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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. I think you can say QB is improved, but by how much -- who knows.


    A)essentially you have traded Hamdan for Brohm and Brown. I think those are a step up. I know Brohm finished the year on the roster, but a qb picked up mid season can not be taken seriously.


    B)Van Pelt was our QB coach, OC, and had no oversight offensively. Even if you chalk QB up to Gailey alone, there should be an improvement.

  2. Hard to think he makes CIN's cuts. From what I've read he didn't impress in workouts. IIRC, had difficulty executing basic patterns. They signed him on a simple, cheap "look-see" basis.


    He might work out better elsewhere - who knows? FWIW, it seems he has his head screwed on straight.



    I remember quotes coming out of even the team, granted anonymously , that people who watched the workouts were in shock he signed. Also, is there anything credible about him getting his head straight, or just no arrests this year? I just havent heard anything good or bad -- which is better then only bad at this point!

  3. but he won't report in 10 days...


    FAVRE STATUS! :blink:





    Im sorry but at some point the bills do have to draw the line on this -- if hes not in for a full training camp i do worry about our 30+ DE transitioning successfully to OLB.


    I know he wants to be close to his family but in the grand scheme, whether he reports in 10 or 15 or 20 days, doesnt make that much of a difference in his families life. Will they remember any different the time spent if its 240 vs 250 days home between the close of the season and his arrival for the next? At some point it is not about family and is about him not wanting to be at camp doing the work.


    I know time with the kids is important but so is coming into the season 110% prepared to make a difference when someone commits 8 million dollars to you for what will be amounting to 4 months of work since he didnt take part in the offseason program (and yes i know he still works out in the offseason) -- ESPECIALLY when learning a new system and position. Due to this last part i think that schobels actions are worse then favres, he just isnt the celebrity house hold name getting the attention.

  4. I think the main thing is in the whole 9 vs 41 vs not at all debate -- as a coach and gm, any qb taken in the first two rounds you sink or swim with. If you believe in a qb, you take him at 9 even if hes rated lower, if you dont believe hes your franchise, you dont take him at 41 either, even if its value.


    A guy like Troupe wont be your own career on the line, a guy like claussen is.... so if you dont want to hitch your wagon to him, you just have to stay away unless he somehow falls to 3 or later (see edwards here, or mccoy in cleveland) and suddenly its not a make or break pick.

  5. Spiller is an unproven (and unsigned) rookie. Don't anoint him yet - the history of touted 1st rounders that turned out to be a waste is there.



    I was going to say anointing him and calling him a highly talented back up are very different.... and then the chris johnson references started flying..... touche my friend, it seems you knew what was coming before it was even said.



    That outta the way - I think that real difference maker isnt how talented he thinks the backups are, but how big of a gap he sees between them and the lead. Also never know, lynch has definitely dug himself a hole, but he could come out gang busters in camp and win the starters role. Hes proven he can, he just hasnt proven he wants/needs it.

  6. Perfectly stated.



    Im sorry, but its just not true. I didnt watch every game, or every play, but its easy to see that he didnt give his all, all of the time. There were plays hed give far less then 100%, there were games that he tipped runs with his lackluster attitude when he knew it wasnt a pass to him. You dont need coaches film to see this. Yes a coach doesnt get to see every detail of every players technique on every play they cant watch 11 men with one set of eyes, but to extrapolate that to someone in the stands not being able to focus in on TO and see him slow down, round off some routes, cut off the effort early, and not bust his butt on a block or chasing down a defender after an INT is ridiculous.


    Did he do good things? yes.

    Did he sometimes go the extra mile? yes.

    Did he occasionally pout on the field? No doubt.

    Perfectly stated? Far from it.


    It doesnt make him the anti-christ, and it doesnt mean he wasnt still the most talented player on the field at any given moment, but to say he gave 100% on every play is just wrong. To say you need coaches film to see if he took any plays off is wrong. To get an accurate assessment on how often he dogged it, then yea, coaches film would be a great help, but to say he did take plays off was clear both in person and on TV

  7. It's hard to win these types of arguments, as there's no real study done on them.


    I work for a technology company, specifically in the email hosting division (so you can imagine all the mobile devices we get), and the amount of Blackberries we have hooked up to BES, the amount of customers we support that own Blackberries (even with BIS), the amount of visibility that Blackberries get, is a ton higher than all the activesync/iPhone services we provide.


