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Sweet Lou

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Everything posted by Sweet Lou

  1. So, 2’s are wild.
  2. Like a lot of people, I attended a super bowl party that I thoroughly enjoyed. I could probably write a book about the antics and all the super bowl parties I've attended over the years, but nobody would probably ever read it. However; it doesn't lessen the impact that the game and the half time show has had on it's patrons over the years and this one was no exception. And by the way, I'm almost 64. I noticed that some of the guests watched the entire game and the halftime show. Some guests only watched the game, not the halftime show. While others just watched the halftime show. Others were so drunk, I was convinced that they didn't even know their own name. Indeed, an overly, entertaining evening for Sweet Lou. So, in closing, we are all born with the right that every one is entitled to their own opinion. It's just like our ass! We all have one. My stance on the half time show, because I too have an ass! Without music, life would be a journey through the desert.
  3. I was young, fresh out of school and a custodian - "go for this" "go for that" type of guy in a local machine shop in 1976. The shop was very clean and was tiled from one end to the other. I buffed the main aisle every day and while buffing I was always checking out the girls, who did piece work, along the way. One day on my buffing run I was waved into the machine division where these three old lathe operators were chuckling when they told me to "Never dip your pen in company ink" Of course I needed clarification, so they cheerfully advised me not to get involved with the girls, in any way, shape, or form. And if I did get involved, the entire shop would know every little screaming, steamy detail. I welcomed and honored their advice and still use the phrase to this day. They probably saved me from a world of misery.
  4. The advice that I’m willing to offer to those who are struggling to get past this loss, is the same strategy that I often use. And that is; I refuse to allow something that I have no control over, ruin my life. I’m not a player, or a friend of a player, I’m not a coach, or an employee of the Bills. I’m just a fan for 48 years and counting and that’s it! In less than two minutes after that game, I was in my hot tub. A heart surgeon that I know has never missed a home game (imagine that) which includes the home snow game in Detroit a few years ago. If he was as distraught as some of you people on this board, his patients would all be dead. People tell you to get over it, because we know that God doesn’t give you what you can handle. Instead; God helps you handle the things that you are given. Open your eyes.
  5. No I won’t. Because to me, Sullivan is a walking turd.
  6. “Sweet Lou” - A jail nick name, or AKA, given to me in prison in 1992. I was an officer, not an inmate. I retired in July of 2020 with 32 years of active service. I had Sweet Lou name tags, license plates and I was called by that AKA for 28 years, by everyone behind the wall, including the Superintendent, the supervisors, civilian staff and of course, the inmates. I think we were paid well, but we missed everything from Super Bowls, to graduations, major holidays like Christmas and thanksgiving, my own sisters wedding. I was off for my own wedding in 2018, go figure. And of course the assaults on staff. And in closing, nobody parties like prison guards. Simply because we matured in prison as co-workers, brother and sisters, and last but not the least: “You go, I go” Lou
  7. On a lighter note, the Vikings stadium is the bees knees. An architectural wet dream. AT&T stadium is number 2 IMO. Looks like a damm UFO from a couple of miles out. Had a tour of AT&T in 2018. Staff are super friendly. lou.
  8. Nothing against the OP’ but nah! Don’t put the stadium topic to rest. There are some really good opinions on both sides of the topic in this forum. It’s a good read; and our fan hood is being mostly civil on this one. I think it was 11 years ago when my then 8 year old raced a hare scramble at Greek Peak, during Hurricane Irene. First time I ever saw it rain sideways. The tough guys raced and pitted their riders. The wimps stayed in their RV’s, or went home. HS are the toughest sport in America. It’s a two or three hour race, with no breaks, no commercials, no switching of the field, no time outs, in hell or high water, regardless of weather. Although I do love the sport of football, the players are prima donnas and they need to play in the elements. lou.
  9. I’ll be 64 in March, so yes! And she can sing too. I’ve been a fan of this team for about 48 years and that’s on it’s way of being overrated too. I’m healthy at the moment but at this point I’m ready to submit resumes to the Bills for pall bearers so they can let me down just one last time.
  10. I would rather be in Shinia Twain’s pants.
  11. Totally agree dude! I would drag my old ass through 10 miles of broken glass just to listen to her fart over a pay phone!
  12. Dick Jauron - It’s tough to win in NFL Trent Edwards - Gotta look at the tape Rob Johnson - Sacked again & again EJ Manuel - Couldn’t read playbook
  13. After that, a quick stop at a Jiffy Lube for an oil change and kick the tires. Planes need loving too! ”Lou”
  14. It's a really long story and a long time to wait, because I said nothing, so she married someone else in 97 and then they moved to the Dallas Fort Worth area. I had to patiently wait and I did. When our paths crossed again in 2018 I got another chance and I didn't waste it. Afterwards I flew to Dallas helped her pack then drove back to NY. I tried to convince her that we could stay in Texas. It didn't work. I'm starting to really hate the winter season.
  15. In 1993 I was training for the 94 Nationals. During the same time I met a woman that I would propose to and marry 25 years later in 2018.
  16. 2000 Honda CR 250 R or a 1978 HD Ironhead. Both run like absolute raped apes. Both of them peg the sound meter, and both are extremely difficult to find parts for.
  17. And I will answer as well "Ski". Just not interested in watching any of it, so I don't. "Lou"
  18. I donated for years, then I stopped abruptly, so I could be available to donate directly to my spouse, who needed blood twice during her losing battle with HER 2. I'm O neg. During the transfusion process, the doctor, the two nurses, and I would watch her color change right in front of us. I really thought she was gonna beat it. I was insanely ill both times I did it though. She rests in peace, 8/26/2017.
  19. Thanks a million Augie! It's been almost 16 months for us and we're both doing pretty well. She wanted us to celebrate her life. And that is what we've been trying to do.
  20. My wife wanted to pass away at home and she did after a 6 year battle with a very tenacious form of breast cancer called, HER 2. We had a lot of help from family, friends, neighbors, the county nursing facility and the traveling nurses where I live. My health insurance covered the rest. She had a DNR which was by her own choice and it was put in motion while she was still well enough to do so. She also had a living will that was very descriptive with step by step instructions. It didn't make her death any easier, but it did make her final wishes easier and closure more accepting. Before her early departure, she was employed in the ICU/CCU Unit of the local hospital, not far from where I still live. I dislike saying it, but she had experience watching people die. Good Luck BBB. It's not easy
  21. Dislocated shoulder with some various hair line fractures, in September of 1991. (off-road racing injury) The concussion was my undoing for a while.
  22. AT &T stadium. Was there in July to help a friend pack and move back home. It was hotter than a cat on a tin roof down there. But I got a free tour. the stadium is beautiful from any angle and a gross display of wealth.
  23. After a long courageous battle with cancer, the scariest thing I ever did was watch my wife lose the battle and die.
  24. My real name is Gregg, but not "Allman". Everybody calls me Lou, but not "Brock".
  25. Thanks Exile and Thanks Doc. It's been a long, tough road, but I'm getting there. I'm gonna ask for some help from some computer guys because the bike is worth a look and a listen. Got a short video of it in the driveway last weekend. To me it was a symphony!
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