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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. I have heard a lot about how week we are looking at left tackle, yet Jared Gaither is still out there and available. Yes, he missed all of last year, but if the guy can pass a physical shouldn't we be looking at him? I'm interested in the board's take on him as a legitimate free agent.....
  2. Eloquently said and to the point!
  3. This is a position I am really concerned about. Fritz needs a good left tackle to protect his blind side. I am hoping the powers that be have something up their sleeve.
  4. I think Schobel was out no matter what. I am disappointed in the Bills failure to pursue free agents aggressively.
  5. Walker, maybe. Peters? No way. Over rated and over paid. Just ask anyone in Philly.
  6. Got an interesting email from a marketing company working with Direct TV. Bottom line is they were wondering if I would sign up for the NFL package if the price is around $150. Told them definitely. Will see if this leads to an special before the season begins.
  7. I blame it on the spell checker.
  8. already sitting out a practice with a sore leg.... sigh
  9. This is a totally absurd piece. Paul Posluszny being described as our biggest loss and no mention of Nick Barnett as an addition. Look the Bills had a bad season last year. Lazy reporters assume the same.
  10. MY ETES! MY EYES!!!!!!
  11. I am looking forward to seeing him get some action in preseason. This guy intrigues me more than any other prospect the Bills have selected for years. His size and athleticism are remarkable.
  12. Well I guess we don't need the board anymore. Great!!!!!
  13. Just noticed we grabbed Reid Forest. This kid was busy at Washington State. Has some good stats.... http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/players/1244596
  14. The labor dispute is a negotiation. There is give and take until both sides feel that they have an agreement they can live with. There were no bad guys....
  15. This whole labor thing is not good vs. bad, or who is the most evil. This is a negotiation. The owners need the players. They are, after all, the ones we watch play the game. The players need the owners. No player has made the investments made by the owners for stadiums, staff, etc. This is a business and it has to be NEGOTIATED. There is no right and no wrong. I hope booth sides can make and reach agreement. I will miss the season if it does not happen.
  16. I love rabid Bills Fans!!!
  17. Its a big Expense. Direct TV paid millions for the rights and they are going to collect it back. As for me I go to my neighborhood sports bar, have a little breakfast (I'm on the west coast) and watch my Bills. Have to put up with noise from fans of other teams but that is half the fun....
  18. Wow...does Dareus turn green when angry? Or is this is natural state? Incredible. I am sooooo glad we picked him.
  19. Fitz is the type of quarterback we can all cheer for. We want him to be the man, be successful and prove his naysayers wrong. This season will be a big one for him. I am encouraged he is working on his weaknesses. I also like how the players see him as the team leader. I am very encouraged.
  20. Ahhh, forgot all about Sir Davis the Litigious....
  21. Vince Young is an interesting choice. I agree that Tennessee probably will not cut him. On the other hand his antics on and off the field kind of have me scratching my head. Would he be content behind Fritz? Could Gailey do anything with him or would he just go full tilt Bozo on the team?
  22. Actually I think the team will be Jacksonville. I don't see the Chargers moving from San Diego although you never know.
  23. I need one immediately!!!!
  24. Totally agree with you on his. The players are the victims of a corrupt system enriching everyone but themselves.
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