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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. I understand people are heavily involved in this. 11 workers were killed and 17 injured by the disaster. I think letting the idle workers collect unemployment for now is a good idea until they figure out how to keep something like that from ever happening again.


    I'm still mystified by the fact that nothing had to be pre-planned for a situation like this. I guess less government involvement is a good thing. :wallbash:



    lets be honest, would govt involvement have saved the day? it really seems that a large part of the problem was individuals doing flat out the wrong thing..... what preventative rules could be added?


    I keep hearing the "747 crashes do you ground them all" thing, which isnt truly a fair analogy even at the the most basic level but this is more and more like if the pilot snuck alcohol on board, and accidently turned off engine black out drunk, and then the plane crashed. the salt water instead of mud, the lack of an emergency call, and a number of other mistakes made.... its mind numbing. however at some level, you cant control something 100% as long as humans are involved.



    i do however agree, how the hell did no one have a plan for the aftermath - if a shutdown is in place, that should be the focus more then anything else. preventative rules are in place, but things even if astronomically rare, may happen and a plan needs to be figured out fast.


    i just dont think you close down the industry because of THIS incident. it doesnt appear to be a problem government fixes, and that the shutdown with the plans they have discussed is largely grandstanding for votes, and not hitting the core of the issues.

  2. Sure, but there is no league without the players...



    theres no wegmans without cashiers.... doesnt mean they arent employees too.....



    i get that players are a lot harder to come by at the highest level then a cashier, but I dont think the skill set of the elite players really lends itself to any other jobs of comparable pay either. they are employees, they have rights, but when it comes down to it, they are not partners.

  3. It's a sad commentary on our society when a celebrities talent is her life going down in flames. I mean what else does Lindsay Lohan do but make news for Entertainment Tonight and TMZ? At some point the press will lose interest. Either that or her last headline will be a suicide.




    Whats even more sad, is that she does have talent.... she just refuses to use it and is instead allowing herself to go down in flames......

  4. Not really. Stopping pumping in the gulf needs to be done to ensure another tragedy doesn't happen again. If it costs me fifty extra cents at the pump for the next few months so be it. It's worth it. It's not worth it to line some aholes pockets. Nobody knew if Enron was involved in market manipulation in California until they found the smoking gun. Unfortunately, smoking guns are few and far between. Most cases in US courts are tried on circumstantial evidence. So if you want to believe that the widow who raised her dead husbands life insurance just weeks before his death is innocent then it's your right. It's a silly belief but your entitled to it.



    Instead of stopping them indefinitely there could be thorough, efficient inspections and then get the ones that arent cutting corners back on line faster. This isnt just about you paying an extra $5 every week for gas, Its also about an estimated 20,000 middle class people losing jobs if this drags. There are towns with nearly 100% of the people employed by some stage of a drilling company in this area, what are those people supposed to do while Washington figures out what should happen? I understand the scope of what happened, and am probably more upset then anyone else reading this thread, but there is a middle point that can be reached on this. The incident itself looks like it has potential to come down to a small handful of individuals that made TERRIBLE (criminally negligent) judgement calls, and not necessarily even a wholesale failure of the regulations in place.


    I think that there is a very good chance that there are some tweaks to the system needed going forward, but this plan essentially leaves the top two industries in the state crippled (seafood, and oil), at a time when the state is going to be needing money the most (for cleanup).


    I havent read through all the threads and posts over here on the topic, but honest question -- how many people on here have direct contact with the gulf drilling industry? Whether it be through jobs, family involved, etc.....

  5. Or try picturing Belichick impersonating Jauron before a Bills game...saying "It's hard to win in the NFL"



    haha it really does speak volumes to the level of respect that some teams have in this league and some just have not been able to earn - I mean can you picture something like this with Gregg, mularkey, or even wade and it being anything more then a joke...... hopefully the upswing is near and we can hear about what chan has been doing

  6. that is my point, where is it?



    there was one in new orleans about a month ago --- not nearly as big nationally but some effort.



    where i think people in this thread really missed the boat is there is a huge need for money today -- yes bp will pay 20 years from now, but who is going to pay for sand, booms, boats, etc... today, cause bp is woefully underfunding that, and the local communities dont have the cash to pay for it. if they would open up the check books a lot of environmental damage could be prevented.

