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Sweet Lou

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Everything posted by Sweet Lou

  1. http://(12) moto, it If his stunt takes balls, then this guy's stunt is un-measurable and clearly out there; As in the plant pluto, or from another world. And being around bikes my entire life and still racing them at 56 I need a change of underwear just watching this guy. A much smaller version of this jump was how I got my concussion in 1992. That's why my buddy sent it to me. Hopefully it came through for you guys and gals. Lou
  2. Orton changes the play at the line of scrimmage, then shouts out "OMAHA" Jets defense caught off guard with the Peyton Manning imitation, resulting in an 80 yard post pattern to a wide open Sammy Watkins for the big TD. Orton carried off the field by EJ Manuel.
  3. Fair statement Mr WEO. How about Kurt Warner for example? And Lynch wasn't junk, I do agree, but the bills were no longer interested in his services. Therefore by the Bills front office standards, he was labled as junk.
  4. Max 997; Something that would be ridiculous would be to cut him, only to have another team pick him up for nothing. I hate to use the old adage that one teams junk is another teams treasure, but it does apply. I would rather get something in return for a player if I could, rather than just kicking them to the curb. Sometimes all a player needs is a change of scenery to excel. Think Jerry Hughes, Drew Brees, Marshawn Lynch, just to name a few. I truly think EJ Manuel would flourish in the right system, under the right coaching and that system, unfortunately isn't here in Buffalo. And I'm almost certain that there is an NFL coach that would love to have this guy, but they're not going to broadcast it. Face it; NFL coaches have huge egos. The good ones are always trying to re-invent the wheel.
  5. Not to railroad your example question, because it is a good one KD. But; IF there is another Andrew Luck in the making out there on draft day, I would pull the trigger and throw in the family truckster with the partridge in the pear tree to boot.
  6. Well CS Bill, I can't give up all my guarded secrets.
  7. Real easy name to mis-spell. I did it too. Sorry guys. Think # 3 not three speed. Lou
  8. There is an unmeasurable amount of opinion, both negative and positive, from the fans, the media and I'm sure the coaches in confidental meetings as well, regarding Manual's future and rightly so. From a football "business" standpoint (Myself thinking like a new GM; et.al) If I needed to, or wanted to reposition my team to take a coveted player in the next draft I would try to package EJ Manuel and another player of equal value (or potential value) to move up to the first round so I could give our team a better opportunity to draft what I would consider a future franchise player. Is there a coveted player (QB) in the next draft that would warrant this kind of trade ? Thoughts ? Opinions welcome. However, try and stay civil my fellow fans. I'm betting some of you can't do it Lou
  9. To the OP; Allow me to apply the same movie quote to 2014 and my life as a Bills fan. " It's almost funny." " I got dragged into this gig kicking and screaming, and now it's the only thing I want to do." Mr. Hollands Opus / Mr Holland played by Richard Dreyfus / 1995 Lou
  10. There will be a lot less profanity flying around the house. That's why my wife calls our house the airport when I'm watching the Bills. And I'll sleep better.
  11. I know this is gonna go over like a fart in church, but I think EJ's best shot is to be traded, then get a fresh start with another team.
  12. Clever turning of the phrases Mr. Arm. And if I may, I'll add a specific movie quote to the fray, with a couple of words changed to protect the innocent, but still recognizable to the masses I'm sure; "Some of us CAN handle the truth" And if somebody can help me out with the poster(s) who are always typing (When they get a chance to, of course) fixed that for you. Funny stuff. Need more of that kind of stuff on this forum instead of the typical "My dad is tougher than your dad stuff. Lou
  13. Start the guy with the lowest wonderlic score. It worked out for Jim Kelly. He had a low wonderlic score if I remember right. I think he scored in the teens! Around 12 or 13 .. maybe? Hmm? You stat crabs probably know it by heart. It seemed to work out okay for him. Too much over thinking with today's QB's. Just play the game. Lou And shhhhhhhhht ! I forgot to vote. #18 works for me. Because the NFL is a what have you done for me lately sport. And we are all guilty of it.
