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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. Do we take anything away from Jordan with the team that was around him?


    Larry Bird, McHale, Parrish...and all the guys that played with them?


    Magic, Worthy and Kareem...and the cast they had around them?


    There have been stronger teams with SEVERAL hall of famers on them, players BETTER THAN Wade and Bosh...and we never took anything away from those team when they won championships.



    I do not support this, but I could care less...I am a Celtics fan and will be a Knicks fan if they get Carmelo!



    I do give Bron-Bron credit though for leaving A LOT of money on the table and going for the rings.


    What if wade or bosh walk out with the MVP awards and king James is the Scottie pippen-- great player but way different legacy. What if we end up discussing wade and the great supporting cast when comparing someone to jordan?

  2. Fitz iz in!


    QB RULE 26-27-60



    from cnnsi.com

    "Since 1998, these are some of the NFL quarterbacks who aced all three parts of the Rule of 26-27-60: Peyton Manning, Phillip Rivers, Eli Manning, Drew Brees, Tony Romo, Matt Schaub, Kyle Orton, Kevin Kolb, Matt Ryan, Ryan Fitzpatrick and Matt Stafford"


    Read more:




    The one other qualifier id add is level of competition -- note that harvard is not exactly an SEC powerhouse. Obviously still not 100%


    ie 25-26-27-60


    Adding Top 25 season

  3. [*]Can our DB's who thrived in a zone style Tampa 2, now become cover corners?


    atleast this one im not worried about


    a)even in a base C2, you still have a lot of plays that are not 100% zone, that was just the base defense, not the only.

    b)in a 3-4 you can still play in a C2 shell over the top of the defense

  4. The correct logical reasoning, unfortunately, would be that if even great college coaches have trouble in the NFL, than average college coaches will fail Miserably. We shall see...



    actually, the original poster (if i remember correctly) was probably the closest to being right -- college and pro are not like going from AAA baseball to pro. Theres a lot of differences, and things that work in college, wont in pro, and vice versa. The gap in talent on teams, recruitment, and dealing with men instead of boys all make coaching very different at the two levels. its more then just x's and o's -- although those change too.


    i believe its possible to not be great in college, and great in the pros. clearly there is a relationship, but i would guess the correlation is not near what people would think

  5. Just so that you know you're not alone, I also recall seeing flashes of good play from him his first couple of years, so was disappointed when he kept missing his "chance to step up" every year. At this point, absent a fantastic camp he's probably simply cut.....


    Agreed. That one season (whichever it was that he played a decent amount early) he showed that he can make plays, and does have physical talent -- makes me wonder how much is the foot injuries, the back, and motivation. It was silly to move up for him, but he had potential to be that penetrating DT that the C2 relied on..... just never put it all together. Maybe end will work in the 3-4, who knows.

  6. Similar words were spoken about '08's #3, DE Chris Ellis. We just have to wait and see...hope he hits the field better/quicker than Ellis. The BUF club hasn't had much of a sharp eye when it came to drafting DLs in recent years.


    An aside - The current staff was pretty dumb IMO, in announcing to the other 31 clubs that they would commit to a 3-4 before the draft. Same thing with the publicized "scatback" desire. Reminds me of the previous crowd that chirped about the "no-huddle" offense. The draft is in a way, like playing poker. Which I am miserable at - but I do know that keeping your cards close...matters.



    The 3-4 thing was kind of given away once they hired the DC..... theres hiding your cards--- but people still know what deck your playing with.

  7. Did research on Masoli a year and a half ago when I had read a couple of articles on him. Went on to watch all the highlight films I could find on him and have even posted about him here on TSW in the past.


    So I copied and pasted some things though,



    Whats it to you? just curious



    Highlight films tend to be..... not the most balanced. Even bad players can have a couple minutes of highlights thrown together. A real assessment would be what he plays like on average, over the course of drives, quarters, games, or as the other posters indicated, seasons.... not his 10 best plays ever.


