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Everything posted by strive_for_five_guy

  1. Come on, you act like Pike is a sure thing to come in a be better than Edwards, Brohm or Fitzpatrick.
  2. So what QB would you have brought in that is a sure bet to be better than what we have? The Bills need some beef on that team. Best thing they've done so far is not draft any guys for the secondary. If the QBs still can't get it done with beef around them, then we make a pick for your QB. But it has been a long time since the Bills addressed that problem. Last year's draft with Wood, Levitre & Nelson was the first step. Keep it going.
  3. Because Jauron continuously felt the need to stock up on DBs and guys he wasn't going to ever play, rather than beef.
  4. Totally agree. The more I consider what they've done, I like the fact that they are beefing up the team. If we weren't getting Bradford and you don't rank Clausen/others head & shoulders above our current crop of QBs, then why take one? If the Bills continue to suck with their current crop of QBs, we will be lined up to get a QB high in the draft next year. At least then we will have some beef & experience on our lines.
  5. My post was more a criticism of Ellis than Carrington. I really do hope Carrington ends up panning out better than Ellis. If he plays one down, he will.
  6. You need to start drinking the buffalobills.com kool-aid
  7. Maybe Carrington will be as good as Chris Ellis???
  8. you can't teach speed. just watched the spiller highlight reel and he has it. Bills have the best RB in the AFC East now.
  9. If you agree that Tebow is a once in a lifetime player, then #9 wouldn't have been too high.
  10. Run Lynch into the ground this year then say bye bye to him.
  11. Makes it easier to trade away Lynch and pick up another lineman.
  12. She is one fine piece of ace. I know from experience.
  13. Disagree. I'm 180 pounds and could EASILY do the same job. NT = piece of cake.
  14. Why would you be DONE? You don't KNOW that Tebow will be worse for the Bills than McNabb, just like we don't KNOW about Nix and his abilities. McNabb has been a winner his whole life, but maybe Nix's ability to identify talent is actually better than the average person. And if you're going to trade a second round pick for McNabb, you HAVE to make sure you get him for more than one season. And for those complaining about Tebow's religion, who cares? Alot of guys in the NFL actually are religious, so I don't think it really matters.
  15. They can do that if they want. Once you are on the clock, if you don't make a pick, then the next team in line can pick ahead of you.
  16. if they put Gus Johnson in with the top crew it would be more exciting
  17. Yea, it's BS. And they're going to try and sell Frazier to the fans just like they did with Williams, Mularkey and Jauron. I'm sick of them hiring head coaches with no NFL head coaching credibility. Frazier has none, correct?
  18. 1. Marathoning is COMPLETELY different than playing football. Stop with the marathoning studies as support for the Bills excessive injuries. Maybe the Bills are overtraining in other ways, but I guarantee you they are NOT running marathons! 2. As for your individual experience, you are leaving out several factors. First, THAT is just one example and too little to draw conclusions from. What has your diet been in relation to your brother? I mean, if you're brother is eating Big Macs and partying it up while you are eating responsibly to support your workouts, that is going to make a huge different in the results you see. What do you and you brother do for a living? We spend huge amounts of our lives working and I believe this plays a role in how we age. Also, just b/c you are comparable ages and sizes, does not mean your genetic makeups are the same. If you're trying to make him off as your identical twin, you can't. Like I said, maybe you are right that the Bills are overtraining OFF THE FIELD, but maybe it's just a fact of them overtrying ON THE FIELD, maybe being a very young and inexperienced team. I just think you're trying to make parallels with evidence that doesn't really support your theory.
  19. I'm pretty sure the Bills are NOT running marathons during the week. I get your point, though, MAYBE their Bills are being overworked during the week. Or MAYBE they have a bunch of undersized players. Or MAYBE they have a bunch of athletes less skilled than those on the other teams and get themselves in awkward situations. Regardless, all of this is just pure speculation. But, I think you are very quick to dismiss certain types of recovery workouts that the Bills could do during the week (if they aren't already), such as yoga, stretching, light indoor biking...BREATHING is another very important aspect to athletic performance and by being a "couch potato" for an entire week that aspect of performing on the field goes quickly.
  20. And Josh is as hot as Donna Reed http://www.broadwaytovegas.com/donnareed.gif
  21. Are you suggesting that Brad Butler had proven himself at RT, because he hadn't. And what kind of proven depth did we have at RT?
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