  14. Truer words were never spoken Rocky. I got my first and last concussion to this date, back in September of 1991. I am now 56. While off road dirt bike racing in Cattaraugus. (I think I spelled that correctly) I went over the handlebars after landing "too heavy" on the front wheel. I had a top of the line Bell Helmet; Unfortunately for me, I still suffered a head injury and a couple of broken bones. In addition to "cart wheeling" over the bars, the bike caught up to and hit me from behind, just for good measure. I was so pissed that I got hurt and I knew I was busted up, that out of pure disgust, I un-did my helmet and threw it with my good arm as far as I could. I was air-lifted to ECMC and was still concsious and in my opinion very alert. I rememer the medical staff at ECMC scolding the EMT's from the "He-lo" Because they wanted my helmet! And they assumed the EMT's forgot it! I remember interupting and informing all that listened, that I had thrown my helmet into the weeds. They sent someone to retrieve my helmet and took me into surgery. The symptoms from my concussion were on full display in the recovery room, yet I remember none of it. My recovery was actually recorded. The medical staff continually asked me the same three questions for over three hours. And the answers to the same three questions were written on a large dry erase board directly in front of me. My name? Where are you? and who was the President? One of my unfortunate answers at the time was: It's a God dam F'ing miracle we just didn't get trampled by all those F'ing caribou. Ater three hours of fun for them, they asked me; Do you know who Sweet Lou is ? That's when I snapped out of it. Afterwards, I continued to halucinate but it got less and less every day as time went on. The one phrase that still haunts me till this day was from one of the nurses who sat with me round the clock for the first 24 hours. I remember watching the Bills game on television with her when she suddenly got my attention and whispered "Concussions ruin people" "Try to remember who you used to be" After I went home I was in a case study where I was monitored and recorded while I slept. They would wake me up during REM sleep and they would question everything I was doing and saying while I slept. At one point it was getting too weird and I just wanted to get back to normal so I told them I had enough. In the end the concussion only cost me my marriage, not my job or my sanity. Fortunately for me, I don't get headaches and never did and I'm thankful for that, but I do forget some of the oddest things, while remembering other things that are so trivial that it absolutely rocks people's minds. I have two older children who have their own children that I have never seen. I truly don't know how many grandchildren I have. But I do know that I moved on and I now have a 12 year old son who is the absolute apple of my eye, so I regret nothing. In closing I would wish a concussion on no one and I will say to those who suffer from them; "Try to remember who you used to be" 'Lou'
  15. If we lose I will once again take great solace in the fact that I have other hobbies to distract me. And one particular hobby has wreaked absolute havoc on my life for 43 years and counting. While at the same time; It has been my unexplained salvation. Dirt bikes = America's toughest sport. The very sport that gifted me a free helicoptor ride to ECMC in 1991. And for some strange reason, I still can't remember how I got there. To this day, I thought I drove my truck there. Concussion, broken bones; Ahhhh the memories ! And Go Bills ! To where ? I just don't know. Can I get back to you guys ? 'Lou'
  16. 26 Corner; The pre-season is already over for us and for what it's worth, a leopard can not change their spots. (And the coach along with the QB that he's married to by the way, are the leopards) Thou shalt not have any competition for my ego challenged, fragile QB bride. Loyalty to the end,uh coach ? You two deserve each other. And on a lighter note; A big shout out to 3rd and 12. Thank You my brother. Lou
  17. Touche Franz ! Very descriptive and indeed a teaser for those who are still on top of the fence.
  18. Kelly the Dog; We are rooting for the same team aren't we ? What ever players we as fans choose to like or moderately dis-like on this team is a freedom of choice. Your emotional scars regarding this topic must run pretty deep because it's easy to detect your sarcasm. But it's okay because I do welcome it, and yet I'm not at all offended by it. I have been ridiculed worse, by the worst, for 27 years and counting. Something that you will never even come close to matching. What ever it takes to heighten your self esteem Dog, please proceed to humor me. I do not dis-like you Dog, you are a fellow fan who I hold in high regard and I enjoy reading your posts, along with the many others on this forum; That is why I keep returning. It's good reading and we all have one thing in common; The love and the passion for this team. Life is the ONLY team sport Dog and it should be the only thing that the human race is united in, all the rest is just folly. Enjoy the game everybody, Lou
  19. I didn't get to watch the game Clip I was busy un-loading the bike and cleaning up after being at the track. After some of the good reads posted here I feel as though I did watch it. And not to stir up your ire Clipper I can't resist rooting for the guy. Sorry !