    As for articles, unfortunately most of the recent seem to be talking about things other then his football skills.


    Certainly not piling on you, but I have read some promising things about his college career, but havent seen any article suggest he could do anything in the NFL. He has speed, and athleticism, but he does not have elite speed, is undersized, lacking the arm and passing game IQ.... You can get by in college being slightly above average across the board, and a few knocks like size, but in the pros you are generally looking for ELITE at as many of those as possible, and be above average even in your worst (yes exceptions exist). Masoli is elite at nothing.

  8. In 2008 Masoli emerged from the 3rd string QB position because of injuries and went on to throw for 13 TD's, ( 5 interceptions) rush for 10 more TD's and set an Oregon rushing record for QB's with 714 yards rushing and also led his team to a 42-31 victory in the Holiday Bowl against Oklahoma State. ( named MVP )


    In 2009 Masoli appeared on the cover of sports Illustrated, He led the Ducks to an upset win against #5th ranked USC Trojans with 222 yards passing and 164 yards rushing/ 2 TD's. Masoli helped the Ducks win the PAC 10 championship advancing them to the Rose Bowl where they went on to lose 26 -17 against the Buckeyes.


    I could go on to post indiviual performances from games that are just as impressive and for a horrible football player Jeremiah Masoli accomplished allot in a very short time span with the Ducks. (Give me some horrible)


    Masoli is the perfect Kordell Stewart/Slash type player for Chan Gailey. The guy on numerous occassions has personally strapped the Ducks football team on his shoulders and carried them to victory.


    If I was Gailey/ Nix I would give some strong consideration for a somewhat troubled, but very gifted athlete in Jeremiah Masoli.


    Just what i always wanted, kordell stewart with baggage.



  9. one of the posters here lives in Florida and plays flag football with Anquan Boldin and a few other big time NFL players. He said they go easy against most everyone, but go all out when they play against each other. I think the poster was Dazed and Confused. I cannot imagine trying to cover Steve Smith. It is my opinion that the toughest thing to do in sports is cover a top WR one on one



    I dont think this was steve's approach -- word has it after losing the first game, he pressured teammates into joining the league.

  10. So this guy is playing flag football at HIS camp for kids, and he deserves a broken arm? Just because of an ego? Man, Jim Kelly deserved to be in a body cast with that logic!!



    Was actually in a recreational, over 30 league, in which he signed up under a false name and after losing the first game pressured teammates to join.


    he then lied and said it was at his youth camp.



    big difference, big time jerk.

  11. Two years ago is two years ago. Last year players got $10M/year. And if both sides are talking contract, Brown won't care that they're playing him at RT. He's been a LT all his career and will want to be paid at that position. If the Redskins are just planning on keeping him for a year, thinking they have a chance to win it all this year, that's a different story and a waste of picks and money.


    You made it sound like the Saints were close to the salary cap. I was saying that $3.6M in insurance for a $13M QB is worth it, if he's as good as you're claiming.


    Moss also said that he'd only play for the Patriots. I already said that Brown probably told the Saints he wouldn't play for Buffalo. That is, IF the Bills were interested in him.


    I think the whole "building through the draft" thing is overplayed. What they probably meant is that they're going with younger players. Not trading for 29 year old players coming off injury. And I wouldn't expect those players to go for less than a 3rd rounder, if even that low.



    I will agree it is wholly possible he would "veto" a trade to buffalo by refusing to sign long term. He is well worth the 3.6M for one year, but to simplify it that much is overdoing it. You have issues of team chemistry, carrying 5 tackles on the roster, and getting compensation while you can. I wont forget to mention, loomis and payton are both borderline spiteful when a player gets in the dog house, and brown was in theirs for several reasons. Whether those are justified, I am not 100% sure.

