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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. No he doesn't! The wisdom on Brohm is that he has a big arm, but needs work on other parts of his game...


    I just went back and read 5-6 scouting reports. The most glowing endorsement "good, not great, arm." his accuracy was a strength, and has been called into question specifically now. He has potential but I'm not banking on it.

  2. Come on now, did you really expect Brohm to replace Aaron Rodgers? And, we did steal him off the practice squad....Green Bay matched the Bills offer, but Brohm came because he tought he would get a better shot at the #1 job here. After Trent crashes and burns (again), he will get that shot! Finally, the big arm that Brohm has is the #1 requirement of a great NFL quarterback....Trent's arm is below average!!!


    And yes, as much as I hope he does well, he sat on that PS for what, a year and a half without an offer? He was what, a second round pick?Teams tend not to raid those squads for a qb unless something huge happens.


    Outside of that pickup, can anyone cite more then a very small handful of qbs making that jump to a different team on the PS?

  3. Come on now, did you really expect Brohm to replace Aaron Rodgers? And, we did steal him off the practice squad....Green Bay matched the Bills offer, but Brohm came because he tought he would get a better shot at the #1 job here. After Trent crashes and burns (again), he will get that shot! Finally, the big arm that Brohm has is the #1 requirement of a great NFL quarterback....Trent's arm is below average!!!


    No, the point I was making is (and I know it's greatly oversimplified) is that whoever does start would likely be borderline to make your average team this year. Our 4th qb is not likely to be a hot commodity. If trolling for cuts I'd look for whoever gets cut in New Orleans (Daniel or Canfield?), Carolina (Cantwell?), Miami (thigpen?) or the jets (Clemens?) to be higher priority then brown and those are just the two divisions I watch on a weekly basis as a natural born bills fan relocated to and owning season tix in new Orleans.


    Brown could be special but nearly every team has a guy the fans think could be special. Most teams stick with there own since they are all relatively the same and atleast your guy knows the system in case, god forbid, that guy has to play.

  4. Agreed. I watched 06, just like the rest of us. I just think it's funny that after watching everyone complain jp was only good for the big play and Trent could sustain drives, now Trent can only lead with big plays and brohm can sustain drives. And yes I know the majority don't believe it, but the posts this week have made me chuckle a few times.


    I suspect Fred and marshawn should help with sustaining drives in all seriousness though.


    We always have such good backup qbs, and awful starters haha

  5. Agreed. I watched 06, just like the rest of us. I just think it's funny that after watching everyone complain jp was only good for the big play and Trent could sustain drives, now Trent can only lead with big plays and brohm can sustain drives. And yes I know the majority don't believe it, but the posts this week have made me chuckle a few times.


    I suspect Fred and marshawn should help with sustaining drives in all seriousness though.


    We always have such good backup qbs, and awful starters haha

  6. I don't get why everyones scared of putting brown on the PS. There will be 5-10 qbs released in the coming weeks with as much or more ability today, and others with as much long term potential.


    Realistically our starter could be released and he would latch on as another teams 3, or maybe not at all... What makes everyone think people will be clamouring for our 4th.


    We are debating brohm as a starter, and I didn't see anyone race to steal him from GB.

  7. Kind of addressing a few ideas that have been tossed out --


    1) throwing in Nelson is a silly idea. The reason olsen is out of favor is because marts wants his te to be a blocker not a receiver. Its not a personal issue, or money, its that he doesn't like that style of player.


    2) jerramy Stevens fhe same one with the rape story...... And multiple dwi's.... And off field fights.... And work ethic issues..:. And limited production..... And..... I think you get how I feel.

  8. I really liked his willingness to run in between the tackles. He showed that he is more than just a runner who is going to take it to the outside. He reminds me of a young LT. He didn't remind me of Reggie Bush. This kid can be something special if the Bills can get some more pieces to the offense. Can you image this kid on an established solid NFL offense? I am excited to see him play this season.



    As someone that has seen A LOT of reggie I am still buying the comparison to him. I think you will see him touch the ball 10 or so times rushing, 5 passes, and returns. Within that he will probably average a TD every game, or game and a half but you dont know where it will come from. Some games he will probably be maddening to watch, and others, like lastnight he will be electric.


    Expect Jackson and Lynch to do the heavy lifting, and spiller doing things as simple as going in motion being able to open up the entire field for the offense. even without touching the ball he will produce yards, and not take a beating. What a lot of people dont realize when talking about bush is that he hasnt been 100% the last few years. Last year he was coming off knee surgery, and it was a serious one. By the end of the year you saw runs in the middle of the field. Watch the Saints vs Arizona highlights from the playoffs and i think you will see a good comparison point for spillers potential.... and for that matter, reggies potential.

  9. (copied from Buffalo Rumblings)


    John McClain of the Houston Chronicle is reporting that former Buffalo Bills defensive end Aaron Schobel has decided to retire.


    Twitter link:





    But, But we should have TRADED him! Nevermind that he has a huge contract and stated many times that he would play for the Bills or retire. No GM (not even Matt Millen) would have traded for someone who was that likely to retire.



    PFT article specifically calls out a desire to stop dieting to play at 240, and just eat normal at 270



  10. I'm usually a little more patient, but after watching the Bills game as well as other highlights, I couldn't help myself. Taking Troup, a guy who doesn't start, instead of Clausen, a guy who could start for us this year was a big blunder. And this is not a hindsight or BS revisionist take on the draft. I like many other Bills fan around the country was screaming at the tv during the draft when the Bills drafted Troup (a guy not projected to go in the top 3 rounds) over JC.


