed guy. He has limited route running skills or at least shown limited. If he is capable he's never shown it, EVER.



    As a receiver, has he lacked when sent over the middle, or is he just not asked to?


    i guess its a question of whether the perception of him being poor at it is his fault or not. People at the games, camp, watched him in college etc... can probably tell better then me who only gets to see a handful of bills games a year these days.

  12. do you think it could be something along the lines that they are recognizing each other as the Jacob/MiB roles? that FLocke sees that Jack is already beginning to assume the role of Jacob? and seeing FLocke made Jack realize the same thing?



    I think the scene with jack and sun on the beach was a strong indicator of jack assuming that role as well.....

  13. Do you realize how many people in football are from bad neighborhoods.

    So how do you keep this in mind...are you saying don't offer contracts or draft people from inner city neighborhoods?

    Hindsight is 20/20. Are you saying Lynch is a fair representation of everyone from inner city neighborhoods?

    Keep in mind we drafted Poz and TE in the same draft. Would it be more fair to generalize that we had a bunch of fools manning the draft for us.



    Yea that's totally what I said.... Oh... Wait.... Not really actually. I said you keep an eye on things like that. The fact that there have been so many major public incidents, maybe it's not a coincidence that he comes from a dangerous neighborhood. Maybe instead of being a guy that escapes the problems they grew up around, he's the type that brings them with him. It is something you have to be aware of. Are there many that escape? Yes. Do you want to be the team that invests a first on a marshawn, santonio, vick, pacman etc? No. You have to do really heavy research and sometimes make an educated guess based on risk v reward. Looking at the list of public offenses at the age of 24 -- I wouldn't give him an extension.



    accusations of hitting gf

    hit and run

    gun and drugs in the car

    additionally, a host of minor problems in buffalo since arriving

  14. There were questions about most draft choices. Not necessarily character related but there were questions. What are you saying about Oakland??

    Where did you grow up? Was it in a place that turns out nothing but great individuals?

    Please share your Oakland experiences to help me understand why you want to trash the town.

    Rick James came from Buffalo you know. Does that mean we are a town of excessive partying, music making people who are destined to overdose....



    No but Oakland and the neighborhood lynch grew up in have a huuuge reputation for gang organization. This is definitely not the same as saying everyone in buffalo is like Rick James... Nor does it mean everyone is in gangs in Oakland. I would say that is something to keep in your head tho when investing millions in a guy from those neighborhood, and with the questionable decisions you've seen out of him.

  15. The reporter did exactly what he should. Imagine if during the Bills Coach search if people listed their sources. Did he burn a bridge with a source? Probably, but if more journalists reported the news instead of sucking up to sources then we'd have a much more reliable media.


    It doesn't matter if every person in NO asks the question, that is what you do as a PR department. Could this reporter be part of the sensationalism of the situation? Sure. However, he asked a question, stated his reason and did not receive a response. He did his job and asked again. Politely.


    The PR guy failed in his job. If this has such over coverage then it's likely it would have been another voice in the wind. Now it's a story that's a two page thread on a Buffalo Bills message board.


    I agree, it was a knee jerk reaction that probably had more to do with some other reporters story. Who knows, maybe this reporter had other stories that upset bensel. Regardless, he went to far. To publish the emails is not just too far, Its the type of thing that can kill a relationship that is based on give and take. Sometimes you let something small like exact row numbers (which doesn't really matter) slide in return for priveledged access later....

  16. There wasn't daily coverage. It was *one* question. Singular. The guy didn't get an answer which sounds a lot like some of the people who have season tickets.



    Yes this was one reporter asking, but the news here has been doing stories quite often. The people have even been given a name: the "missing 1200" or something like that. Its getting a little old honestly. WWL also has its website, and radio station running their own stories. This was not a one-time, 5 minute thing on the news, the stories have been running since the calls went out, starting out daily, now you still see them on and off through the week. Its beginning to be overkill -- the seats are not going to re-appear, so how many human interest pieces can be done on the subject? If they were trying to put together a simple factual report about what is happening, then his response would be total overkill, but they have been walking anyone they can find in front of the camera to cry about how the saints have forgotten about them, which is a little extreme too.


    I think there have been a few alterations to the exact row numbers as the plan progresses, and this is likely part of why the saints want to handle the issue internally instead of making a mass announcement that it is rows x, y, and z -- In case you might have to slide forward or back a row based on construction needs. I believe that what happened with people finding out from the news before the saints was likely that information being leaked and reported before the saints had time to call people, hence some of the frustration you see on the message boards.




    I understand why the displaced are upset, i would be too, but its the nature of the beast -- to keep the team, they had to agree to renovate the dome in a way that would bring a superbowl (among a host of other things). In one year more then 3000 seats will be added, and the displaced will be given first rights to those seats.

  17. Since when is sections and rows that are being removed from the stadium, that still have season ticket holders, a minute detail?



    When every one of those people recieved a phone call from the saints. When the story broke weeks ago with those calls going out. It wouldve been easy to just answer the question but at the same time, anyone effected had been notified, for anyone outside those sections, the exact row number is a minute detail.

  18. Also of note-- not really buyers remorse -- shanny and bruce allen never signed off on haynesworth. its the cycle you get into switching coaches and schemes.


    see buffalo switching to the 3-4 and the chance of schobel not fitting -- wouldnt be buyers remorse, just a poor fit in the new system.

  19. Agreed. If I was the Saints, I'd be doing the same thing.


    It wasn't like the pertinent info about the construction wasn't available. It seems like the reporter was hounding the guy for minute details just to be a dick. Didn't he have any other stories to cover?



    being in new orleans, and a season ticket holder -- WWL is the one that i feel is out of line here.


    Its one thing to do a story, its another to parade a new member of the "missing 1200" on TV every night for 2 weeks. The thing is, the renovation was planned, it was relatively known what sections and rows would be effected (maybe not 100% but within a matter of a row or two) for years. Bensel could/should have toned it down a notch, but there is a reason he referred to it as a mini-series. When nothing is changing day to day, it doesnt need daily coverage. Regardless of if the reporter was offended YOU DONT PUBLISH THE EMAILS. He burned the bridge to try to get page views RIGHT NOW. He totally neglected the idea of building a long term relationship. If I had to worry about him doing a "gotcha" story every time he stumbled across a nugget, I wouldnt invite him in either. He has every right to be critical of the saints, but at the same time -- if you want to work hand in hand with the organization you have to show a certain level of respect too.

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