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Posts posted by NoSaint

  1. I agree that Jackson is far from a top-5 running back. However, Matt Forte? BOTH Carolina backs? MJD - maybe.


    Running backs are, essentially, as good as the o-line. In that sense, I'd put Freddy up there with almost anyone. 4.5ypc career behind a bunch of scrubs.


    Thats why they had the ??? After their names. Not gimmes but 5 certainly better and some that people would argue. I'd be careful not to overrate the Carolina, Chicago and jax lines though -- could be a big part of the ?? Being added to those names.

  2. Man, that 2006 draft was one of the most frustrating events I've ever watched. Haloti Ngata falls into our lap, and we take Whitner. Then we trade up for McCargo and everyone has no idea what to say about it. Unbelievable.


    Could you imagine ngata and mangold like most of us expected at those picks? How different things could have been....

  3. Gore, turner, Johnson, Peterson, ray rice...


    Mjd? Stewart? Deangelo Williams? Forte? Charles?


    I'd put him in a similar tier to pierre thomas - yes good at a lot of things but when it comes down to running, catching, and blocking - and you dont worry about silly things like passing, returns, etc.... All those backs are better runners.

  4. There are many factors to consider. That Moss was traded for what should be a late 3rd rounder (versus the early 4th plus a 6th rounder in 2012 the Bills will get) makes me feel less bad about the trade. Then you have to consider there might not be a 2011 season and Lynch has 1 year left on his contract (with an option year in 2012 that won't be exercised). Then you have to consider the Bills got worse offers over the off-season for him, and after some RB's have gone down, the offers didn't improve that much. Meaning RB's aren't as highly valued in trade. Last of all, this is clearly a rebuilding year for the Bills.



    Between his off the field incidents,and his lackluster performance last year.... If Marshawn Lynch was coming out of college this year after a strong sophomore and junior year, a senior year with suspension, and low production, he would not be considered a 1st round talent.


    It is very possible to get guys with the sheer talent of Marshawn Lynch in the 4th, but they come with heavy injury or off field baggage (as just two examples of why a physical specimen can fall). Lynch has become that guy, but is paid as a first rounder, and has those legal strikes on his NFL record.

  5. I totally hear what you are saying NoSaint... But when push comes to shove and the FD are there at the neighbors BECAUSE OF THE FREELOADER'S ACTIONS... One turns the hose on the house that didn't pay. Final, plain and simple common decency. You and I may have a grudge with the freeloader, but that doesn't or shouldn't have anything to do with our human decency, professional and moral obligation, and compassion towards the freeloaders stuff and animals/pets that died in the fire. I heard that he had a couple of dogs and cats that perished..


    So much better for the FD to take the higher moral ground than worry about the "what ifs" and debase or civilization and culture.


    Stuff like this is such a rallying cry against uncompassionate libertarianism. This kind of uncompassionate libertarianism flies directly opposite to humanitarianism. Think of the harm the FD did by not "bridging" the two.


    This is just goning to get more people thinking that citizens shouldn't be able to opt out on stuff like this. This is a public safety issue and the money should be mandatorily taken out of taxes.


    If we privatize these institutions, just think of the extortion that may/will become rampant. It has in our past history... Haven't we learned our lesson during the first 150 years of our country's existence?... These were the same exact systems in place during those times. Why were they changed? Now we are regressing back to our former past as a society.


    Take what you want from my post.. I know some will not agree... Maybe you don't. So be it.


    We are better than this... Both the freeloading homeowner and the non-compassion and professionalism shown by the FD and City Hall.



    I think i agree with elements of this post, more than some of the previous. I do think there is a big difference between my saying that this man was not a victim, and that the fire department shouldnt have helped out -- atleast to a base degree. I think they could and most likely should have done SOMETHING. Hell, they could even have a billing and liability waiver drawn up that the people could have signed upon their arrival. In its simplest terms, everyone came out a loser here, and it was all set in action by this mans social loafing, followed up by illegal and reckless actions... and as you point out, the fire departments strict (and callous) following of there rules.

  6. I honestly can't believe some of you are supporting this policy.


    American's are not only losing compassion when it comes to their worldview but now towards their own neighbours.

    Trust me... I'm not the only one to say this.


    The almighty dollars rules everything.



    This isnt just about the cost of putting the fire out.


