1. Marathoning is COMPLETELY different than playing football. Stop with the marathoning studies as support for the Bills excessive injuries. Maybe the Bills are overtraining in other ways, but I guarantee you they are NOT running marathons!
2. As for your individual experience, you are leaving out several factors. First, THAT is just one example and too little to draw conclusions from. What has your diet been in relation to your brother? I mean, if you're brother is eating Big Macs and partying it up while you are eating responsibly to support your workouts, that is going to make a huge different in the results you see. What do you and you brother do for a living? We spend huge amounts of our lives working and I believe this plays a role in how we age. Also, just b/c you are comparable ages and sizes, does not mean your genetic makeups are the same. If you're trying to make him off as your identical twin, you can't.
Like I said, maybe you are right that the Bills are overtraining OFF THE FIELD, but maybe it's just a fact of them overtrying ON THE FIELD, maybe being a very young and inexperienced team. I just think you're trying to make parallels with evidence that doesn't really support your theory.