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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. lets hope he is better than Bush cuz imo a Bush clone isn't worth the 9th pick.


    athletically -- yes a bush clone would be (minus that lingering knee problem he has had). the problem is maximizing the use of a player like that. sean payton is a great offensive mind, but has made many mistakes along the the way too. there were games that sean would only get him the ball 2-3 times, and they would be terrible double reverses. not a recipe for consistent success. what i can say is there is a reason that at 8-9 million for next year the front office is not sending him out the door to re-sign other players. As someone that has seen pretty much every snap bush has taken -- if he can stay healthy and you can get him the ball on a wheel route, crossing pattern etc, he is electric in a way you wouldnt believe. if we can add 10-15 tds a season to this offense that would be HUGE.


    i think reggie is just on the brink of having a huge breakout year. like i said, if that knee stays healthy and you get him real touches -- look for him to put up more games like he did against arizona. yes the saints have a more talented team but look to even a chris johnson in that titans offense -- kerry collins? vince young? who are the wide receivers? it wasnt the juggernaut the saints were by any means

  2. I have to agree. If this is YOUR guy, he is your guy because he represents the best value you can get with that pick. Any prospective deal could offer you more value. Give the other teams the full 10 minutes to see if someone gets desperate and makes a mistake and offers you too much. Then pick Spiller with one minute left. I don't know why giving the other teams 8 more minutes to make a desperate mistake and then picking Spiller isn't a better idea.


    I actually really like the pick, and the way some of the other guys fell makes me feel that my lower impression of these guys might have been warranted (Bulaga, I'm talking about you). Let's see how these guys do tomorrow and if they can make some tactical decisions and not just talent decisions.



    if they thought spiller represented a top 2-3 player in the draft, they werent going to get that value via draft no matter what. take it as an opportunity to send a message to both spiller and lynch. sometimes there is more value in acting decisively then there is waiting for something thats not real.

  3. why when it was clear the Chargers wanted to trade up for a back


    Nix said he was the guy they wanted and I have no problem with that




    exactly -- if they didnt have a back rated on the same level, you take him. if you have 3-4 close keep trading back til you cant anymore. this is how the pats made a living. yes they do trade back, but when they know they next pick is a big drop they will run to the mic also.

  4. Mel Kiper. He's so good. He liked Claussen better than Stafford.

    What a joke.



    lets wait a few years and see -- i dunno if this slide will be a gift or a curse. itll either humble him, or make him a headcase. my impression is humble, give time to grow into a leadership role, and a chance to keep learning what that means

  5. .. by simply calling Jon Gruden and asking who to take.


    I just re-watched the Gruden QB special where he sits down with Bradford, Clausen, McCoy, and Tebow - watching film and talkin football with all of them. He even took Tebow out and worked him out.


    A SB winning HC who is a toal QB guru/junkie is given one on one access to ALL of the top guys, watches all their tape, finds out what they are all about, and even gets a private workout. He got the interview of a lifetime with every one of them. What else do you need? If the Bills are not taking advantage of that they are a bunch of idiots.


    Buddy, call up Gruden and just ask who he would take!



    going out on a limb -- i imagine player visits are even bigger interviews -- complete with a ton of film time, and huge workouts. i bet chan got 1-1 access with all the qbs he wanted.

  6. If we draft Clausen or Tebow and they become a Pro Bowl, two-time Super Bowl winning quarterback everyone around here would be doing back flips, and rightfully so. There's no guesswork to Roethlisberger's on the field game. That's the bottom line. There are some sort of off the field issues with half the guys in the league right now. If you can come up with something that works for both sides, pull the trigger.



    its true, if they win 2 sb for buffalo we would be thrilled. just cause br did in burgh, doesnt mean he will win any for us. his prior rings bring us no glory, and no promise for future success. you might know what you get on the field, but at this point you no longer know whether he will actually be on the field. you cant say he learned his lesson this time, he didnt last time and put himself in a position to be accused again.


    if traded to buffalo which do you think is more likely within 5 years -- getting accused for rape again or winning a sb? i know it sounds like an troll comment but im actually curious what people think

  7. The real world? The real world is unfair, BS, full of people who just want to be victims, and just a rough place.

    He took the suspension without a word? It just came down today! His PR person and lawyer will be the mouthpieces of action. Plus, the Union, which has totally tucked tail in recent years, is who needs to fight the action. As part of any Union that's just how things work. Believe me, I am anti-Union, but I have worked in enough to know how they work. I am sure Ben has been out with dozens, if not hundreds, of women. How many of them have complained about him? I was not in the bathroom stall, I do not know what has happened. I would not have a problem if he took out any of my friends. He could not take out my girlfriend, she would never go because she is in a relationship with me.


