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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. You are what your record says you are. Jets were 11-8 last year and unless they have major problems with hold outs or injuries, there is no reason to think they won't be better this year with Sanchez maturing and the addition of a few quality vets.



    You are, and I'm not trying to totally discredit them. There's no reason to think they can't repeat but a lot of reasons to think they won't. The door opened and they ran through it, but you can't count on that door to be open. They have not proven they can hang with or beat the elite, just that they can beat or split with the good.

  2. Of course you do. It's not the Jets fault both the Colts and Bengals laid down the last two weeks of the season, is it? Plus, we in Buffalo learned the hard way that those back up players come to play, anybody remember the Steelers game to end the 2004 season? Bledsoe and his hot Bills came home on a 6 game winning streak and the Steelers rested plenty of starters and yet the Bills got their butts kicked. The Jets still had to play those games and they won them both. When everything mattered, and all the starters played, the Jets won two road playoff games to make it to Indy for the AFC Championship game.


    Sure they could have a let-down season, have less luck and suffer worse injuries then last year, and end up falling back this sesason. But don't try to minimize the fact that they got hot with some help when it counted to make the playoffs, and they took advantage of it almost all the way to the SB.


    Remember the Colts SB season in '06? They had the worst running defense in the NFL, and then got hot the last 5 or 6 weeks of the season when they finally got Bob Sanders back healthy. When the playoffs started, they kicked ass right through to their Lombardi Trophy over the Bears. How many experts thought that would happen weeks earlier when Jacksonville ran through them for like 300 yards rushing on a Monday or Sunday Night TV game???


    They have proven they can do it. 7-7 before that proves they aren't so distinctly dominant though. I think it's very early to put them in the elite. To compare that colts team to the 7-7 jets isn't fair. They were perenial contenders with one of the all time great qbs. Revis can't effect a game like manning. You can't say anyone doubted the colts could, just a matter of if they would. Without looking, I doubt that colts team lost 6 out of 7 like the jets did last year. Oh yea they only lost 4 all year and were 10-3 at the time. 14-2 the year before, and already gotten their 10th win for the 4th or 5th straight year.



    As for talent


    I like t jones more then shonn at starter

    I like shonn over lt at backup

    I like Leon over just about anyone at 3

    Cromartie is soft, and a big part of why sd lost

    With Holmes, is there a pair of starting wideouts with more discipline issues?

    Sanchez, yes was a rookie, but was wildly inconsistent. Will he step up, or back?




    The colts showed they could year in and year out, the jets HOPE they can move from getting breaks to being able to prove they deserve to be there this year. How many teams like the jets fall off after a run like that and end up playing like that 7-7 team from the other 14 games? Most.

  3. They have the talent to win any game, but realistically won about half last year. That has to say something.


    They also took on the corner who lost the playoff game for San diego, an over the hill back, and a drug suspension wr as their star additions. I'm skeptical. They've proven they CAN get there.... But consistently? Or all the way? Far from certain.

  4. The Jets are so overrated people forget that while their D is killer (Although a little shallow on the front 7) their QB is one that isn't a championship QB. Also questions about their RB's (Tomlinson is old, Greene might not hold up over a season, and the rest of their RB's are unproven) and O-line (Rookie at LG) factor into some concerns for the Jets.


    Everyone points to those last few games but in reality they beat cincy, a surprise playoff team, sd who drops the ball every year, and split the colts with the win against backups. Granted-- they did win in, but they were no powerhouse. Wasn't it about week 12 that Ryan thought they were eliminates but screwed up the math? Again, they were in but got a lot of help - at week 14 would anyone have said superbowl contender? Do you discount a whole season for a hot month

  5. Yes, I called her a jackass. She called to complain with the course until she found out it was Ben then she called the cops.


    She can wave a gun around on a golf course? WTF are you talking about? He didn't piss on her lawn it was on the course. She just saw the offender from her yard. Your logic is ridiculous. If someone wants to piss on my yard they will get my driver up their ass. If they piss 5 feet on the other side of my fence.. so what?



    or did she call to complain and when they didnt do anything she called the police? maybe it was how the golf course handled it that helped escalate, not the person that did it?

  6. Williams and Mularky will likely never be HCs again. They aren't mentally cut out for it.


    Payton is a bit of a d-bag, but he did turn around the program in NO. Sure, he had Brees (a QB who was dumped in SD for a rookie), but he got won the SB after a couple of mediocre/crappy seasons. He's aggressive and somewhat of an innovator. Not sure which HC past (20 years) or present would fit that description.



    Williams will if he wants to be. He is enjoying working with his son in new orleans right now, but in a year or two, if the defense plays as well as last year -- dont doubt he will be offered jobs.


    One of Paytons biggest priorities with a coaching gig was support in getting his guy at qb. It worked, and I think he would have demanded that support wherever he went. He is aggressive, imaginative, and a VERY hard worker. I dont foresee the John Fox comment that someone made, as he has immense support from the city and front office.

  7. That yahoo woman reporting this should have pressed charges.


    Would have showed her as the idiot in need of help, not Ben.