  7. You're being misled by listed height and weight. As I've been saying, trust your eyes. It's not difficult.


    LT was a very powerful player. He was powerfully built…eyeballed much different than Maybin.


    LT had the strength to throw off and drive back blockers who overcompensated for his speed.


    If Maybin succeeds he will be a different type of player.


    The two aren't even remotely similar. Their body types are very different.



    Also, think of the difference in size of everyone on the field when comparing two players 20 years apart...... how much bigger are lineman today?

  8. I have a lot of friends in the region. The stuff they are telling me just makes me sick. Personally, I would like BP out of our country, but that probably isn't feasible in the real world.



    Just want to say, as a resident of the region, I could certainly tell you things that would make you sick......



    Its terrible, I want to keep up with the news and know whats going on.... but the degree of false information, or at the very least vague information on both sides is killer for someone so close to it.


    One day you here "success! its contained/stopped/plugged!" Sadly it seems like 2-3 days later you hear "never mind, that didnt work, and btw, its kind of spilling somewhere between 3 and 73 times as much as we originally thought.... our bad guys"

  9. I think Dilfer is absolutely correct. When he first started playing for us, we all saw it: The efficiency, the accuracy, the control of the huddle. I recall after the SD victory teammates were so high on Trent they couldn't say enough good things about him. Then he got hit, and hit badly, and wasn't quite the same due likely to a combination of the hit, the OLine, the playcalling, and the coaching. Trent's regression, and our frustration with him the last 2 seasons, is due to his level of coaching over that period. We had a first time offensive coordinator the first year of his struggles, and HIS ASSISTANT running it the next.


    Now don't get me wrong, I have always like AVP. But if you don't think he was over his head and out-classed in terms of strategy, playcalling, and gameday tactics, you're probably a member of the Van Pelt family. Worse, Jauron didn't even give Trent a dedicated QB coach. AVP was preparing and running the offense and serving as QB coach. No QB in the league had LESS COACHING, LESS attention to detail paid to his work on the field.


    Trent was at a RIDICULOUS disadvantage over the past 2 years. I still believe Trent is a good quarterback and will prove himself to be the best of our current lot.


    This is much the camp you will find me in -- many of these "uncorrectable" mistakes have gotten worse, so why cant they get better? These instincts can only deteriorate, they cant be improved? makes little sense to me. Will he succeed is a whole different question then does he have the baseline tools that are needed. I think he certainly has those. Hes smart, hes physically strong enough to play, but will everything come together? we will see.

  10. I think that is a fair point. And, lets be real, no one wants Trent to succeed more than Bills fans. If our hole at QB could be miraculously filled, it would be wonderful. Going into draft day 2011 with the sole goal of filling out our O-Line would be quite the luxury. And I agree, the entire system last year was garbage. Looking at how Gailey and Nix have run the team so far and makes it even more apparent how unfit Jauron was for the job of HC. Having a no huddle offense with a rookie offensive line was crazy. Having a 3rd year QB running the no huddle was just as crazy. Trent had a different O-coordinator every year. And last year Schonert got dismissed a week before the season started. AVP, was an average QB coach and had no business calling the offensive plays.


    That being said, Trent needs to accept some of the responsibility. His inability to throw down field cannot be understated. And his unwillingness to throw into traffic is equally troubling. That is not stuff that can be coached. That is all instinct.


    So, while I would love to see Trent succeed, and I think the coaches are going to give him every opportunity to take the starting job.... I won't be sold until he can cosistently make NFL throws. You can blame his failures on the coaches all you want. But a good number of players were not sold on Trent either. So there is more to the story than just bad coaching.



    you can coach instinct. its simply a matter of him seeing his reads, and trusting what he sees. just because he didnt feel comfortable, or the throws werent there, doesnt mean it cant happen in the future.

  11. Actually, I think 3-4 defenses usually keep 7 DL and 9 LB (4 DE, 3 NT, 4 ILB, 5 OLB).


    The DL is set (Stroud, Edwards, Johnson, Carrington, Williams, Troup, Harvey).