    Go back to watching Nancy Grace and while you are at it, go write a letter to Duke about how the Lacrosse team was out of control for raping that woman! You'll get bonus points too, she is not only a woman, but a minority.



    your right, its not like he gets accused of rape every time he goes out. its a good standard of morality.



    ps. i dont know if youve noticed but a lot of stories have come out that are very consistent, even before the police report was public. just cause there havent been criminal complaints doesnt mean hes never crossed the line. i think there is a reason pittsburgh locals are selling him down the river right now.

  8. Agreed, but big plays are the key. That's what's necessary to score points and win in the NFL these days. That said, its a hell of a lot easier to generate 20+ yard gains with the passing game than the run. Unfortunately, I'm not sure the Bills get it even now. Its no great coincidence that they've been losing while also fielding arguably the worst passing attack in the NFL since 2003.



    i seem to remember the hit or miss 80 jp bonbs not being effective either. its a lot easier to prevent 20+ yard gains when you keep the ball in your hands with a running game and some ball control passing. 4 yards and a cloud of dust isnt effective every play, and neither is all or none big plays. balance, balance, balance. easier said then done

  9. I would love to pull the background reports on the players on the current roster. I bet there is more there than you'd believe.


    Lets name some, shall we? The rest of you, feel free to chime in, too!

    Bruce Smith - DUI several times

    Ko Simpson - He's Ko Simpson...B!tch.

    Daunte Whitner - Cleveland

    Lynch - running over a woman and having a gun

    Any I forgot?


    Taking pride in a football team is just that! I am a die hard fan, but when I go to sleep at night I know this is just a sports franchise who's players I have and sometimes will continue to praise highly. This is a team, a business, who only cares about our bottom dollar and I only care about the entertainment provided. I am not perfect and I am not going to judge anyone else, especially on a sports team I love to be perfect.



    its true, people have messed up. getting drunk and saying im ko simpson im worth millions, not the same as possible serial rapist. i think you see a lot of people that want marshawn gone for what hes done. when you talk about wearing a hat, jersey, going to games, people associate that with more then wins and losses.


    most football fans grow up watching with dad, share it with their own children, friends etc... a team becomes a value, not just a representation of how much you like to win but also becomes what kind of person you think you want to represent to the rest of the world. i take pride not just in watching lee evans outrun a db because hes faster, but because he is a class act. i can tell a friend im a fan and he doesnt look at me like im supporting rape. winning is good, winning with class is great...


    not to mention that i dont see pitt winning the sb with a franchise qb suspended 6 games this year. could prove me wrong but i think that its going to be a bit of a disadvantage for them to play through. just going out on a limb there.

  10. Think they have been saying something similar now for the past 20+ years.

    Maybe even before that (Air Coryell comes to mind).


    The original West Coast offense was partially based on the concept of using the short passing game in place of the running game. Then came the Run 'n Shoot offense, that was supposed to redefine the game into a passing one instead of a running one.


    How's that worked out?


    The old adage still applies. Run and stop the run.



    but... but... a few teams did well without that... dont pay attention to the vikings, jets, ravens, etc... in the playoffs. yet alone the saints being middle of the pack in 2008 before committing to the run this year.

  11. yea if that last strike happens and your out atleast a first round pick and dont have a franchise qb on your roster, i dont think the number of rings he has will matter much. will it happen? maybe. if the bills (and especially whaley) believe in him as a person you pull the trigger without a second thought. if not, it speaks volumes to what people really know outside the media.


    Again...THIS is why we as Bills fans, settle for what we get.



    WE DON'T WANT FOOTBALL PLAYERS...WE WANT NICE GUYS!!! (Or at least most of YOU do...I want to WIN!)



    Getting a 2-time Super Bowl Champion Winning Quarterback, entering his prime? Meh! No thanks!


    We'll just stick with Trent Edwards, Brian Brohm and Ryan Fitzpatrick...maybe bring in Vinny Testeverde...he's a good guy!



  12. Again, he was not convicted! You people must love the freedom of speech but forget innocent until proven guilty.


    As far as him coming in to Buffalo? It'd be great for him to come and hide in our small market while enjoying the pasion we have for football embraces him. Buffalo would be a great place for Ben who got lucky to end up in Pitt while thriving on some good teams.



    its true, i dont see him in jail -- and based solely on the legal facts, he shouldnt be. doesnt mean he didnt do anything wrong, or id want him in my community though. plenty of "innocent" people are terrible human beings. hes also one strike away regardless.

  13. So, is it an NFL Rule that NFL teams must run a "pro-style offense"? With all of these QBs putting up gaudy numbers in a college spread offense, why do the NFL teams try to put a square peg in a round hole and attempt to convert the kid to their "pro style offense"?