  20. "You herd it here last" Thank You for the encouraging words. I think I might of mis-led you & some other posters, so I'll try to clarify. I'm not comparing the legacy or the career of Joe Montana to Jeff Tuel. I was "only" comparing (their arm strength) and (their composure) I thought I portrayed the topic and the message clearly, but if I didn't then I do apologize for the mis-reads I might of caused. Their arm strength and their composure, in my opinion, is a mirror image of each other. We already know what Joe did with his opportunities. What Jeff does with his own opportunities is entirely up to him and It has nothing to do with me or any other fan for that matter. Comparing any of their other achievements or goals was never my intention at all. . I like Tuel and his humble approach of trying to earn a role with this team instead of the instant entitlement that is heaped upon other players without earning it. Favoritism is not a reward nor is it an entitlement. Once again, just my opinion. This exact topic is why I love MX so much, because nobody sits the bench. There is no favoritism and there is no entitlement regardless of your age or talent level. Everybody gets to compete every weekend. You have to earn the win. And when I race, and believe it or not I still do, I'm the one wearing the old Bills Jersey and I'm so damm proud of it. Thanks for listening; Lou
  21. At 56 I'm not very computer savy and I guess it shows. I tried to add this last clerical bite to my other comment up above, but I screwed up somehow. My goal was to re-coin one of the other posters comments in this thread about Tuel and for what it's worth, the poster who I'm not sure of, is dead on in my opinion. His comment in general: If Tuel is as bad as his stats, or his college W/L record, or being too skinny, or not having enough arm strength etc., etc., etc., then why is the EJ crowd so agitated and salivating at the mouth about his performance or his presence on the team ? If Tuel is such a loser to some of the posters here, then what is it about his performance that really agitates you guys.
  22. Yes !!! Because they both have inferior arm strength. compared to EJ In addition, both QB's are very NFL intelligent. Thus the comparison. If you get the chance listen to one of Montana's old game interviews. If EJ is the first thing that comes to your mind, you too will need help. And not to stray off topic but I have seen a guy throw a football at the Unadilla MX Park break a winshield with it, that doesn't mean that he should be an NFL quarterback. it just means that you better have glass coverage if you piss him off
  23. Everybody loves the underdog and of course, the back up quarterback. Win, loss record aside, I remember a gangly quarterback from Notre Dame by the name of Joe Montana. Well, he didn't have a very good arm either and we all know how he made out. The definition: "Strong like bull, dumb like tractor" is not what the Bills need for a QB. FSU dumbed down the playbook for EJ for a reason, as did the Bills in 2013. Was it rookie jitters ? A learning curve ? Intimidated by the competition ? All the above ? At this point Stevie Wonder can see who is progressing at QB and I'm sure it's bothering the coaches (Doug Marrone's interview for example) just as much as it's bothering some of the fans. I say, go with the hot hand and don't be afraid to admit you made a mistake if it don't work out. Unfortunately their ego's will be their absolute un-doing if the un-drafted Tuel eventually beats out the holier-than-thou first rounder. Talk about egg on your face ! Just my opinion folks and like our backsides, we all all have one.
  24. Years ago my grandparents operated the county humane society where we lived and of course I spent a lot of time at the shelter as a child and later as a teenager, helping out in any way I could. When I was a youngster I asked my Grandfather this exact question almost word for word and his answer was beyond comical and I would enjoy sharing it with everybody on the forum, because I still laugh about his response till this day. And I'm positive some of you will enjoy it also. So here goes: "When all the dogs ruled the world they would have these worldly conferences and all the dogs aound the world would obviously attend. At the conference the dogs would show up, check in, and then hang up their !@#$". (Dogs couldn't hang up their coats like humans so they hung up their !@#$s instead) "There was a huge fire at the conference and in a mad rush the dogs ran for their lives grabbing an !@#$ that they thought was theirs, as they fled in horror." "As the dawn set on the next day all the dogs were thankful that they had survived the giant fire, but they were saddened when they realized that they ALL had some other dog's !@#$ and not their own. From that day till now and forever more, dogs will sniff another dogs ass because they are all still looking for their own ass" Enjoy everybody; Lou.
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