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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. Pete Carol, being such a bastion of virtue, is sure to straighten the young Mr. Lynch out....
  2. If his ankles hold up.... Regardless I wish him well.
  3. Can we get Joique Bell back from the Eagles?
  4. I don't disagree. What is really odd is that if Wilson sought to increase the value of the Bills (thereby putting more money in his pocket) he would have done all he could to produce a winning team. There are so many people around the country with roots back to Buffalo (like me). He could have really built his team into a major powerhouse with fans throughout the country. Instead he let it languish.
  5. It's going to be ugly with the Steelers in town. There will be more of their fans than Bill's fans in the seats.
  6. It is always good to see what transpired in the past. Considering the fact that we have been out of the playoffs for over 10 years, I am not sure the fan base will be that patient.
  7. great observation. All the planning in the world will not overcome a lack of talent.
  8. I have to agree that Fitz did everything he could. He didn't have a hell of a lot to work with.
  9. My side hurts from laughing on that one. Thanks for brightening my day....
  10. I wish him all the luck in the world. I hope he was able to take away what he needs to do to be successful in the league. If not, he will be gone.
  11. Jets are 2 and 1...not 3 and 0.
  12. Exactly. let's keep personal attacks off this board. State an opinion, disagree if you want, but leave name calling on the playground..
  13. I have seen a lot of discussions concerning the Bills "Building for next year". But, if you have kept up on the NFLPA (players union) vs. owners discussions, its looking like there is a very real possibility of a players lockout in 2011. The owners are getting paid by the media with or without playing a single game. If it comes to a lockout, the owners will still have a revenue stream without playing a single game. The NFLPA has some strategies they are working on to counter this. Through arbitration they have requested to put these "media" funds into an escrow account so that they are not available to the owners, removing an incentive the owners have to lock out the players. A decision on that matter has yet to be made. The players are also talking about decertifying the union to avoid a lockout (like in 1987). Bottom line is that both sides are really digging in when it comes to their positions. So here are the questions: How does this potential lock out affect the Bill's rebuilding plans? If the 2011 season dies not happen, what are the consequences for the following years draft? How will a potential work stoppage affect free agency? The following links provide more detail.... http://blogs.forbes.com/sportsmoney/2010/09/22/nflpa-president-kevin-mawae-sees-players-unified-and-ready-to-battle-a-lockout/ http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202462621268 http://www.sports-city.org/news_details.php?news_id=12025&idCategory=84 http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5268239
  14. I bet its about team attitude. No one wants to look at Trent and be reminded that he used to be number 1. Also frees up a spot. Maybe we can find some secondary talent.
  15. Mr Psychic....
  16. Great post. Trent did have his days. He looked good in the beginning of the 2008 season. Then he got slammed. Since then it has not been the same. I miss the old Trent. But I think his days as a Bill are over.
  17. Well said. I don't think trent was ever the same after the Arizona game in 08. He may do well at practice but he makes panic decisions on the field. I just don't think he sees his deep receivers.
  18. As a reminder, he was on the squad because Green Bay only carried two quarterbacks. When we picked him up, Green Bay countered. He came to us because he figured he would get more playing time and better opportunities. I agree with most of the posters on this thread. Give the kid a chance at a couple of games. Its not like Edwards is suddenly going to get better overnight. He may surprise us all. Or he may not. We will never know until we try.
  19. I hope so, but I don't see any big changes coming until after the "Bye"....
  20. I don't totally disagree with your statement. Still, what do we have to loose by giving Fitzy and Brohm a game or two to play? We are not going to win them anyway.
  21. I did not expect to win against Green Bay. All I wanted is a competitive showing. Good plays. But instead we got a slaughter. I am already done for the season. Like many optimists, I thought we might win at least 8 games this season. We will be lucky to win any.
  22. I have very strong feelings on the subject but I prefer YOUR INPUT. Open the link and listen to the comments.I realize this is only one play but Fitzpatrick saw the mismatch and quickly took advantage. Too me a quarterback that can make the throw without hesitation is the best way to go! My feelings on this is that nothing will change until 5 games in. When the "Bye" comes up in week 6 there will be a change. Fitzy will be number 1, Brohm, 2. Trent will be benched. The only way this will not come to pass is if Trent gets his act together. Pigs will fly as well.
  23. I could not agree more. A one year wonder from USC, Sanchez will not be the guy taking the Jets to the Super Bowl....
  24. Living near San Diego, I can tell you any trade for Vincent Jackson is wrong. The guy is an attitude and a problem (two DUI's, that why he is suspended.) We don't need that kind of player. His tantrum's over money remind me of a certain left tackle. Remember the angst that caused?
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