  12. So you want to sign a guy to huge contract to be a 500 team? A contract that the Superbowl winning Saints (the current Omnipotent gods of Talent Evaluators on TBD) consider a horrible enough proposition to let him go without making much of an attempt to keep him when they don't seem to have a much better backup situation at LT than what the Bills do?


    What makes that contract better for the Bills than the Saints? Aren't we hoping this regime stops making horrible decisions like the Dockery deal?




    The saints have a much better situation. Bushrod would start here, Strief would start here, Stinchcomb is a pro bowler, they drafted charles brown in the second this year. whoever starts here would not even make the saints team.


    That said, they have to make choices too -- finances, and chemistry. Also, the hip injury that everyone harps on for keeping him out last year, should be the least of concerns -- He has a bad back, and bad knees -- worrisome for a 30 yr old lineman. it wasnt just talent that caused them to cut and move on. the player lining up day one of this season for the redskins has pro bowl potential. My main concern would be for how many years. They had the depth to move on. We do not.


    Jammal would be a starter on the saints team week one if he wanted to be there, dont fool yourself. He was very upset with the front office for both the contract, and his injury situation (was healthy before the playoffs, resents not being able to be a part of everything). I had first heard rumblings of sour relationships back in 08 though, on both sides. In the end, he didnt even go to the ring ceremony this week. Also, to be frank, Loomis and Payton have been known to hold grudges, and close the door on people that upset them personally.


    Brown wouldnt be the great savior for this team but that is incredible value for a player of his caliber. Couple that with the fact there is a glaring need for talent up front, and it is questionable. If they do chase McNeill (same chronic back problems as brown), Gaither (work ethic questions), or Penn (weight issues), or draft a guy high next year (crapshoot -- Mike Williams?), there are no promises they will find higher quality, and all of those would be more expensive both in picks spent and money.


    Given the low cost, if nothing is done this year, I will be disappointed/worried, but we have yet to see how this will all play out...

  13. It's called "the market rate for Pro Bowl LT's." The Redskins either will give him a contract averaging about $10M/year, or let him play under his tender and then make a decision. I can only surmise that they feel this is their year to win a SB.


    First of all, there is no cap this year. Second of all, all they needed to do was have him play for the year under his $3.6M tender, at worst as insurance. They didn't want to do that. And no one else except for the Redskins, who have had a track record of failing miserably with these high priced/profile moves, was willing to make a deal for him, otherwise he wouldn't have been moved for just a 3rd, much less a 4th, rounder.


    Again, when a guy who was/is a Pro Bowl LT gets moved for a 3rd or 4th rounder, it's obvious not that many people were interested in him. As for the Raiders, I couldn't care less about what they do.


    It's hard to say whether Gaither, McNeill, or Penn would be "worth" huge contracts. I've heard Gaither has a poor work ethic and there have been suggestions that McNeill does as well. Penn I don't know. But I'd much rather "take a flyer" on those guys, who aren't 29 and coming off a missed season.



    I suppose I would reference that his market rate might be lower -- as its a 3 or 4, with picks coming back, instead of a 1 or 2+


    It is quite the gap between say a peters who could command that contract, and what brown got for his team. If hes not worth probowl picks, he probably wont get probowl money.


    Realistically I would expect a contract of maybe 4 years, 25 mill (as a rough estimate).

  14. This is the crux of the problem with fans. It's a huge need for *you*, not "us" or "The Bills".


    They've stated that they want 'young'. Brown is not young. Why would they throw away their philosophy for one player?


    As much as we want to bash on Bell, Wang, etc...The Bills don't know what they have and if the project is such a huge rebuild then signing this one player before you've been able to evaluate your station would be stupid. If they sign Brown to a big extension then they are locked into him for however long that extension is for and that would likely be 2-3 years for a guy coming off an injury.


    Last year was bad for many players on the Offensive line, but considering the competence level of the coaching staff. No one knows if some of these guys are salvageable.


    What I really fail to grasp is that the same people who put this team as one step above a little league team want to make signings to 'win now'. If the Bills are so far away how does singing s player that won't be here or will be too old by the time they're ready to compete help or does Jamal Brown make them an instant contender? Seriously?


