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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. Excellent stats BC. It will be interesting to see how the Bills do this year with the addition of Spiller and Bell we are running back heavy. If we get a minimal improvement in our passing game and offensive line we should see a significant gain in yards per carry. If we provide a minimum of a pass threat that can only help us as well.
  2. Proof positive that Jauron was a lost puppy. He always had those "deer in the headlights" eyes on game day.
  3. I have always liked Bell, although his penalties last year drove me up the wall. But considering the previous year he was on the practice squad combined with the turmoil of the 2009 season, I think he performed like a champ. When he left the game with his knee injury I was sorry. Not just because we lost yet another player to injury, but my perception was that he was steadily improving. Obviously Gailey has seen something in Bell as well. This will be his year to show that he can do the job. If he has the makings of a great left tackle, we will see it. He deserves his chance.
  4. The thought of a strike or lock out next year has me really bothered. I can't imagine a year without football. From the owners and players perspective think about the money that would be lost.
  5. Your mother-in-law is an evil woman.
  6. I would be there in person with my kid brothers come hell or high water Who knows where the rioting would occur, my guess is Niagra Square The city of Buffalo would never be the same....
  7. Just...I appreciate the positive outlook butttttttt.......the only good injury is NO INJURY....
  8. The sad truth about young players is that let all the "wonderfulness" that gets pumped up their butt go to their head. Maybe Sanchez will be the exception but his behavior says otherwise. Time will tell. I expect he will find this season a lot harder than last.
  9. I just can't believe there will be a lockout in 2011. There are billions of dollars at stake for both sides. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face! Could be a diminished season but I doubt that as well.
  10. I am chomping at the bit to see Brohm play on Thursday. I see this game in Toronto as his big chance to show what he can do. I really have my fingers crossed. I believe he has great potential. But that potential has to show in on field performance.
  11. Truthfully I want to see the same thing. After the game against the Redskins it seems that we could be looking at a replay of last year regarding our offense. I hope not. I really want to see Brohm dazzle everyone on the field. I know its a long shot, but I have my fingers crossed. Thursday's game is his big chance. I hope he is up for it.
  12. Great overview and report! I am heartened by the fact that the defense seems to be coming together.
  13. I like Trent, I really do, but I think his past injury situation, especially the concussions he received means his playing time is short. The NFL has really heightened its message about concussions. If he has another I don't expect to see him back http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MensHealthSpo...ory?id=11289869
  14. I am way concerned about this. Trent is too fragile given his past concussions.
  15. These types of articles are a joke. No one writer can keep up on all that is happening on 2 teams. The best they can do is throw in a clever sentence to keep the masses interested.
  16. I don't think the blame rests entirely on management. The agents play a game with these players. They look to leverage their player based upon the signings of other teams. As such it has become a wait and see game.
  18. Very good point. Clearly the teams didn't see what all the press and PR folks allegedly did.
  19. I just remember that "deer in the headlights" look he always had on the sideline. He was supposed to be a smart guy, but he could not process fast enough to stay with the pace of the game. I was happy to see him move on.
  20. There are times I really miss western New York. This and the fall are a couple of them.
  21. I voted for Brohm. I like Edwards but I feel he has had too many concussions. For his own sake I would like to see him as number two behind Brohm. I think Brohm can develop into the top notch quarterback this team needs. He wants to play and was happy to make the trade to Buffalo. He has had disappointment in his career and has strived to overcome the early problems he had.
  22. ARRRGH! Don't JINX US!!!!!!!
  23. ARRRGH! Don't JINX US!!!!!!!
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