    What's stopping them from running a spread offense like Gailey did in KC with Thigpen??


    Alex Smith was taken with the #1 pick in 2005 by the Niners after an impressive statistical career at Utah in a spread offense. Their attempts to get him to play in the "pro-style offense" failed and he seemed a bust.


    It wasn't til this past season when his 4th offensive coordinator in 4 years (which obviously didn't help) put him in a spread offense in which he developed a rapport with Michael Crabtree, another product of a spread offense. The Niners pass offense improved significantly. Sure, Smith still didn't play to a Pro Bowl level but at least he was much more productive.



    i think part of it, is the spread relies on simple progressions and physical mismatches winning them. at the nfl level, you can find ways to isolate mismatches for plays but its hard for entire drives, and games at a time. perhaps tom brady to randy moss being the exception we witnessed in 18-1*


    you see very few teams relying on a single scheme all the time. the saints colts and patriots all use elements, but they use a lot of other skills to. qbs coming out of a spread often dont do the "higher level thinking" to run the other elements that as well. its easier to transition a pro style qb to run some spread plays, then a spread qb to learn footwork, reading a defense, etc...


    just my 2 cents....

  14. ESPN LinkAccording to the runmors Pittsburgh has contacted teams about Ben, including the Bills. Why would we not listen to these offers?


    From where we are we have no reason not to listen to what they may want. Asking for a 1st may be high, but we do not even know what they want! I would gladly give away a second round pick for him, issues or not. We aren't going to win it all next year and he is still young! Why not just simply see what they are asking!!!!


    it might not have been an official talk but im sure through the grapevine they each know the others terms pretty specifically for what they want and would give. nix not talking to the steelers gm doesnt mean he has the same info as you do by not speaking to the pittsburgh gm

  15. "Clausen is better then anything we have on this roster right now.."


    you must be basing this conclusion on all of the NFL games Clausen has played in <_<


    Clausen is no better than Brady Quinn, but with a better PR dept and a weak QB class.


    he may have physical tools but there is no proof he can handle the mental part of the game.

    his physical tools also do not include being able to consistently escape elite pass rushers who will be abusing our non-existent OTs.



    My guess is he is basing this off of the high completion percentage, great td to int ratio, numerous comebacks, and generally improved stats as he matured.... all while playing on an injured foot, with less then stellar help in the backfield. Not saying he's a future HOF but there are a few reasons to believe he miiiight be better then Joey harrington, or Brady Quinn. On the flipside, those guys wouldn't have been there unless someone thought they were better then Ryan leaf or akili smith. Anyone that speaks about qbs 100% good or bad in the draft is silly. I don't know if the maturity issues are real or not, and outside of a handul of people, no one will for awhile. Just like he might be getting hyped in a bad class, he might be getting knocked because they can't find solid cons on the game film. Media needs a story -- they will exaggerate to fill voids, a void of franchise qbs, or a void of drama when evaluating them. I think the only thing people love more them watching an underdog win is maybe someone given things too easily lose (ahem star qb at notre dame that just can't be perfect). I think that clausen has potential to play really well. If the maturity issues pop up ala Ryan leaf things could get ugly though. I won't lie, there are a few red flags but I also haven't researched like teams will when it comes to things like the black eye. I would like to hear more about his on field flaws then maturity tho at this point...

  16. He did win the lottery, Hurley mentioned it to Sawyer in this season's season opener on the "sideways" Flight 815.


    From Lostepidia: Episode LAX Part 1:


    "Leslie Arzt is pestering Hugo Reyes to do an impression of a character in his Mr. Cluck's commercial. Arzt finds it hysterical, then asks how a guy like him came to own a major corporation like Mr. Cluck's. Hurley replies that he won the lottery and happens to like chicken, leading a downcast Arzt to quickly excuse himself. Sawyer warns Hurley not to share his lottery win with strangers, saying it will make them try to take advantage of him, but Hurley brushes it off: can't happen, because he's the luckiest man alive. "



    question: did this change over the course of the season ala some other revelations on that flight. i seem to remember it being the franchise, and then this is 100% true too.....


    potential other examples


    1)desmond had a wedding ring on the plane, after, not so much

    2)claire had the name aaron picked out when talking to kate, didnt know the sex when talking to desmond


    i think things in sideways are not so cut and dry, perhaps not totally linear in nature. or maybe there is just a ton of stuff to keep track of haha

  17. Again GOOD! Fans are sick of paying hard earned money to go to a stadium and see Payton Manning etal sitting on the bench eating hotdogs.


    better then paying hard earned money for playoff tickets to see peyton sitting on the bench with his leg in a cast.

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