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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. You good ask 100 different guys (or gals) and come up with 100 different reasons why one quarterback candidate is better than the next. Finding a potentially great quarterback, like Andrew Luck, is the exception, not the rule. Besides, you would have to have an awful season and be the first to pick in the draft to get him. (unless you want to trade away your first born and even then there is no guarantee anyone will trade). I think it is smart to watch players like Joe Licata early. However we have a whole 2015 season to play first. My opinion is that between the quarterbacks we now have, one will emerge.
  2. I don't believe that at all.... He was quoted a few days ago saying it was a good time to be a Bill. Gonna miss him.
  3. I always liked Stevie. He was great as a Bill and loved the team and area. I hope he can land somewhere where he is needed and appreciated.
  4. I am with you on this. I am of the feeling that E.J. is not as bad as many critics claim. I have no illusions that he is the next Tom Brady either. Still I think the potential is there.
  5. What he said. E.J., all things considered, is not that bad where he would be cut. In fact I look to him having having a good year in 2015.
  6. I have a serious man crush on Rex....
  7. I am totally with you on this. It will be interesting to see him in camp this year. Hopefully all the criticism motivated him to work in areas he can improve.
  8. There is a lot of wisdom to your suggestion. Sanchez has also shown that he responds well to competition. Who knows, maybe E.J. will step up this season...
  9. I totally agree. I had the feeling Marrone made many game day decisions with the though of elevating his statue vs. Whaley. I think that might have impacted the play of some players as well. The 2015 season will be a very telling year...
  10. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Qualcom stadium. It is one of the nicest stadiums out there. Half the time the Chargers don't even sell it out.
  11. I love the idea of grabbing Lupati. He will come with a premium price tag however. There are a lot of teams looking to enhance their O line.
  12. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. In my opinion Rotoworld threw together a bunch of nonsense to fill space. There is no real understanding of any teams' roster in that article.
  13. Stopthepain: This was a great video! He seems like a quiet, subdued player. Not big on elaborating details. Great pocket pressence.
  14. Mike Lupati is my choice as well. Lot's of 9er's fans were critical of him last year but I am not sure those criticisms were fair. Since we have Greg Roman as an OC, I am hoping he is a free agency target.
  15. Exactly. Why waste your time if you have a negative assessment from earlier experience?
  16. Interesting. I wonder the details of this. I mean exactly what does Whaley see that Marrone did not? Was Marrone that vindictive that he would sit a player just because he did not like him?
  17. Here is a clip http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=10246150
  18. Swimming pools... Movie Stars... and it will never happen.
  19. The success rate of AA and rehab is about 10% overall. The odds are not with him.
  20. I didn't do You can't prove anything I wasn't there
  21. Wow...just wow. Great find and thanks for sharing
  22. We all need to remember Kawika Mitchell's quote when we claimed Incognito off waivers the first time: “BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT THIS YR. THE GUYS A BUM. DIRTY AND ALWAYS WILL BE. REALLY WISH I WAS PLAYIN RITE NOW. SERIOUSLY… I KNO WE’RE N NEED OF OLINE BUT THIS GUY SUKS BALLS.” besides, I thought he hated playing in Buffalo. Wasn't that why we released him?
  23. Of course, why would this surprise anyone?
  24. Since we are speculating, I say Marrone tried a power play for more control over everything. I think he thought he would succeed because of his discussions with Polian. The Pegula's probably reflected and thought "been there, done that." and said no, sorry. I don't think the Pegula's thought the decision would cost them Polian's services. Marrone decided if he couldn't have it his way he would leave. Going forward, I like that Brandon, Whaley and Ryan all report to Pegula. It puts him in a better position to evaluate each of them and handle the conflicts that will inevitably occur.
  25. I am sure Spiller's agent read him the riot act after his positive comments regarding Ryan. Probably told him to quit being a patsy and make some noise that the grass is greener elsewhere.
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