    It's entirely possible that he's a great player and could provide a huge boost, but a player seeking a large extension coming off a serious injury and was on a Superbowl winning team may not be the most motivated person in the world to give his all to a team who's playoff prospects look dim.


    Can we all stop being the kid desperate for a date to the prom? We don't need to ask our cousin to go just because we don't have a date yet. I'd rather get the 'right' player than overpay another offensive lineman who isn't going to be what's needed just because he is a name we heard on ESPN at some point and doesn't play for the Bills.


    I am not a fan of giving away the house for one player, but this would hardly be the case. I think a premium contract would be the biggest cost, and I think we will see that Brown will get a good, but not knockout deal. I am looking at the value in potentially finding out whether we have our qb of the future or not. Im not saying edwards or brohm are that guy, but what if one is, and we end up picking up a guy in the first next year, because what we had spent a year on their back, getting killed.


    We have had the same questions for years because of poor line play, and I would like to have an answer, before investing another pick in a qb. if that costs trading down a couple of rounds, so be it.


    that said, id rather have mcneil, or gaither, but brown at that price is very attractive.

  15. Fair enough point, but I disagree, I think giving up a 3rd is a bad deal. I think it sets us back. You get a guy that you have to give up picks for, that you have to sign to a lucrative extension, to only have that investment really mean anything a couple of years from now. Then he'd be that much closer to the downside of his career even if the chance you took on a player coming of season ending surgeries is healthy.



    Couple points.... Again, he was IRed but it wouldn't have been a season ending injury. That's part of why he wants out, he's unhappy they shelved him when he couldve played by years end.


    Also, you aren't straight giving up picks- it's a trade of a 3 and 5 so you are dropping 60 or so picks. Is a player in the 5th coupled with brown going to bring more talent to the team then a 3rd round player? I think so.

  16. And you think the Bills are a 30 year old Lineman that is going to want a huge contract, coming off season ending surgery, that we have to mortgage a portion of our future to trade for, away from ........ (fill in the blank)?


    I never said he'd take us to the playoffs. He wouldn't be my first choice but sending a 3 for jb and a 5 is a pretty good deal. By having a functional line you can evaluate many other positions properly. By essentially trading back 60 picks in the draft you get to see a much better picture of what your needs are.

  17. The only thing hurt is Brown.


    "Brown, a two-time Pro Bowl selection and the man responsible for protecting quarterback Drew Brees' blindside, underwent surgical procedures to repair a sports hernia and a hip injury last month and will miss the entire season, the Saints' release said."


    I'm not giving up a 3rd round pick, have to sign him to a huge long term deal, for a 30 year old LT coming off season ending multiple surgeries.



    He wouldn't have been out all season but they shelved him to free up the roster spot.... He could have played by the end of the year

  18. No.


    Schobel may not play. If something happens to Lynch, he might miss a year too.


    i think anything with schobel involved would include a promise to play......




    ill throw this out again -- jammal brown and lance moore

    a young player forced to the bench, and an aging former probowler with concerns


    brown and moore are probably more valuable but both would need fresh contracts.


    i dont think it would be impossible, but would hinge on a commitment from schobel -- and yes, it is very maddenesque but there are actual rumors in the saints organization that they would like to package the two if possible, and they have an interest in marshawn.

  19. Hey, if it makes more sense for you to to believe this is all rigged.........whatever it takes make it through the day, I guess.


    nope- far from rigged. But I think the refs understand entertainment value and ratings too. A lot of you act like it would be hard in football but I know guys working there way through the system from highschool to college with eyes for the pros and have heard reference to "giving teams a chance." think the controversial just give it to them quote


    I'm not saying rigged, but that there can be opportunities handed out- what a team does with them is up to the team. Biiiig difference from all games are fixed and there's a team of writers scripting everything.

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