    If you want outrage you could just as easily direct it at the guy that decided to risk his own well being based on the fact that other people should pay for this service, not him -- because he is somehow above the community? Because they all owe it to him to fund his services? He rolled the dice and he lost (both on skipping out on the service AND on buring trash in his yard).... should these men have to put there own well being at risk to bail him out? He tried to beat the system and it bit him in the ass. Its not just about money, its just as much about morals, and ethics on both sides of the argument.

  7. These people were trying to get by with the "itll never happen to me attitude" which can do just as much, if not more damage to society then the firefighters lack of service with a smile in this situation. If they do bail out these people then how many other people will leach off the system the following year?


    Also, the common decency of helping someone across the road, shoveling a neighbors driveway, and running into a burning building are hardly comparable (i know they werent in this thread, but i think expecting some friendly help, and risking ones life are in two very different categories). I also imagine there are numerous issues with insurance, liability etc... What if one of the FD was injured? Or the person claimed that the water caused damages to the house?


    It is a sad state that things like that have to be asked, but you wont see me argue that someone that declined to pay for emergency fire services, and then was burning trash on their yard, is somehow wronged when the fire department doesnt bail them out. Unfortunately this was a lesson learned the hardest of ways, they should be thankful that no one was hurt by their bad choices.

  8. With his style of play there was not much he would have learned with film. He improvised everything he did. You can teach fundementals and technique but that will only get you so far. Natural talent and/or better technique will always win. You can only go so far on talent, strength, and endurance before talent comes out. That is what seperates the 1% that is professional from the rest of the world.


    To say film study doesn't help his style is just silly. To know a defenses tendencies ALWAYS helps. knowing a move a guy bites on, who overpersues, who drops coverage quick when they think the qb will scramble, where/who is the spy... Yes being a better athlete can overcome, yes instincts can be huge, but imagine if he refined those instincts daily instead of just by trial and error on Sunday.


    Don't bet on it. Apparently, his entire fan club posts here. :sick:


    Definitely not a fan of who he is/was, but will wonder what he could have been.

  9. Every time I see portions of Saints games I see him making plays, just like his final season with the Bills. This kills me, because he should be playing in OUR secondary. What was his asking price? I can't see his price even being as much as Kelsay, yet the front office re-signed one of the most useless players to what I consider a pricey extension. One of the most bone headed decisions in recent Buffalo Bills history letting players like Greer go and letting dead weight stay around. What is he making? Greer makes plays.


    Sorry for the rant.


    He has been lights out down here. Ive seen every game since he left and is better then he was the last season in buffalo. The contract was very reasonable. I can't quote exact numbers but yes - roughly Kelsay money.


    The one thing I will say is outside clady, so much of the talent in the middle of the first round was cornerback, running back, or overrated tackles. Leodis was not a terrible pick a that spot. Some good players in that draft but not many difference makers for this roster.


    This also applies to Pat Williams, London Fletcher, Antione Winfield, Jim Leonard.........


    Heck, remember that DT from Chicago we traded for? He was holding out in Chicago cause he wanted a new contract, so they traded him to the Bills. Then we refsed to resign him to a new contract, and traded him to another tema! Like wtf, you knew he wanted a new deal dip wads.


    I'm sorry but Jim Leonard would look terrible without an elite team around him


    And Darwin walker clearly had a sense of self worth that never matched his play. Perhaps he led them to believe they were close on money or terms then changed his mind? Not good but we really don't know what was behind closed doors, and it worked out ok.

  10. I guess a second rounder retiring after his first year, a first rounder holding out to force a trade so early, a player going completely MIA walking out without notice are all a bit out of the ordinary on a team that's supposed to win their division....


    I did acknowledge similar things here but new coach, new system, a decade out of contention etc make it a little less surprising.

  11. i know singletary was at one time popular on this board....


    coffee retires

    balmer forces trade

    michael lewis cleans out locker and goes MIA


    never seen anything like that over the course of what, about 6 weeks?





    on second thought weve had schobel, mitchell, and some others wanting to leave but it still seems odd out of what was expected to be a contender

  12. I realize many will think this is stupid, but he might be the most valuable guy on the roster (maybe trade Moorman?). A backup linebacker or O-lineman from the Saints might be better than what we have.


    I have no idea what a kicker might bring back in a trade.


