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Barry in KC

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Everything posted by Barry in KC

  1. " Barry in KC is obviously informed so he knows to blow off this stuff." Aren't all Republicans well informed?
  2. I received a recorded message from the Democrat candidate running against the Republic incumbent for congress last week. The Dem's message was that incumbent wanted a national sales tax and wanted to implement the draft. Both charges are false. On the other side, there is a race betweeen the former mayor of KC going against a lady who's husband is CEO of Cerner. I heard one of her ads this morning that was just flat out lying about her opponent. I watched part of her debate and really, she had no clue. If she gets elected, it's because she's a millionare. But the best one is from the girlfriend of one of my son's cooworkers. She is liberal, by the way. She was handed a flyer that said," GWB wants your grandmother to get the flu and die." No kidding.
  3. "we are so close to being a fascist state right now " Unbelievable.
  4. No doubt about it. And he'll probably be a Yankee next year.
  5. Not if you saw them play this year!
  6. The reason I don't like the Yankees is because what they have done to small market teams like the Royals. (I don't blame Steinbrenner, by the way). I really wanted there to be a strike during the last CB negotiations for 2 reasons; level the economic playing field so teams like the Royals could be more competitive, and so that the NHL players might have realized what greed can do. Again, I don't blame the Yankee organization for buying players, but the Yankees are the symbol for unfairness in MLB. But I could be wrong. And didn't they change uniforms from polyester to cotton once.....?
  7. I'm just trying to find out which ones are "stealing and legally and illegally avoiding relatively fair taxes". I don't know about you, but if I can avoid paying taxes legally, I'm all for that. Hey, you're not one of those guys who returned his tax cut last year because it was "unfair", are you?
  8. Which companies are you referring to?
  9. Hey, thanks for the analysis. Maybe making money isn't a bad thing.
  10. So GWB did not actually fire those people from AT&T and Bank of America?
  11. So let me get this straight- 96,000 jobs were added last month; 1.8 million have been added in the past year, and this is bad news because???
  12. Sorry. Won't happen again.
  13. Points well taken, but hardly a "flip flop, wouldn't you agree?
  14. [You're correct, you did say tidbits from the administration. I do apologize. I was more focussed on the accusation of GWB being a "flip flopper". The "Missioned Accomplish" theme was done to congratulate the crew about their mission and major combat in Iraq ending. GWB said at the time that the war was not over and we have a long way to go. Surely you don't consider this a "flip flop".
  15. Oh, so it was "the admistration" the said these things. I'm sorry, I thought I read that you said it was GWB. Buy the way, the "Mission Accomplished" banner was put up by US Navy personnel, so they must be part of the admistration.
  16. "Iraqi oil revenue will cover the costs for rebuilding Iraq to the American taxpayer is stuck with paying hundreds of billions of dollars" "We will be greeted as liberators and flowers will be thrown at us to long hard slog." "Mission Accomplished " Would you mind showing me quotes and dates that GWB actually said these things? Thank you .
  17. I have a neighbor's son who was an pre -olympic quality gymnist. He had an accident on the vault and became a quadraplegic. Every year they have a fundraiser (golf tournament and auction). It was late July this year and my wife and I went. Looking at the auction items, I noticed a U of Wyoming jersey, a mini Bills helmet and a copy of the SI with Dobler on the front. Conrad was there and I had a nice conversation with him. He looks very trim. He talked a little about the Bills. He lives in the KC area and works in the health care employment field. He use to host a radio show here about 10-12 years ago. He talked about his wife's accident- she fell 3 ft off of a hammock. They are both active in spinal cord research.
  18. Spray it on with a hose and an Ortho type sprayer.
  19. I've tried everthing over the past several years. The only things that work are the traps(but you have to monitor their runs and set them on the fresh ones; sometimes I've ru a hose in the runs andwaited for them to come up, sometimes 30 ft. away. The most effective method I've found is to sprau castor oil (Mole Med) around the perimeter of my yard and soak it in. It won't kill them, but it hurts their eyes and coats worms and grubs. WHen they eat, it gives them an upset stomach and gives them the runs. It doesn't work immediately, but over time, they circle my fence line and hit the neighbors yard.
  20. Interesting you bring that up. I went to Ultimate Electronics yesterday to look at it. The sales guy and his boss did everything they could to dissuade me from buying a DLP. They said that DLP's are prone to having "dead pixels". They showed me 3 DLP's that hade the problem. They also said the manufacterers don't cover past 30 days. I'm not sure what I'll do.
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