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Posts posted by AllDayADay

  1. We should be pissed at the Bills for failing and refusing to add depth to their offensive line during the offseason. That's hardly a "crusade." Despite it being their weakest position by far, they drafted 2 offensive linemen. One of them they've already cut, and the other one looked significantly overmatched before getting injured. And the only FA addition of note, Cornell Green, has looked absolutely horrible.


    We are one injury away from total, epic disaster along the front five. There is no depth whatsoever. Incredibly, they let two quality depth players (Incognito and Scott) walk away for no reason, and those two were promptly scooped up by far more competent organizations.


    Don't say I didn't warn you.


    Steelers, yes. Dolphins, no. As far as competent organizations. I still think that Parcells is running them into the ground. They are still benefiting from Saban being there. I said earlier in the off-season (even made a post about it) o-line depth is our weakest area. A lot of people didn't believe me, I hope it doesn't come to that, because that would mean we would have some injuries.

  2. I was thinking the same thing after watching the 1st quarter. I chalk it up to a couple of things.


    1. Were playing very vanilla defense in these games. You do not see more than 4, maybe 5 coming at one time. I really hope that coach edwards starts being more aggressive in the regular season.


    2. We were without the beast in the middle (Kyle Williams). A lot of people on this board do not give Kyle his due respect for what he does every down and game.


    3. Poz is still getting back to being himself, plus were playing a bunch of different combinations for linebackers. Davis would come in then Kawika, Bryon getting in there two for some reps.



    I think this defense will come around and show some real improvements from this preseason.

  3. Need to watch the game at least one more time (not to sound like Trent after games), but these were some thoughts I had after watching the game



    Trent Edwards- 13 for 17, very accurate, just missed Lee on a bomb. Got the ball out quick, nice screen pass to C.J.

    Spiller- Kid is a stud, even with the negative runs, which Im sure hell know not to do, even though he had no blocking. Hes a home-run threat.. gotta take the good with the bad.

    Roscoe- Was tough, and good YAC. Didnt get a ton of playing time.

    David Nelson- Looks to be a nice diamond in the rough, uses size well and runs decent routes. Should be on the active roster.

    Arthur Moats- Great blitzer, and nice pursuit and good tackler.

    George Wilson- All over the place and looks like a genuine leader out there.

    Stroud and Edwards- Both looked great out there and moved well. Both got doubled a lot.



    Drayton Florence- Whats with the holding penalties? And got beat a couple of times.

    General pass rush- Im hoping were not showing everything, but we need more pressure on the passer. Need to be more aggresive and more creative.

    Run defense- Guys seem like theyre out of position sometimes. Could be without Kyle playing and a rookie in there.


    O-line is too much to get into without watching the game again. Saw Green and Bell get beat a couple of times, but overall wasnt bad. Wood is looking good and always playing hard (pause)... Maybin getting some solid pressure, I know it happened at the end of the game, but come on.


    The floor is yours...

  4. Maybe if Seattle trades for Leinart, we can get that Losman kid. He seems to be playing well in the preseason.



    Only kidding.


    Yeah, mostly about the playing well part. The guy is just not NFL material. When you watch J.P, at least for me, it makes me appreciate Trent a lot more.

  5. Pretty good list. Ellis has some really nice athleticism for a big dude. Think he finds a way onto the field somehow. Youboty looked very solid. Gotta think he is ahead of Corner at this point. Was pretty happy with everyone of note. Only negative was Poz. He looked really slow, hopefully he is not 100% yet.



    Didnt even see Corner out there. Did he play? Drayton getting called 3 times for holding, bad. Ashton always looks good in preseason, but still was impressive.


    Poz was a little rusty. Mental aspect is a bigger problem than physically. Got held on one play bad and it didnt get called.




    Wood- Great to see him out there, buried Freeney on one play.

    K Williams- Beast.

    Leodis- Looked like the best corner on the team. Fantastic sign.

    Callagan- Always impresses me, Like to see him get a shot with the 2s or 1s

  6. I like Corner, despite the mistakes he made in the game. Although I think his career is going to more of as a nickel & dime back as opposed to being a starter.


    Hell never be a starter, but I was impressed with him as a nickel corner his rookie season. Hope he just had an "off" game.