    The 4 ILB's will probably be Posluszny, Mitchell, Davis, and Moats.


    The Schobel situation makes predicting the OLB's more difficult. The 1st spot goes to either Schobel or Kelsay. Maybin is a definite, Torbor and Batten are probable, and the 5th spot should be a toss-up between Ellis, Harris, and Coleman.


    I wouldn't expect to hear anything from Schobel until the start of mandatory training camp. The dude is obviously using all the time he can to decide on his future pro career.



    Wasn't torber an ilb in Miami????

  12. That's fine. He is a salary employee. He is also a unionized employee. Per the collective bargaining agreement, he is afforded the luxury to not come to voluntary workouts.


    He is exercising his right to not show up. It's not that big of a deal. As a salary employee, if your boss says "You can come in on Saturday or Not, it's not mandatory, then you're going to tell me you're showing up on Saturday?"


    yes, i probably would show up -- at the very least it would not be a situation where i said id be in a little late, and then not show.

  13. Really? No one "humble" would become involved with a Kardashian in some kind of celebrity rag coupling.


    He is considered a selfish pr!k in LA. Many stories of his entitled behavior from people in the USC program. Just because he does charity work in NO doesn't mean he is a saint! He and Leinart, as well as many other recent USC guys, get the star treatment in Los Angeles, and surrounded by talent at USC, believe their own hype.



    i live like two blocks from him. I on a regular basis see him out, and know on a personal basis many people that interact with him day to day during the season. He, and many other players frequent the bar at the end of my block, never seen him act like a selfish prick. but yes, im sure what you read in the celebrity rags is accurate. the fact that he has been nothing but a team player, and does community service you would never imagine should totally be overruled by the fact he dated kim k. im not saying he is a perfect shining example and has never ever done anything you could point to for your argument but hes a pretty solid dude from my experience. even in his play on field he has said something about staying grounded too== developing into the best blocking back on the team for example. most prima donnas dont really worry about things like that.


    yes he did go to usc and has a LA lifestyle. he is a celebrity, but that does not make him a prick. you just come off jealous.

  14. Completely kidding, my son is 14 and I would consider him a competent user, unlike many of my co-workers :thumbsup: , but he hasn't surpassed me...yet. I am sure there are kids out there that are capable of what Fez described. I doubt most would even think of Googling "work around keystroke logger" though.



    no, most probably wouldnt, but how many might google buffalo bills news and come to a site like this and read enough to start them on their way to bypassing it. thats the beauty of the internet, you find things you wouldnt even think of looking for pretty easily.

  15. I have to disagree. I just think that while most 12 year olds will have a cursory knowledge of computers and the internet, enough to fix small problems, etc, they will not be able to find, or even think about the possibility of, stealthy programs that you installed while they were sound asleep.


    I don't have kids, nor do I interact with any around the age of 12, so maybe I'm wrong at this point.



    I know -- its not like he could read this message board and learn all about them.....

  16. Whitner's full comments.


    Chris Brown

    Posted May 27, 2010 – 3:48 pm

    Tags: Donte Whitner, OTAs

    With the first week of OTAs in the books, Donte Whitner and his teammates that were here last year have been indoctrinated by the new coaching staff as to how they’re going to prepare for football under Chan Gailey. According to Whitner it’s completely different from what they did in the past.


    “Even if we thought we were working hard before, it’s a lot harder now,” said Whitner. ”So it’s almost like a welcome to the NFL type of thing. The weight room its totally different thing from the way we lift, the style of lifting, the things we do, the running. It’s almost going back to college knowing how hard you work and running the gassers. That’s what it’s going to take for us to win everybody in top peak shape. We’ve been in the top 3 the past couple of year in injuries. That should help us, so I think we’ll be pretty good.”


    When specifically asked by a media member if the camps under the previous coaching regime were too easy Whitner was of the opinion that they were.


    “I don’t want to ruffle any feathers, but I would say yes,” he said. ”I really feel like that, now looking at the way we work now and the way we worked collectively before yes, totally yes.”




