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Everything posted by strive_for_five_guy

  1. Got it, sounds like this doctor’s speculation is unlikely then, at least the Hep D possibility. Whatever it is, hope he’s able to get well soon. https://athlonsports.com/nfl/expert-reveals-potential-reason-randy-moss-eyes-look-yellow-report
  2. Kareem Jackson is also on the PS and would get the call-up to be a backup, before Hyde at this point. No way Hyde is near game shape anyway.
  3. There’s lots of speculation out there about what could be causing it. Some doctors theorizing Hepatitis A or D as well.
  4. I don’t know, I guess we’ll just have to wait to find out.
  5. Goff is going to struggle against the zone concepts of our defense. If we can at least slow down their running game, we will beat the Lions next week.
  6. I do think that for some voters, there will be consideration given to the fact that Josh has been consistently doing incredible things over the past several years. Combine that with Josh continuing to win a lot of games this season in spite of lowered expectations, limiting turnovers, and having these MVP moments, there’s a lot of positive narrative to where he’ll finally earn it this season.
  7. Where are the ski goggles?? https://m.youtube.com/shorts/84xrgtHYK_U
  8. Whether it’s a bigger deep threat or not, I think the team is really positioned to get a guy that will create some type of mismatch, versus having an urgent need to fill. Lots of flexibility with making the roster younger and better.
  9. Aside from this season, I’m really excited about what this roster can be again next season. Most of our core players are signed beyond 2024. If we let Douglas or Hamlin walk, we some depth that could potentially step up and/or we can use some of our draft capital to further shore up the secondary. But the roster is really setup to take BPA in the draft, whether that’s OL, DL, wherever. I personally would love the Bills to find another young WR to add to our stockpile of weapons.
  10. There’s only been 7 teams ever before with 15 wins or more in the regular season. If the Bills go 15-2, even if Saquon breaks the rushing record, I don’t see how Josh doesn’t get voted MVP. The year that Eric Dickerson set the rushing record, Dan Marino still won MVP instead. I guess unless the Eagles are 15-2 too, but I’d still argue Saquon has Jalen Hurts alongside to help.
  11. I was thinking this would be even more pronounced when we play Detroit, even the defense being extra focused on shutting Goff down and showing that we have the best team and QB in the league.
  12. I don’t know, you might give her a run for the money! Man, I hope you never have something bad happen to you, and then people claim you are crying wolf and have ulterior motives. I’ll take the side of the 8-year old girl and her parents versus some drunk inconsiderate fan.
  13. So you expect him to run down these slippery stairs past his daughter that had just been knocked into a chair, to instead go a beat the crap out of some drunk guy and maybe end of up in jail or get beat up himself? Not everyone is looking to be the next Conor McGregor.
  14. If you listen to their interviews, sequence of events is as follows: 1. During first half, at least someone sitting behind them states their intention to throw snowballs at 49er fans during the game. 2. At halftime, family decides they’re ready to leave. While heading down the stairs, a drunk fan behind them states that they’re just going to “push through all these 49er fans”. It was unclear to the father if this is the same person that had been behind them in the seats. 3. Drunk fan pushes past mom and dad, then knocks over daughter when passing her. 4. Daughter falls/slips/whatever into some seat below where she initially was. Luckily, it sounds like daughter only had bruised ribs from the fall, nothing worse. The above sequence includes much of the pieces that you’ve heard. Unfortunately, it took listening to maybe three local news reports to piece this together, so if anything, the reporting could have been way clearer. The pieces add up here, although if someone can produce video or witnesses that watched this family while they were leaving and none of this happened, then I guess we would know for sure they made the whole thing up.
  15. You’re expecting the Bills to release video footage on the incident, to prove to people like you that this really happened? You’re going to be waiting for a long time. How about listen to a few of the interviews that the father and daughter gave, so you can appreciate what they’re claiming happened? Yes, the news outlets have done a bad job of explaining what happened, but the story adds up just fine if you listen. Again, where are these witnesses of yours that were there that are claiming the family is lying? So far, it just sounds like an emotional response from you that doesn’t want to hear the real facts.
  16. Blaming the victims, very nice. Where is your evidence that this story is not true? Point me to people saying they were witnesses and this family is making this up. Rational and objective people will realize just because some drunk fan pushed over some little girl, it doesn’t mean that ALL Bills fans do that same. If someone says something to you about it, you can agree and say “yea that was a really rude thing the drunk fan did”, as opposed to getting all defensive that it’s an indictment of the rest of us fans.
  17. Blaming the victims, very nice. Where is your evidence that this story is not true? Point me to people saying they were witnesses and this family is making this up.
  18. Hopefully living in Miami with millions of dollars and a supermodel wife can cheer him up.
  19. You seem to be skeptical of the incident and the family’s motives, in part because of what you claim is lack of police involvement. I agree the incident isn’t to the level of something extremely horrific, likely factoring into the family’s decision to not file a police report. I just don’t think the family is being devious with their intentions at all, and if people want to contribute to the girl’s GoFundMe, why is that so bad?
  20. Note to self - Everyone should keep an eye out for your clues.
  21. Well what’s Dad gonna do, chase after the perpetrator down the slippery stairs in the upper deck, to then do what? The police would have filed a report, but the family decided against that. Maybe they just wanted to get home at that point and not have to deal with all of the follow-up, realizing their daughter luckily only had bruised ribs? To the extent people decided to contribute to the GoFundMe, why do you care? It’s their decision where they put their money.
  22. The various news outlets have just done a poor job of outlining what the family says happened. If you listen to the father and daughter’s interviews combined with the Facebook posts, the story adds up.
  23. They supposedly released Cain from the PS yesterday to make room for Micah.
  24. Where did only the mother say the child was pushed down the stairs? You realize the father and mother share a Facebook account, right? Who says it wasn’t the father that made the Facebook post? If you listen to the father and daughter’s interviews across the various local news networks, the family was on the stairs leaving at halftime of the game. A person behind them said “I’m going to push through these 49er fans”, and proceeded to push past the mom, dad and eventually daughter when he knocked her down the stairs, which luckily sounds like she didn’t slip too far. If there’s a gripe to be had, it probably should be with the reporters, as it took listening to like three different news stations to actually get a clear picture of what the father and daughter are saying happened. And at this point, I agree that any of the news stations using language like “a member of the Bills mafia” did this are the ones using the inflammatory language. But I disagree with blaming the family for commenting on their bad experience.
  25. So because they chose to not file a police report, they’re making up the story? Maybe they didn’t feel the need to take it that far with the perpetrator, just wanted to get out of there and get home at that point. I’ve had things happen in my life where I chose to not file a report, for one reason or another. The father sounds surprised this story has even hit the news. My impression is they were posting on Facebook about their family’s experience at the game (many people post their experiences on Facebook), and the fact they noted their bad experience including their daughter getting push over has given the story legs. Now some are thinking this family has ulterior motives, which I don’t believe is the case when I listen to their interviews.
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