    Yes, Apple has the TV ads, but even my girlfriend's mom (who isn't tech savvy at ALL and owned a 5+ year old flip phone) when she was looking for a new phone immediately thought of Blackberries to start, and not the iPhone, because so many people at her office use Blackberries.


    What we're arguing right now is your anecdotal evidence vs my anecdotal evidence. It's an argument neither of us can win, unless some studies have been done on it that I'm not aware of.





    i guess -- i was just hypothesizing as to why iphone is viewed differently, which i think it clearly is. as the post a few back said, apple has marketed itself as the cool kid in school, and everyone else being average joe in comparison, and they have spent a lot of money doing so. essentially all the commercials for apple insult non apple users as being somehow less intelligent, savvy, or cool. blackberry is not near the ICON that it once was, and even at their peak i dont think you would find many people saying they were positioning themselves as the coolest phone out there -- they werent branded to be the prom king or rock star. they were business phones that got the job done better/more efficiently then anyone else. this doesnt speak to quality or sales, just brand image... ill see if i can find some advertising/marketing or consumer perception data on the two. I know it exists, but ive been a lil busy at work (contrary to what my posts would have you believe).


    if you take the market position, which is not anecdotal, as an accurate assessment then i think its easy to see why people are so excited about the recent issues. love them or hate them, and as much as everyone wants to be like them..... even more, everyone loves to see the prom king and queen embarrass themselves. and even though that line of marketing is cliched, they have done it well. they have people camping out in front of stores ala a sold out concert, the show that is iphone.... but they are now seeing the backlash that happens when you get caught lip syncing. the product had an issue, the response was messy, see the post a few back that talks about this -- it very well captured the idea. does it mean they cant sing? it seems they are trying to handle the issue, and we will see how it plays out. in my experience the phone has worked great, so i continue to use it.


    it makes sense to me that in some way the biggest complainers in this thread, or in general, are those that never touched an iphone. they are the ones that have been insulted by the company day in and day out. thats the psych element i was trying to get at. i think it goes far beyond market share, potential software issues, and is very much a product of what happens when the "better then you" or "you arent part of the click" brand image goes wrong.

  8. I agree that Apple is a top player (#2 in fact) in the US smartphone market, but I disagree that they are one on the overall worldwide phone market.


    In any event, perhaps I didn't state my original point clearly. I was more trying to say that if this is simply a case of people piling on top of Apple for being the top dog, when all phone manufacturers experience this problem, then why hasn't RIM, who has more marketshare in both the US & the world, and who apparently also experiences the problem (according to Apple & posts earlier), been raked over the coals?


    One option is it could be that the iPhone is truly #1 in sales, and above RIM's phone lineup. I haven't seen any numbers that back that up, though. Especially when RIM is widely considered to be the leader in US smartphones, with Apple #2, by just about everyone. That's why I was trying to do the "RIM vs Apple" thing. I think the argument is invalid if you say that RIM is experiencing the same thing, but they aren't getting the heat for it because they aren't the top dog.



    i think that it has something to do with the lines and publicity. regardless of sales, if you go to average joe down the street and say "who sells more phones, RIM or Apple?" i promise you apple wins in a landslide. perhaps a case of perception being reality with this issue? also, by having so many similar phones, none have reached an icon status


    they definitely have thats what i was getting at with the lines around the block comment.

  9. Finding a hidden gem is not a PLAN for success. It's like having winning the lottery as your retirement plan. That being said I'm hopeful we find something because it will be another LONG season if we don't.


    At the same time if we do strike gold again like we did with Peters we'll only end up losing the guy in 3 years because we won't pay him what he's worth either. There is an old saying that goes "it ain't where you're from...it's where you're at". The Bills want to pay these "hidden gems" based upon where they came from not what they developed into.



