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Everything posted by strive_for_five_guy

  1. This trade reminds me of the Eric Dickerson, Cornelius Bennett, Greg Bell trade, except we are getting the great RB on the downside of his career and the Eagles are getting the young stud LB....
  2. So your theory is that before the game, ownership told Carroll that if it's a close game and you need to punch it in, then pass? Seahawks ran the ball on first down, so do u think they took the chance there bc they didn't think Lynch would actually score on that play?
  3. In response to the first part of your statement, forget Lee Evans? Other than that, if the Bills took a shot on Stevie I wouldn't mind at a fair price, but he might be over the hill and not fit the offensive system so might not make sense. I do think he and Rex would make for an interesting coach/player relationship.
  4. One positive in my mind is it says that Pegula isn't going to allow players to blossom under his control, only to lose those players' services to other teams when a player hits their prime. Pegula's willingness to reward high performers could change the losing culture that's been in place for so long.
  5. Well I guess we will see if anyone else is willing to take a chance on a head case whose best playing days are quite possibly behind him.
  6. "IN" is the secret password for the Bills mafia.
  7. Would def be a step up from trading for bums like Mike Williams
  8. Don't disagree that the shoplifter could file a lawsuit, but without all of the facts it's hard to say whether Martins 5 to 8 punches to knock the guy out were excessive. For instance, when the shoplifter was confronted, did he also pose a physical threat to the stores security guard? I'm guessing it's going to be hard for the shoplifter to get much sympathy from a judge.
  9. I would argue the NFL is a lot different from other employers out there. As a football player, what other employment opportunities does Lynch have to make multimillions per year? If the guy wants to play football and make millions, he has no other option. If he doesn't want to give any more to a league filled with hypocrisy and takes the chance of fines for not living up to all their dumb rules, so be it. I for one love the way the guy leaves it all on the field for his team.
  10. This is incorrect. The NFL has made the following statement, which is more than nothing. The statement confirms that the Patriot balls were deflated at halftime according to the gauge which you have speculated was broken, and more air was put into the balls. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/23/nfl-issues-statement-on-deflategate-investigation/
  11. So after the refs determined the Pats balls were under-inflated at halftime with the faulty gauge, they put more air in the balls which actually would have overinflated the balls, right? How do you explain that the balls were back to normal with the accurate gauges at the end of the game then?
  12. Possible, but wouldn't there be video at some point of someone dropping off and picking up the extra bag of balls? Interesting, that would be most efficient it seems. Could there have been a second person already waiting in the bathroom to help too? I guess in that case, there would be video of that extra person leaving at some point.
  13. So if you get pulled over in a rental car which happens to have a pound of dope in the glovebox, are you at fault if you had no idea who put the dope in there to begin with?
  14. Are Hoodie and Kraft clearly to blame? I don't see how anyone could blame them before looking at the guy who touches the football on every play first.
  15. That's why it was important for Brady to not admit any role in the incident today. If he had admitted any role today, public backlash would have put the NFL in no other position than to suspend Brady for the game. His denial buys time for the league to continue their "investigation" without coming to any conclusions on who's responsible until after the game. Brady's conflicting answers and prior statements, along w his penchant for perfection and attention to detail, it's pretty unlikely that he did not know about the deflated balls, especially if other teams in the league noticed this and they don't touch the ball on every play. He just wants to play in the Super Bowl so badly that he's still in denial mode. If a guy is willing to cheat with the balls to get to the Super Bowl, why would he all of the sudden come clean a few days later without 100% evidence proving he's guilty, and jeopardize his chance of getting to play in the Super Bowl, In addition, it's in the NFL and TV Commercials interests that he plays, bc otherwise the Pats will have a rookie QB starting his first game ever on the biggest stage. Viewership would most likely suffer, which is not in their interest.
  16. From tuck rule to deflation-gate, Walt Anderson as head referee is the common link
  17. It's fine in my opinion. Green Bay couldn't stop Seattle from going 80 yards for the TD. Game over. That's life.
  18. Eh, so if those reports are accurate, it's as if he was going to give her the ring, then she started to go power crazy and say this is where we're gonna live, this is how many kids were having, this is how we're going to raise them. That's when Terry realized he had to reassess the situation and Doug walked. Meanwhile, as Bills fans, we're Terry's best friend essentially looking out for his best interest at all times. Most of us think the ex GF was crazy and see that he's much happier now and want to see her life suck.
  19. I liken the situation to a case where the girlfriend (Doug) wants a stronger commitment from her boyfriend (Terry), yet he just isn't ready to give her that ring b/c there might be that bigger better fish out there. Sensing that the bf isn't that into her, the gf thinks she has a suitor elsewhere and says she needs to move on. The BF says she can take all the jewelry he's bought for her already, and good luck. She comes to find out there's not much of a market for her and overvalued her worth, whereas the guy has already moved on and possibly found that bigger better fish already. If Terry really wanted Marrone, he would have given him that ring.
  20. Does anyone really think Rex cares what people say in an online message board?
  21. Well I think most Bills fans want a Super Bowl win most of all, but we have to get to the playoffs first before any of that is possible.
  22. After reading the "story" and ensuing comments, it sounds like the so-called "reporter" is the one actually being questioned.
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