    We have all met people like that woman before, and they make the world a worse place than morons like Roethlisberger.




    To take it at its simplest terms, it was a silly offense for him to put himself in the position for someone to report. He was about to tee off on 18 -- he couldn't wait 10-15 mins to get back to the clubhouse? If he couldn't, why do you think that is? Too much Gatorade?


    At this point ben whipping it out in public is about as smart as stallworth driving home after a beer or mike Vick buying a puppy. It just doesn't take that much common sense to stay away from situations that look bad. And yes I know I'll get flamed for the comparison -- from an NFL standpoint bens was possibly worse on the common sense scale as he's suspended and trying to get a couple games back.

  8. So Bens friend needs to urinate, and instead of pissing his pants he pees on the ground. I have no problem with that. Its natural after all.


    It appears the woman saw someone, called the clubhouse and described them (big ben) and filed a complaint - cops show up, friend takes credit.


    Definitely not the end of the world, just when you are trying to have a suspension reduced.... You might want to keep your name away from anything remotely controversial. Also, I won't be surprised if alcohol restrictions are part of his punishment

  9. The entire concept of the FCC seems so counterintuitive to the first amendment.


    I do find it ironic that the comments on the article censored for a low rating were all those in favor of censorship. I wonder what they think of being on the other side and getting censored.

  10. I'm sure most will say so what--



    1) what's the over under on how many beers he drank?


    2) what will it take for him to realize the gravity of the situation he's in? Does he not realize even an innocent thing could be terrible? At this point he can't afford a speeding ticket, he NEEDS to make the choice easy for goodell to reinstate

  11. 20...but I think they moved a decimal place to the right...2.0 sounds more accurate



    I think the rule of thumb is a 20 corresponds to a 100 on a standard IQ test. 100 is considered average. I'd say impulse control and entitlement are much more the issue.


    I wouldn't be surprised if, like Chris Henry he had some brain trauma, or at the very least a history of abuse. Not an excuse, but at some level I'm curious how/why people end up like he is...

  12. Here is what the NFL/R. Goddell should do (in my humble opinion) for cases such as these. If a player is convicted of leaving the scene of an accident then he would be immediately suspended for 16 regular season games with out the chance to play in pre/post season games. Should the conviction happen x games into the current season, that than player would be suspended for remainder of the season and n number of games in the following season so that the suspension is 16 games total.


    Convicted of DWI- your ass is grass for 2 full seasons!


    Leaving the scene and DWI- Forget about playing for 3 seasons


    If they don't get tough on the players the NFL will end up like the NBA. Goddell needs to kick some ass. Yeah yeah, I know; "but that's too hard on the players". Bull Shite. Wether they like it or not, players represent the organization and kids look up to them. If a teacher, lawyer or Doctor did something like that, their careers would be in serious jeopardy.


    Your plan reenforces the problem of leaving being worse then staying. If they leave it's rare they get caught for DUI unless they get pulled over near immediately. Once they dump the car, they are golden on the DUI. Now not only will they have the legal reason to run but a full years salary in addition to the stigma of a second year out of the league. Granted I agree the punishment needs to be harsh, but you have to think about what you are incentivizing a person to do once the accident occurs, and hitting the gas is the worst possible

  13. Then here's my problem with that. If they know its too much data making reception ****ty, why not immediately stop selling smartphones, which you know will cause more network deterioration, until the have more capacity? Wouldn't that be a responsible thing to do? It would be like a cable company realizing that for every new subscriber it gets, the surrounding houses lose a tiny bit of their reception quality and continuing to hook up new TVs.


    And here lies the problem with that -- cable lines are stationary. I can drive/fly/walk my cell phone into any city I want. Likewise I can I can have one shipped to me from wherever I want. Where does the line fall? I get terrible service in the superdome during saints games, or during special events in the city. Does that mean no more iPhones in new Orleans? If it does, do you stop selling them nationally? What about the people in areas with no problems? At this point most people know the trade off with AT&T - for some it's inconvenient, but worth it.



    What they are doing in some cities is capping data speeds, which is a much more realistic and feasible short term answer to the problem you have with there networks.

  14. Yes. Parking lot attendants.



    Agreed. When he signed with New Orleans, Sean Payton had meetings with EVERYONE down to the janitorial staff. Backing up the assertion that they felt EVERYONE mattered in a winning organization even the hourly employees got superbowl rings this year.


    Note this doesnt include concession workers at the superdome etc, but if your paycheck came from the New Orleans Saints, you got a ring - and that included the guy that cleaned the bathrooms at their facilities.

  15. Lopez and "yous guys" are using the "rule" wrong.

    Its meant to help determine the success rate of High Round draft picks.

    Meaning if you have to pick a QB in the first 2 round of the draft and you have 2 QBs that are equally matched in your evaluation the use of the 26-27-60 rule will help guide your decision.


    Its not meant to be applied to every QB ever drafted or undrafted. There are plenty of QBs that went undrafted that Played at some non-BCS school that fit the 26-27-60 rule.


    Its meant to help GM's decide should I draft Peyton Manning or Ryan Leaf coming out of college.