    I think the almost like going back to college is the saddest part.... he came to the nfl and this is his wakeup call because its as hard as things used to be at OSU now? wow.

  17. I don't pretend to watch hours upon hours of college football leading up to the draft like some people on here claim....but I do have a couple connections in the NFL scouting circles whom I pick the brain of every year pre-draft.


    For what it's worth, I specifically asked both of them about Spiller prior to the Bills taking him, and they both said that while he has the speed and elusiveness to be a gamebreaker, he also has plenty of college game tape where he shows a willingness to run inside, an understanding of showing patience, waiting for his blocking to develop and unlike a lot of 4.2 speed backs, he understands not every play is a 60 yard run, and he does a great job of keeping his offense on schedule.


    Just an FYI.


    Reggie Bush never ran inside at college.




    Also, for what it's worth....if Reggie Bush were on the Bills, he would still be one of our top 5 players.



    Would anyone care to venture who the others would be ahead of him? honest question...


    if we got a bush like player in spiller, he might instantly be the best player on the team.

  18. Reggie Bush peaked in college. His problem isn't his size, or skill set, it's his head. He is a selfish, spoiled D-bag. Watch the interviews with Spiller. He comes across well, and has a humble vibe. I think he will be better than Bush.



    thats one of the least educated comments ive ever seen about bush -- hes been nothing but humble and accepted gracefully not being "the star" of the team. he can go weeks without serious touches and has never complained. active and hugely positive role model in a very needy community.

  19. What does Jackson bring to the table again? We know it's not TDs 0:)



    Honestly, hes a strong versatile back that is well suited to run with either. I would compare him to Pierre Thomas if we are sticking with the NO backfield. Maybe not the greatest at any one aspect, but right up there in all dimensions. Probably get the bulk of the work week in and week out with the other two coming in situationally to dictate to a defense.

  20. Also -- Reggie in the playoffs -- i think its 5 games? 5 touchdowns.




    Rushing: 33 ATT - 188 YDS - 5.6 YPC - 2 TD

    Receiving: 20 REC - 249 YDS - 12.4 YPC - 2 TD

    Returning: 10 RET - 144 YDS - 14.4 YPR- 1 TD



    Looks like 2 returns, 6 carries, 4 receptions, about 90 yards from scrimmage and 30 return yards, 1 td per game averaged. He is also considered the best of the blockers in the backfield. If Spiller can on a semi regular basis put those numbers up, I am more then happy

  21. The Spiller pick is already resignating throughout the Bills RB corps.


    Jackson (a guy that has ALWAYS been underestimated) is already looking to 'prove' his worth. His heart as well as ability will only elevate his play.


    Lynch has already spoken on how he wants to "restore his reputation" as a viable NFL back. This should also increase his game (or be the final nail in his coffin if he doesn't live up to it.)


    Because all three backs posess different skill sets, I believe there will be specific down/distance scenerios that each are used.


    In comparing to Bush........Bell, Thomas, Bush and McCallister all thrived at different points of the season(s)

    ----Granted, we don't have Brees behind center but an intelligent use of each back is the point being made.



    It also allows you to gameplan for the defense better -- small and quick? pound marshawn. Big thumpers, let spiller out run them. It takes pressure off the qb to have the 3 skill sets available. if a defense is well suited to stop one style, you have other alternatives instead of putting it all on the qbs shoulders.

  22. The problem with Reggie Bush is that he doesn't understand how to carry the ball in the NFL. Often he tries to make the big play instead of taking the yards that are available. Before he came out I was watching a USC game with some friends and the announcers were talking about Bush possibly being the number one pick. I thought it was odd that they would say that considering Bush wasn't even the best back on his own team. Lendale White took the bulk of the carries between the tackles and the hard short yards. However, if you watch C.J. Spiller, he understands how to carry the ball between the tackles and get what is available. That's why he'll have more success in the NFL as running back.


    But thats the thing -- his ability to produce that big play, makes everyone around him better at there jobs. Its not something you want every down, but that explosive ability changes the game. Pierre Thomas and Bell were the grind it out backs last year. Bush was the one that "opened things up." Picture Jackson and Lynch filling that role, with Spiller hitting homeruns every game or two.

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