As a small business owner, let me add my two cents. First, do not assume there is a correlation between how much you pay for something and what it is actually worth. Second, the best buy isn't necessarily the cheapest. A business owner is out to get the best value for the dollar period. The Bills are not the Dallas Cowboys. Fortunately for the Bills fans in Buffalo tickets to Bills games are some of the cheapest in the NFL. How many seats would Ralph sell if he were charging Dallas, New York or San Francisco prices? Probably no way near as many as he does today. How much Dallas Cowboy merchandise gets sold compared to Bill's merchandise? I think you get my drift.
I think Ralph is interested in getting the best value for the dollar. I think he does a good job at it. You and I want the Bills to be profitable. profitability is key to keeping the team in Buffalo. If sports was always about the money spent, the Yankees would win the World Series every year. We all know that has not happened.