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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. Great article...still laughing about how Travaris "...has seen more wood than Jenna Jamison in her prime"....
  2. Chan has proven, once again, that the game has evolved beyond his understanding and abilities. I am sure he is a great guy, but he has shown he does not have what it takes to be a head coach in the NFL.
  3. Heck of an idea....
  4. It was some of the worst officiating I had ever seen. Not impartial... Who reviews the referees?
  5. I signed up. It was $20 for a quarter for on line only. I am enjoying reading it in my spare time. I will probably let it lapse after the season and then pick it up again next year. It would be great if there was a special rate for out of towers...but I am not holding my breath.
  6. I took a crowbar to my wallet and sprung for the electronic subscription for $20 for 3 or 4 months. Then made a request that they come up with a pricing plan for folks living on the other side of the country... geesh.
  7. GREAT POST! Agree with your comments. Let me add that Chan does not run the team today. He just worries about offense. Problem number one.... He is not capable of leading a team as a head coach should be. The game against the Texans proved it. He does not motivate. He does not inspire. Worse, he is intimidated by other coaches...
  8. I'll pitch in....
  9. Whoa partner...could not disagree with you more. yes, the talent is not 100%... but the coaches job is to motivate, to stimulate to get "A" performance out of "C" players. Gailey has resigned. He has quit this team. He is like General McClellan in the civil war. Built a great war machine but was afraid to use it. As head coach he needs to challenge players, not accept mediocrity. It has always been my experience that if you challenge people, more often than not, they will exceed your initial expectations. Gailey is a gloomy gus.... expecting failure and planning for it as well. He is the worst head coach we have had in over 10 years. His record shows it...
  10. Think he was referring to Gailey and crew....
  11. He is spot on... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121104/SPORTS/121109650/two-bills-drive
  12. You mean they are not already?
  13. Spot on. We do not have a head coach..a team leader. We have have a pathetic excuse for a defensive coordinator and a head coach that is little more than an offensive coordinator. There is no one watching and managing the whole game.
  14. I am mixing up a bunch of tar...anyone have feathers and a rail?
  15. I am so in on this one...would love to have Rob. If only for the long hair look.
  16. I guess you did not see his last game against Arizona.....
  17. Sounds like you have my health plan too...
  18. We will pick up Tebow... we will see the clouds open around Buffalo. A booming voice will come from the heavens and say... "Man do you guys suck".
  19. I don't care what the pundits say...Wanny IS THE PROBLEM. He has been ineffectual for years. Here is an old article from coacheshotseat.com: http://www.coachesho...veWannstedt.htm Note this quote: " It is our opinion that for whatever reason Wannstedt does not have the full respect of his players and coaches, and that lack of respect is directly impacting the ability of Pitt football to fully realize its potential. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear just by changing the venue. Wannstedt has to go...
  20. Based on our success so far this season I would grab Fig Newton.
  21. I agree, and now he has the benefit of his experience with the Giants.
  22. So I decided to do a little reading on our great defensive coordinator, Dave Wannstedt. What was the buzz on him Pre-Bills? I came across an interesting article on him pre-Bills (when he was at Pitt). This is from "Coaches hotseat.com... "Getting back to Dave Wannstedt, we have had the opportunity to watch him close-up in several different situations going back to his days as a NFL head coach, but especially in a few games since he has been at Pitt. It is our opinion that for whatever reason Wannstedt does not have the full respect of his players and coaches, and that lack of respect is directly impacting the ability of Pitt football to fully realize its potential." The article goes on to discus other things in detail. Could this be his issue with the Bills? The article comments a lot on the fact that he was mentored by Jimmy Johnson, but does not seem to have taken his lessons to heart. "...but we would guess that Johnson would put a lot more emphasis on holding his assistants accountable for preparation and coaching their players and he would focus on making Pitt a lot stronger and more physical football team. Too many times in the last three years at Pitt under Wannstedt, we have watched other teams push around the Pitt offensive and defensive lines, and that would just not be acceptable to a Jimmy Johnson coached team. The other thing that Johnson focused on, and all the great football coaches have put an emphasis on, was preparing his teams mentally to play each and every game with an emphasis on being at the just the right pitch of attitude and emotion relative to the importance of the game. Yes, there is a difference between Jimmy Johnson and Dave Wannstedt, and those differences add up to a big difference in the win and loss column". Bottom line... what we are seeing is not to be unexpected. Wannstedt is not who we need at defense.. Link to article: http://www.coacheshotseat.com/DaveWannstedt.htm
  23. I find him totally offensive....
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