    I understand this team has a ton of holes (arguably even more before the 2010 draft) and that next year is supposed to be an even better year for QBs (2010 was given such a label too at this time last year) but grabbing Clausen at worse gives you a decent QB who could develop into something special, but at the least provides stop gap play at Qb in 2010 and is a good backup after you draft a QB high in 2011.


    For the Bills sake I'm hoping that Clausen as a falling QB that so many teams passed on, follows Brady Quinn's career trajectory, and not that of Aaron Rogers who a lot of teams also passed on and who had similar reviews out of college.


    What qualifies as a little more patient? Second preseason game?

  11. Well Mr. Clausen was a can't-miss sure-fire franchise QB, wasn't he? The kind you have to start from day 1 because...well, he's a franchise QB! At least that's what everyone said before the draft. I suppose if the Bills did draft Clausen at #9 we'd all expect him to be the #3 QB behind Brohm and Edwards for a few years? Yeah, that would happen!


    The fact that Clausen was drafted so low after all the hype he got doesn't change the fact that he was expected by the so-called "experts" to be a QB that could start day 1. The kind of QB the Bills were "stupid" to pass on.




    Ive got a theory here and you can call me crazy but i think top 10 picks at qb get pushed into starting early because of two reasons....


    1)money - self explanatory, paid more then brady or manning

    2)teams picking in the top ten, that select a qb -- tend not to have a qb that can win more then 3-4 games anyway.


    in carolina, at the 48 pick they have a qb they feel can give them a shot at the playoffs, and jimmy isnt making more then tom brady or peyton manning so they can let him learn slowly.


    if picked by buffalo he could be a day one starter if he showed better then edwards, which many suspect he might be able to do from day 1.



    comparing what would happen in buffalo at 9, with carolina at 48 is..... pointless? meaningless? apples to oranges.


    the fact that hes splitting reps with a fellow rookie less then a week into camp, when neither is expected to start--- it seems a little premature to judge him as being on the verge of being released. if he came to buffalo at 9 and was splitting snaps with brown, behind our three stooges (hopefully edwards proves me wrong, i am hopeful honestly) i would be more concerned about his future.


    i wonder what this post will "set me up for"

  12. I am more concerned about the precedent that the Bills have set than I am about Schobel! It's not like Wilson to roll over like this. So any overpaid senior Bill who wants out gets waived? I also smell collusion between Houston and Schobel.

    It appears that Wilson wes more worried about the 2 million dollars than setting a dangerous precedent. This whole thing smells like a bad piece of fish to me.



    What did you think happened to older, overpaid players, who dont fit a new system and dont want to be here anymore?

  13. Oh I understand where he's coming from. And maybe I'm taking it a bit to literal. But based on his follow up in the blog responses below his assessment. He emphatically believes he has Troup's entire career labeled from one week of the kids first training camp. Even if he devoted every minute watching Troup, which he clearly didn't as he had opinions on many other players, how is it possible to come to that definitive of a conclusion?




    Ahhhh I was commenting based on the article, I didnt read the comments. If hes being overly ambitious there, i didnt realize it. In the article it seemed like just an educated opinion, not like he was trying to state fact.


    I think I was equally taken back by all the people that were upset or confused by the ceiling comment in the article, as it seemed pretty innocuous overall. If his mind and body are relatively mature, and his technique is sound, there isnt reason to believe he will change THAT much as a player. Im not saying no improvement and he will never get any stronger or smarter, but it shouldn't be anything that makes you do a double take if you see him down the line.

  14. How can anyone, much less some (in essence) fan make that determination? He may not get taller, but he can certainly add weight. He can also probably add more strength being in a professional weight program. Speed, who knows, but speed isn't necessary for a NT. If anything, I also think he meant he won't be a pass-rushing NT. Not that there have been many, if any, of those.



    If hes playing at a healthy weight, and is not expected to shed a ton of fat (ala cody), or add a ton of muscle (ala maybin) then then what is the big change he will make? he might improve marginally in specific areas, but do you expect it to be exponential if he has been doing the right things all along?



    Cody on the other hand has a long way to go with fitness and technique, he isnt as close to his ceiling.


    Saying he is near his ceiling is more a compliment to what hes done then an insult to what he can do.



    Im a fan and I can see that

  15. I agree. The "ceiling" remark was odd though. What the Hell is the ceiling for a NT? If it takes two OL to block you play in and play out and you can collapse the pocket, make tackles and play three downs a series, you're a Pro-Bowl NT.



    If he is very technically sound, and athletically not expected to get much bigger, faster, stronger, then he has probably gotten close to his ceiling -- ie. hes not a project, he is what he is at this point and will work on polishing instead of building from the ground up.


    Whats the ceiling for any position? I dont get why its odd.

  16. what we know


    1)nix said we are done

    2)schobel said what if i show up today

    3)we wouldnt be able to accept you on this team



    logical conclusions


    1)nix would love to trade schobel but cant -- why would he WANT to release him unless schobel forced it

    2)schobel forced a release he gets to choose his team AND save them a draft pick doing everything on his terms


    what could buddy do to stop this short of pay 8 mill for a player he doesnt want to take up a roster spot

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