    The real difference is finding one blindly undrafted, or taking over a pre-made team, and finding out you have an unappreciated gem when you get there.


    I think the comparison we are hoping for is Chan and Buddy inherited a mish mash of stuff from there dead aunt, and they just found a diamond and are about to get it appraised. if they didnt pick anyone up i think it speaks volumes to their opinion of atleast one of these guys ability to be viable.

  10. I agree, which is why I pointed to RIM's numbers in my comment. Comparing RIM's marketshare to Apple's marketshare gives as close of a picture as possible at this point.



    fair enough -- without knowing the hard details on market share, im willing to take this on face value.


    i think a lot of people took the list, whether intended or not, as a statement of look at this 2% compared to the top, not as a comparison of peers in the middle. As far as the smartphone market goes in the US i think its a little blinded to not acknowledge iphone as either top dog, or among the elite. can you look at those lines on initial sale date and say iphone doesnt have a different kind of following then any other phone on the market? market share is obviously the easiest benchmark, but there is something to be said for being able to look out the window of your office and seeing a line wrap around the block.

  11. Worldwide market share:


    1.) Nokia (35%)

    2.) Samsung (20.6%)

    3.) LG (8.6%)

    4.) RIM (3.4%)

    5.) Sony Ericsson (3.1%)

    6.) Motorola (3.0%)

    7.) Apple (2.7%)

    8.) ZTE (1.7%)

    9.) G-Five (1.4%)

    10.) Huawei (1.3%)


    If it happens on RIM's phones (and flagship Blackberry Bold 2), like you say it does, and people like to "throw stones at the top dog", then why isn't RIM taking more heat for it? Or Samsung, with their 20.6% market share?



    I know its not totally fair, but i think its more fair to group Iphones together, then every model of nokia or samsung etc.... How many dozens of widely ranging in capability and design phones do either of those companies have on the market at any given time.


    Comparatively the difference between a 3g and 3gs, or a 3gs and 4 remains slim (yes there are differences but in basic design, we are not lumping a $19.99 disposable flip phone, with a $600 smartphone when we write apple on the list), also apple is offering realistically 1-2 major models at any given time targeting, and seemingly dominating (though the lead is declining), their smaller demographic.

  12. And it seems like you're willing to extract your personal use case to everyone else. Right now, I think there are a few things that are proven, and a lot of anecdotal evidence.


    Here's what it seems like we do know:


    1.) The way a human holds a phone can interfere with the way the antenna operates

    2.) FCC rules regulations cause antennas to be placed in a non-ideal spot

    3.) External antennas can exaggerate the effect of the way a person holds the phone on the antenna

    4.) Not every person holds the phone that way

    5.) Some (unspecified) number of people are reporting problems

    6.) Some (unspecified) number of people are using the phone without any issue


    What we don't know:


    1.) The number of people actually having problems

    2.) That everyone having problems is solely because of the antenna (I'm inclined to believe signal strength has a lot to do with it)

    3.) How this number compares to previous iPhone designs

    4.) How this number compares to phones made by other manufacturers

    5.) Of the people having these problems, how big of an impact it actually is on their phone satisfaction


    Unfortunately, without all that data, it's hard to have an informed opinion. I'd think that the only group that has enough of that data to know is Apple, but it's hard to judge from their behavior as a lot of it could just be PR based.


    Personally, I feel like a large number of iPhone 4 owners are extrapolating their experience for the entire group, potentially underestimating the impact of it. I also think that the issue is a lot more complicated than the way the media is framing it (surprise), so it's hard to get a real understanding of the impact of the problem. I do think there is a design flaw, but the impact of that flaw is so cloudy at this point, I have no idea what it is.