  7. Injuries serve as setbacks, Fred Jackson was a big part of the offense and now someone less experienced has to step in.


    Gailey wants to run the ball, Jackson goes down, then Lynch , kinda screws up the mans game plan, short and long term.


    True, but I think it makes us work on other weaknesses, like the passing game and play action. We know Fred can run the ball. I just wanna see all 5 guys start these games forward. We need them to gel!

  8. Big blow for us but hopefully it gets C. J ready and more comfortable in the system. I thought either Bell or Simpson would make the team, now it just makes that a bigger reality. At least its not the season for either one. The thing that pisses me off is that Fred wouldnt of gotten hurt if not for the defender grabbing his facemask..

  9. I admit I am trying to find something positive about the first preseason game, but what TRUE Bills fan wouldnt?


    The second drive by the Skins offense, which you guys call "dominating" was extended 2 or 3 times on 3rd down. One was a roughing the passer call on Maybin (Hey, at least he was by the qb). The other two were conversions by a half a yard and a favorable spot.


    Listen, I am not trying to make excuses for this team, but you guys definitely go way harder on them than what an unbiased fan would.


    You guys act like you like seeing a bad product on the field.


    ITS PRESEASON... See the glass half full!

  10. When I say luck I mean.. Calls are going your way, a ball bounces right back to you when you fumble, dont get a penalty called when it should be.


    When I say tired I mean... legs are tired, without spunk, have no energy in your body from training hard.


    C Biscuit.. Trent even said that they didnt even watch film on the Skins. I wouldn't be surprised if they did gameplan against us. It seemed they put a lot more stake in the game than we did.

  11. Why not start Calloway??? Kirk Chambers is absolutely horrible. he struggles everywhere he goes. I am so tired of him being on this line and making these stupid penalties. We to get more O-lineman depth. I still think Buddy and Chan are going to make a move on the offensive line.

  12. I agree that we need to keep the faith after this ONE GAME. We showed some positive ideas on offense, despite a couple of bad penalties and and injuries to 2 funning backs. awhile the defense didnt do anything amazing, it was our secondary, which is supposed to be the most solid part of our team that was screwing up.

  13. Lets think about it, the Redskins had all the benefits of the game last night.. and we stood in there for a little bit.


    I know you guys are harsh, but I was very impressed with the first drive by our offense and our first defensive stance.

    I really liked the quick screen pass to Lee Evans, something we were missing in years past. I thought Trent got the ball away quickly against the blitz to hit Roscoe. I liked seeing the fade route to Lee, even though it was a bad call.

    I thought our defensive was good to begin with but we didn't do too much as compared to the Skins who blitzed almost every down and were treating this like a regular season game.


    I mean even Joe Theisman said it, who is pro Skin and a complete idiot when it comes to the Bills, that the whole game was going the Redskins way.


    From the bad calls from the referee to Reggie Corner making really dumb uncharacteristic mistakes.


    It really wasn't that bad.


    We are really missing Poz, but there should be a void when he is not in there. He is our captain on defense. I hope things start to come together for this team, when him and Wood, Green and Bell get back.


    Guys were "tired" and its because most of these guys never been through a true pro two-a-day and now they've been going 2 straight weeks with two-a-days when the Skins were fresh from only practicing once a day and then having a walk-thru in the afternoon. We didnt have a spark from even our most explosive players.


    I believe this was a wake-up call, but I am glad where we are than the Redskins, because they really arent a better team than us, they really just got lucky and went alll out in this PRESEASON game. Good to look bad in preseason if it benefits in the regular season.

  14. He asked Buddy if he watched film the day before. He then says Eric Wood is a real athlete and makes them better immediately.


    Feels good to hear that. Boy do I hope that Wood can be a dominat guard/center for 10 plus years. Sure would make a great story for what hes been through. Was in jacksonville when he did that. Just felt horrible for the kid.

  15. I did the same thing, when i heard the comments about Wood, I re winded it 3 times (cant make it too loud at work). I mean the video cut to him and then he made those comments to Buddy. He said something about how quick he makes us better. It looked like Buddy was agreeing with him. Ive always loved Eric and its good to see our coaches and gm feel the same way.


    I like seeing that fire from him and giving the qbs some solid direction. I also liked how we were practicing under real game circumstances. Very good sign of things to come!

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