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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. The NCAA is a joke. If you saw the recent edition of South Park, you know others agree. Student athletes get a scholarship. In turn coaches, staff and the colleges make millions. It is a scam of major proportions. Time to get with it NCAA. These students deserve a share of the money that is being brought in.
  2. I remember the Steelers game. I was in a sports bar in Southern California watching it with a bunch of loud Steelers fans. There were cocky at first, but as the game went on they grew quiet. You could hear a pin drop in the place. LOL. yes we lost but i know there will more of these games in 2011. So looking forward to the start of the season.
  3. I was at that game in Pasadena with my brother. Loved every minute despite the fact that we got killed and were out-numbered by Cowboys' fans. One thing to point out on that game. We did score first. The cowboys' fans went quiet after that!
  4. Born in Buffalo, raised in western New York. Since then have lived in Southern California. Always loved the Bills through good and bad times. Like to get together with the ex-Buffalo-ians and root for the Bills. I do NOT want to see the Bills come to LA. The Bills are a western New York team. It is what makes them unique and special. Don't want to see the snow flakes replaced by smog flakes. There are two of us in the office I work in. We have Bills stuff all over.
  5. I think they gave him enough rope to hang himself. My guess is that he did not live up to Buddy's standards...
  6. I am pleased with the draft overall. I was disappointed we could not grab Ponder in the 2nd or 3rd round. But when Minnesota snapped him up at #12 there went our best quarterback prospect. I am glad they did reach for another one. I am most impressed by our last pick Michael Jasper. He has trimmed down and he is still huge. And, for a big guy he is fast. I would not be surprised if he plays on field next year.
  7. You have to be kidding. Minnesota was the laughing stock of the draft for taking him in the first round at 12.......
  8. I know! The buzz on him was training camp fodder but his times and distances are amazing. I see a sleeper with this kid.
  9. You can not fix the team with one or two drafts. They went with players that the team needed. Went for talent. Were we supposed to draft a quarterback that was not worth it? Get serious.
  10. I agree with you. We don't NEED to make a quaterback selection, however long term we do need to go down that path. If a good selection is available in this draft I say we take it. I just want to be sure that regardless of position, we take the best available player....
  11. Maybe even lower. His intangibles are so questionable. Very few teams could take the chance.
  12. Been hanging out at the medical marijuana clinic or something?
  13. Stranger things have happened. However I consider this made up news just to fill a need for copy...
  14. Viagra? He was caught with Viagra? this is too funny.
  15. I also agree. You never know when someone might pop out of nowhere.
  16. Love this analysis. Interesting twist. I find it interesting many quarterbacks are listed as boom or bust.
  17. Wasn't there a bad movie with Keanu Reeves based upon that idea? The movie kind of sucked........
  18. I had such big hopes for Brohm. I thought we might have found a diamond in the rough. Cest la vie......
  19. Sounds like frequent cases of "roid rage" have broken out in the NCAA.
  20. Great piece regarding the ongoing discussions between the players and owners. Its possible things are not as bleak as they were a few months ago.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-brandt/nfl-labor-negotiations_b_827083.html
  21. The best thing is the Independence Air peanuts... what a hoot
  22. Geezee...give the guy a break. He screwed up, he paid the penalty. Let him live his life as he sees fit. I am only upset that the Bill's did not grab him..
  23. As a small business owner, let me add my two cents. First, do not assume there is a correlation between how much you pay for something and what it is actually worth. Second, the best buy isn't necessarily the cheapest. A business owner is out to get the best value for the dollar period. The Bills are not the Dallas Cowboys. Fortunately for the Bills fans in Buffalo tickets to Bills games are some of the cheapest in the NFL. How many seats would Ralph sell if he were charging Dallas, New York or San Francisco prices? Probably no way near as many as he does today. How much Dallas Cowboy merchandise gets sold compared to Bill's merchandise? I think you get my drift. I think Ralph is interested in getting the best value for the dollar. I think he does a good job at it. You and I want the Bills to be profitable. profitability is key to keeping the team in Buffalo. If sports was always about the money spent, the Yankees would win the World Series every year. We all know that has not happened.
  24. I think we will not have a choice since I do not see the Bills re-signing Brohm. Man I wished he worked out....
  25. I like feet. So I will root for the jets....
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