    BTW, I'm typing this from my MacBook Pro :angry:


    Im certainly extrapolating to a degree. Personally, and within my friends/family/coworkers I havent had/heard any serious complaints. It seems the most vocal people on the issue dont own the phone. This is very much a convenience sampling though, and I am not trying to say the issue does not exist. This could be a result of style of usage, or even varying coverage from ATT (already a weak signal = more calls dropped for some people?), but I am talking about a wide range of demographics and regions, but not in any huge statistically relevant sampling. I still see a lot of people complaining on here but have yet to see anyone with an Iphone say they are truly unhappy, which leads me to believe it might be the opposite of what you are saying, and its not the iphone users unfairly extrapolating good experiences, but droid (etc...) users extrapolating the bad ones out there -- who knows at this point though. So much money being dumped into marketing both for and against right now that its hard to pull out any conclusions. .


    Is the reception dropping an issue? absolutely. Is it one that has had serious negative impact on users? its really hard to say without hard numbers that dont exist (or atleast i havent seen them). All you can really go on at this point is anecdotal evidence, which for me has been very positive. Clearly there are people unhappy though, or this wouldnt be a conversation in the first place. I am not trying to stick my head in the sand and pretend that the phone is the holy grail of unflawed technology. I think the last statement you made:


    "I do think there is a design flaw, but the impact of that flaw is so cloudy at this point, I have no idea what it is."


    sums up a lot about whats going on right now. Due to that cloudiness, I find it strange that people that have never even held the phone can tell me how miserable it must be for me to use it -- because quite frankly, it hasnt been in my own experience.

  13. Are you suggesting the people who have complained to Apple about their phones don't own them?


    It just seems like a 7 pg debate between actual users saying things are fine, and nonusers telling them they are wrong. That doesn't seem strange to you? If someone had a negative experience with it, I wouldn't discount it. Any new tech has issues, and with mine, and many others style of use the issue really isn't existent. What I find odd is all the nonusers posting articles etc about a phone they don't have and don't want.


    I'm far from a fan boy- iPhone is all I own from apple. It has worked well and I have had each version since the initial offering. I have no real loyalty to apple, it's just been the best phone on AT&T in my opinion and that's what I have a contract through. At this point I'm more interested in the psych of the bashing then the tech being offered up.

  14. agreed, you may have avoided some of the backlash if you had mentioned that earlier..... the first few posts made it seem like you were someone trying to be hard cause you were packing heat... thanks for clarifying....


    Sorry for the skepticism but the way you've acted in this thread has not screamed trained professional. Apparently you don't care to give details but if you are law enforcement I am glad you aren't walking the streets here with the chip you seem to have on your shoulder. Isn't that supposed to be last line of defense? You jumped from a silly comment to what if they tried to throw me off the top of the stadium. Do you really not see why people reacted the way they did?


    You are right, you didn't pull it but the fact that you associate the comment the guy made with your gun would worry me about you carrying a gun. Ive heard stupid talk like that many times too and my first association isn't gun, knife, or fists....



    Edit: clearly not referring to you mark, I do in fact agree those that protect and serve deserve the utmost respect, but with that comes the utmost responsibility, and decorum and I'm just not seeing it here.

  15. I'm throwing it out there again, are any of the people upset in this thread iPhone owners? It seems everyone that has claimed ownership (note: didn't read all 7pgs) has been happy and sans major issue. If you have posted repeatedly and don't have one, do you mind if I ask why? I know that may read hostile, but I'm really just curious. Like I said I have a friend that is gung ho anti apple and doesn't really have a reason - I'm just curious why phone choice has such strong opinions.

  16. Could you please give me any legitimate reason why any citizen should be carrying a firearm at ANY public place? How about Luby's in Waco, Texas or McDonald's in San Ysidro, California? How about the campuses of Virgina Tech or the high school in Columbine? These are just a few examples and the history of those events certainly would legitimize carrying a firearm. So, why not at ANY sporting event as long as it is within the law? I guess you would trust the dope smokers to babysit your kids more than the law abiding gun carrying citizen protecting yours?



    unfortunately, the havoc of a gun going off in a crowd of 80,000 at a stadium would be terrible. I would much rather have searches, metal detectors etc at the entrance then deal with armed and law abiding citizens making choices in that setting

  17. Oh what a soothsayer you are! I am amazed. I will be sure to invite you to all events I attend and you can tell me which events are safe and which events a tragedy will occur. I am sure all students and all campuses in the United States feel that there is no need for a law abiding citizen/student to carry a gun...unless they need it. I am not diminishing any tragedy but I'm not going to bury my head in the sand and pretend that those tragedies never happened. Oh, how events may have changed if someone armed was able to stop these villians in their tracks. Reference the Fort Hood Shooting:


    "The gunman, identified as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was wounded at the scene but was captured alive and was in stable condition..."