    Troll material? Sure, but it's at least as interesting as "Trade Marshawn Lynch!".


    Unfortunately, unlikely for several reasons. Saints front 7 on defense is already a weakness of the team. The only offensive lineman would be Zach streif which isnt a big upgrade, or a likely trade. Last up, moorman isn't a great add on as the saints have a top notch punter already.

  13. No offense but Boller is not even in Mallett's league when it comes to Pro Prospects...


    That being said Mallett has a lot of work to do...What happened today was about as bad as it gets for a Starting QB with #1 overall aspirations...Mallett had his Team in great position to beat the National Champs and make a monster statement, but instead he pretty much single-handedly pissed the Game away...It was hard for me to watch...I felt for the Kid...But that last INT...To me that was just laziness...And as a Michigan Fan and someone who has been following Mallett since his Freshman year, that type of thing is my biggest concern with the Kid...I think, no question, he's got a little Bled-slow in him...But then again I think in comparison to what The Bills have now Mallett would be a HUGE upgrade regardless...So it's a tough call no question...


    I hope Ryan REALLY learns from what happened today, picks himself up and continues to improve...Because no question he's improving...I still think if everything falls into place, and for whatever reason Mallett is on the Board when the Bills are up, they have to take him...I really doubt the Kid will be much less than say Joe Flaco...And that's still a big upgrade from Fitz or Edwards...He may not be all we desire in a QB package...But I just don't see how the Bills could pass on a Kid with his potential the way things are right now...We'll see in time I guess... B-)


    The question might be if that upgrade is worth 75 mill if you don't believe in him to be elite. Have to pull the trigger on a qb eventually though... Top 5 picks are just such a risk these days. Any position.

  14. Even though he's benched now, this is why a guy like Tate Forcier at Michigan is attractive to me. He strikes me as having "it" in the clutch.


    We need to target guys who are gamers, not that have a bunch of good combine numbers.


    Backup qbs are always the most popular players.

  15. You want a young Qb you can build around? well, one just became available. Vicks the starter. He has been groomed by Andy Reid for years, and because of that theres little doubt in my mind this kid is ready to play. Last year, his only few starts of his career, were better than trents last 30 starts. I know your probably thinking Rob Johnson, rob johnson, rob johnson, don't do it, BUT, this kid learned in the NFL from Andy Reid, a guy who knows quarterbacks. I really think we could trade a 2nd or third round pick, or a third and lynch, to get him. Then we have a QB to build around.


    I was never a brohm or trent guy, and although fitz i think will keep us more competitive, kolb is a guy who has a chance to be a top QB. LETS GET HIM!!!




    Two questions:


    Why would they trade ther back up, who would step up to back up Vick?


    If reid knows qbs and reid benched kolb and is willing to trade him for a three - do we want him?

  16. Below is our list of starters.


    I'm trying to think if other teams had the chance to raid last Sunday's STARTING players, who would they be interested in?


    My Take:

    -Evans (maybe as a #2WR)



    -Lynch (as a #2RB)

    -Whitner (maybe?)



    THAT'S IT! That's 6 out of 22 players.



    Shheesh, that's not too impressive IMHO.





    WR 83 L.Evans LDE 99 M.Stroud

    LT 77 D.Bell NT 95 K.Williams

    LG 67 A.Levitre RDE 98 D.Edwards

    C 63 G.Hangartner SLB 90 C.Kelsay

    RG 70 E.Wood MLB 54 A.Davis

    RT 74 C.Green WLB 56 K.Ellison

    TE 88 J.Stupar JLB 93 C.Ellis

    WR 11 R.Parrish LCB 24 T.McGee

    QB 5 T.Edwards RCB 29 D.Florence

    RB 23 M.Lynch SS 20 D.Whitner

    FB 38 C.McIntyre FS 31 J.Byrd


    Wood, Williams, D Edwards, Florence, and McIntyre would probably find themselves in pretty good shape if released today.

  17. Morons. Sudden death OT, Houston's on Washington's 36, 53 yard field goal wins it...so they line up for a punt, AND take the delay of game to get the extra five yards of space? And get a net 19 yards on the punt.


    Seriously??? Idiots. Dick Jauron-like idiots. Houston deserves to lose, just for that stupid call.


    Honestly, when you take the penalty into account, it was 14 yards net. At what point do you just go for it instead?

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