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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. I say we bring Owens back....
  2. Maybe this is just gallows humor but I don't understand this obsession with Andrew Luck! Sure he is talented. However a football team is more than one man. What happens if we don't finish dead last? Will the world come to an end as we know it?
  3. Despite our lack of talent, we had some great games last year. I liked our wins... Hated the losses. I loved the fact we were tied with Pittsburg, Baltimore and Kansas City at the end of regulation play. I was in a bar packed with Steeler fans for that game. They were so cocky at the beginning. Toward the end you did not hear a peep from them. I want this team to get better so bad it freaken hurts. I could give a damn about the pre-season. Loose every one of those meaningless games. Learn all you can, shuffle players, get rid of others. But if we are not at least competitive and showing some improvement this season over last I am going to go to Ralph Wilson's house in the winter and pee several epithets in the snow of his front yard.
  4. I don't care what the final numbers are for the year as long as we beat the Patriots at least once....
  5. Makes me home sick for my old home town......
  6. It's Gailey's job to put the best team on the field and win games where he can. The players are always in competition for their slots on the field. That is pro sports. Gailey has every right to and should move players around to see who is best playing where. He needs to be able to evaluate the talent he has. That is what he has been doing. I do not understand the controversy.
  7. Why not try Michael Jasper at LT? I mean the guy played both offense and defense in college! All he would have to do is lay down on his side. Good luck getting through or over that!
  8. Nix and Gailey owned this team from the time they signed with the Bill's organization. Right now they are attempting to make the best team they know how based upon the talent they have and the talent they can get. I think they are open to free agency. But not many free agents want to play for the Bills. They both recognize they will get their main talent through the draft. I am not willing to crucify them based upon a few preseason games.
  9. I love this post. Been a Bills fan for many years myself. I will root for my team forever. I anguish at the coaching decisions, get upset when a player gets injured, and cheer at a touchdown. Its all part of the game and the enjoyment.
  10. Rumor has it Ralph won it on "Let's Make a Deal". he went for what was behind the curtain thinking it was a wizard.
  11. I think Favre is trying to beat George Blanda's record of 26 seasons in professional football.
  12. My rumor is they are going to start a team in LA around him.
  13. Yes, it was a preseason game. But we looked pathetic out there. Simply pathetic. The defense vanished, the offense that was never there was not there again. I would like to think that we are learning something in all these games, like how to improve. However I think the only thing we are learning is we just do not have the talent to compete. I hope there are some changes in the last two preseason games. We do not have to win but we need to be competitive. I hate to think the experts are right in saying we will win 5 games or less this year.
  14. Finally! Something we can all agree with the Senator about...
  15. Merriman out. Hope this is not of sign of things to come... http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/rapid-reports/post/15450101
  16. News flash: Buddy and Chan loose their southern accents. Film at 11:00
  17. As long as the colleges make millions, the coaches make millions and everyone connected to the team makes good money EXCEPT the players, we will have this nonsense going on. In my opinion collegiate athletics at this level is the biggest scam there is. The players are supposed to be happy with a scholarship and maybe work study. A large number of these kids don't even graduate. Most college athletes do not make it into the pro's so the possibility of big money in the future is not much of a consolation prize. Just like anyone else in the USA, collegiate athletes should be able to make money in any legal endeavor including selling endorsements, signing autographs, etc.
  18. That is not a crazy idea at all, esp. with his athleticism. I will confess to being a big Jasper fan. I just like the big guy and his story. I really hope he makes the team and develops into a great player regardless of position. Sigh... I saw what you did as well. I am telling myself its just his nerves, being the first game and all. But I am way biased on Jasper.
  19. I second that vote. As to Gailey's ego, you do not become a coach in the NFL without one. He is going to run plays that he thinks will produce the best results.
  20. Jasper is a young player who played at a small school. Actually several small schools. He is going to be raw on the field. He has a lot to learn. But he has demonstrated an athleticism that is worth the time and investment. I am withholding final judgement until the end of the pre-season. I believe he will show progress in playing his position over the course of the games.
  21. I guess all that is to say is good for Lee. Enjoyed watching him play for years. He is now on a championship team. Go Lee!
  22. SOB....what the heck is going on in the Bill's front office???!!
  23. I am a little mixed on the Andrew Luck sweepstakes. It's not that I think he is not talented, he is. It just that if I have learned anything over the last several years its that a high draft ranking does not necessarily equal a great quarterback in the NFL. As it is now, he will probably be the boobie prize for the team that comes in last. I would rather we win as many games as possible.
  24. Very good point. It will interesting to see if we pick anyone up during the pre-season.
  25. Did not know that.... explains everything. Thanks.
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