    "Eleven of the victims died at the scene, military officials said. A 12th died later at a hospital...most of those who were shot were military but two were civilians."


    "...a female officer who was thought to be the first responder shot Hasan and was herself wounded and had undergone surgery at a hospital. It was not clear if the officer was a military policewoman or a civilian officer." (note: It is unclear if her or her partner shot the suspect)


    "...the suspect was shot at least four times."


    How much worse could this have been if there were no armed officers in the area?






    Here Ill repost the quote from your story again



    I sit down realizing that what I've done and one of the dope smokers says, "You're in the wrong stadium for that." Little do the dope smokers know that my buddy and I are packing heat.



    Now..... What about that even REMOTELY resembles what you described in your last post.... besides the fact that they happened in a public place?



    Im sorry, but your situation and an actual tragedy like those you described are very different. Unless you suspected the dope smokers were going to go on a rampage, you pulling the gun out would have been the real tragedy.

  18. In the second half, the Bills return a kickoff for a TD. During the return, I can't contain myself and I jump up screaming "Go, go, go...yes, yes..." I sit down realizing that what I've done and one of the dope smokers says, "You're in the wrong stadium for that." Little do the dope smokers know that my buddy and I are packing heat. I keep quiet the rest of the game which the Bills ending up winning.



    Yea I dont know if the situation you described truly justified your reference to your gun.... if those crazy dope smokers talked back some more or got a lil too close for comfort what were you going to do -- shoot them? That sounds like the situation was made LESS safe just by your presence.


    please dont compare that to columbine, va tech etc..... its just insulting to tell the story you did, and then reference those tragedies

  19. Hardly appears unique to Apple. Just checked a few of them but they were all real. I guess iPhone gets noticed because it's the big boy. Meanwhile, it appears to happen to almost all phones.




    * Samsung I9000 Galaxy S:


    * HTC Evo Signal Attenuation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pj2YBYTbag


    * Samsung Galaxy 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=


    * Samsung Galaxy 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPCQdYtPihg


    * Droid Incredible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaDE941PzQk


    * Droid Incredible (With Network Extender in Room): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpEQH...eature=related


    * Nexus One:


    * Nexus One vs. iPhone (start at 1:29): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvMoV4_C4aA


    * Nexus One: http://posterous.com/getfile/files.p...n_-_iPhone.m4v


    * Nexus One (after Google's update to correct):


    * Nexus One:


    * Android G1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CDaxhjUs9M


    * "Major signal degradation when Nexus One is picked up": http://www.google.com/support/forum/...9184c33e&hl=en


    * BB Bold 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LWzVInwd4w


    * BB Storm:


    * BB Bold 9700:


    * BB bold 9000: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAiKKiNlZ5g


    * BB Tour:


    * BB Curve:


    * BB Curve 8900:


    Not always the case but I really think a lot of the biggest bashers, for whatever reason, have never even held the new iphone. its a problem no doubt, but not near as uncommon as youd be led to believe among other phones, and REALLY easy to fix (hell, most would have never known as a large number use cases anyway). I have not had any problem with dropped calls pre or post purchase of my case.

  20. I'm just curious -- ive noticed the big apple bashers tend to have never owned apple products or used them really. Of those that are feeling upset about the design, how many own a new i4? I have a friend who has been posting articles bashing apple on his fb near daily for weeks and when I bumped into him he asked to see the phone cause he had never tried one -- seems like its silly to waste energy bashing a product you haven't tried and don't want....


    For the sake of sharing: Personally, I do, I love it, have a slim case that looks really good on the phone and no reception issues.

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