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Everything posted by strive_for_five_guy

  1. The pundits have short memories, for sure. Not to mention they ignore key points like the fact that even though we lost last week, we dominated the game and are probably getting some key contributors back this week.
  2. Awesome, not caught up on everyone’s status, but maybe we’ll have the entire starting OL out there this week? 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
  3. I agree. In addition, it’s just a violent sport. Career and life threatening injuries can happen to any player, on any given play. Tua’s situation is just all the more shocking because of what happened last Sunday and the controversy already in place, coupled with the visually gruesome injury last night. And with his size, he essentially was a rag doll for the guy bringing him down. Assuming Tua recovers to play again, that might not be the last time he has a moment like that on the field.
  4. Fair enough. It is true that I could really care less what the team is wearing, although just poking some fun lol
  5. My best explanation is that Italian Bills logged in under the wrong screen name, and posted under the wrong topic.
  6. Yea I think it was the culmination of the afternoon. To put up 500 yards of offense yet only score 17 points is probably unacceptable and frustrating to him. A wasted opportunity and game they really should have won.
  7. Obviously Philly isn’t going undefeated, but I like the OP’s assumption that Miami is losing on Thursday 👍👍👍
  8. Two weeks in a row, Kelce under 60 yards. And the Chiefs actually lost this week. Has the rebus been solved?
  9. Any discussion of bringing Daryl Williams back? Or is he banished at this point?
  10. It would have been so awesome if the butt punt had resulted in a TD for us right there 🙁
  11. Not sure what the outlook on Kumerow is, although that’s a perfect example of why getting OBJ onto our ranks now is not a bad idea. Some late season WR depth insurance…
  12. It’s not too early to project that we’re going to continue to be the favorite to win it all, because guess what, we continue to be the favorite. Even WITH the injuries we currently are dealing with, we dominated the game. Certainly if the injury bug gets worse and that starts to impact our ability to dominate games, the outlook for the team will change. But what other team in the league do you think has a higher ceiling and outlook than the Bills?
  13. It seriously was a great tirade though. Goes from headset, to hat, to tablet over and over. Then a hand covers up the camera, leaving you wondering what happens next 😂😂😂
  14. It’s hard to dominate a game much more and still lose. And that’s with countless injuries left and right. We should continue to be the favorite to win it all.
  15. Loved his reaction to the end of this game, just like I loved his calm, smiling demeanor at the end of last week’s.
  16. Agree, the Bills play better in zero degree weather 😎. Just kidding, but appreciate the supportive words after a tough loss on our end today.
  17. I think the OP needs to do some soul searching of his user name.
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