    I definitely agree with that -- hence it not being a "rule" more of a benchmark -- if you are looking at someone that couldnt play his way onto the field in college, was injured often, cant hit large windows, or doesnt take the wonderlic seriously enough to prepare, you immediately have questions about whether you can count on him to be your leader at the next level.


    Of course there are exceptions on each side ::cough:: Tom Brady ::shudder::, but if you had to pick the three stats that account for the most variability in future successes, I would say those are strong ones.


    The 4th I was adding was more of a do they win, and win against top flight talent. Could choose bowl victories, wins against top 25 teams, conference championships, just the first that came to mind (and it fit nicely numerically)

  16. So far, at least from what I have read to date is that the Bills will likely designate about 12 plays a game to C.J. Spiller. Although it is up to him and the players around him to maximize his production based on his touches; it doesn't project

    him to total big numbers this season. Even if he averaged 5 yards a carry which is better than average he'd only have about 60 yards a game! Not big numbers in fantasy or real football by any measure. 6 Yards a carry would give him 72 yards a game.


    If the Bills run 3 Rb's and hold on to Lynch this season I think they will be inclined to try to share the wealth of carries equally among all three RB's unless their is a substantial difference in production between the three of them. Like I said,

    I think there will be a lack of opportunity between limited carries, and talent deficiencies on the Bills to give C.J. Spiller

    the potential to shine like a Gem this year.


    I do hope you are right and I am wrong, and the Bills win 10 games this year, C.J. Spiller runs for over a thousand yards, and the coaches do a fabulous job, and a future franchise QB comes from this mix, but looking at things realistically I just don't see any of these things happening based on what I have witnessed!


    2010 season prediction 5-11 :rolleyes:


    I think what is more realistic way to project his touches would be about 10 runs, 5 targets on pass plays, and a few returns. If he ends up averaging 50 yards rushing, 30 or so catching, 8-10 yards a return and then breaks one big play every game or two, I dont think a single person would complain. The thing is, its hard to gauge a guy like this sometimes because even in a game where he get 8 yards on 6 carries, his mere presence on the field could open up big plays to a lot of other people. Reggie bush hasnt put up huuuuge numbers, but the fact that he can score anytime (and does frequently), and put up a game like he did against arizona, makes it so that whole offense can do things they otherwise wouldnt. Theres a reason sean payton and mickey loomis laugh off questions about his 8mil salary next year - they figure so be it, might be a little high for him, but in the end that presence on the field is near impossible to replace - we now have it too.


    that said, my prediction, 8-8 (granted they havent even put on pads yet so we will see!)

  17. Well the Bills have made sure that Schobel's family will be set for his life and, if they are smart, for generations to come. Any frustration he may feel about the team should be tempered by that fact.




    There is a certain debt of gratitude to the ones signing your check, but in his case, he has made himself very rich. If not for the bills he would have been collecting a big check somewhere else. Like him or not, he was a serious player, and would have been rewarded wherever he was.


    that said, still be appreciative.

  18. yeah, because BCS rankings actually mean something.



    and even with that theres one kinda good California QB who seems to be pretty good. The late round pick who must not be named*



    Im not saying fitzpatrick is bad, but in predicting success, being able to stay healthy, and put up strong numbers (even if the only number is accuracy) is different against Florida, Alabama and LSU then it is against Cornell, Yale, and Dartmouth. Also, health and accuracy while winning is more valuable of a combo then just health and accuracy alone.


    This set of numbers is thrown out there as a way to help predict, not a rule -- you can be successful on either side of the benchmarks, or fail on either side. Its just more likely you would be successful if you reach those.

  19. I don't understand how they got to 26-27-60. They MUST have needed to use 27 instead of 26 (26-26-60) rule to eliminate some schlub right? But based on their charts i don't see it. Does it just sound more interesting to say 26-27-60?



    I think it's just 3 seasons of 9 starts... If anything you'd think they'd make the 26 change to 25 and include big ben in the club (if the cutoffs are arbitrary).


    I think level of competition should be included -- ie 25-26-27-60 with the addition being a top 25 season or two. Harvard and SEC schools are in different classes.

  20. I don't understand how they got to 26-27-60. They MUST have needed to use 27 instead of 26 (26-26-60) rule to eliminate some schlub right? But based on their charts i don't see it. Does it just sound more interesting to say 26-27-60?



    I think it's just 3 seasons of 9 starts... If anything you'd think they'd make the 26 change to 25 and include big ben in the club (if the cutoffs are arbitrary).


    I think level of competition should be included -- ie 25-26-27-60 with the addition being a top 25 season or two. Harvard and SEC schools are in different classes.

  21. I think that's a s t r e t c h.


    There's some truth that Miami is a more attractive city than Cleveland (Buffalo, too.), but the NFL is a long way from the NBA and this whole affair has made both James and the NBA look like clowns -- it hasn't been good for Wade, Bosh or anyone.


    The impact on future NFL free agents is very close to nil.



    id say theres more then a little truth in the miami v cleveland debate being won by miami.

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