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Barry in KC

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Everything posted by Barry in KC

  1. It's been a long time since I've written on this forum, but this morning, I heard Ms. Pelosi talk about the rich not "giving one red cent" to help those in need. Over the past several years, I've had many discussions with my business partner who is an extreme liberal. Whenever he says that the rich need to pay their "fair share", it drives me nuts. Would somone please define "fair share", how "fair" is defined, and who is it that decides what "fair" is for the taxpayer? (My business partner cannot answer this, by the way. Whenever I ask him these questions, he gets mad, says "I don't get it", and storms away.)
  2. "can i buy these over the counter at petmeds? i might as well get them if i can." You'll still have to have a precription from your vet. I'd still take the pup to your vet, tell him you heard about Proin and see what he says. If he thinks that's a solution, he'll write it up, you go to Pet Meds, order the Proin, and give your Vet's info. You'll have it in a couple days. Pet Meds is really good. It was really interesting. My son's lab started having the problem at about 1 year. His vet suggested Proin. About 1 year later, mine started having a sporatic issue and my vet said it's not uncommon for spayed females . Good luck.
  3. I have a female Lab that started doing this a few years ago. My vet said that female spayed dogs sometimes do this. He suggested we give her two tablets of Proin a day. It's a prescription, but I buy them at Pet Meds. I've never had a problem since. Bottom line- it's not an uncommon problem. My son's dog had the same problem and his vet also recommended Proin.
  4. I recently moved and subscribed to ATT Uverse and started having the same problem. What we discovered is that if we had an incoming call and if the call was not "ended" by the caller, my phone would ring and the caller ID would show my number. It happened the other night when we got a robo-call about schools being closed because of snow. I ended the call before it was completed and about 10 seconds later, the phone rang with my number. What we learned to do was after asome calls end, hit "stop" or "end", "talk", "stop", "talk" and "stop". ATT thinks hit has something to do with our static IP and our security system. Hope this helps.
  5. I live next to a field, where they've invaded my yard from time to time. I declared war on the bastards over the years. I've used traps, which occassionally spear them. I've used a hose to flood them out, which works sometimes; they are ugly things. The most effective thing I've used is a prodect called Mole Med. It won't kill them, but it's a high level of castor oil. You spray it on the lawn and then soak it in. The castor oil coats worm, bugs, and grubs. When the moles eat them, it upsets their stomachs and the castor oil burns their eyes, so they go somewhere else. It may take a little time, but it works.
  6. My wife's aunt (87 years old) had one implanted 2 years ago. She was totally deaf. It's worked very well, although it takes about 6 months to adjust. She's very happy she had it done. The technology for the attachment has improved over the past 2 years as well.
  7. Darin, what kind of insight can you give us on Ms. Palin? Thanks
  8. My sister rode it about 35 times in a row one time.
  9. If I remember, Laff in the Dark was 4 and the Magic Carpet was 5.
  10. I recently bought a Slingbox and was going to upgrade my Verizon cellphone so I could watch the Sabres games if my wife drags me ought shopping. Unfortunately, I discovered Verizon will not allow streaming video from there wireless network.
  11. "The premise that the MSM outside of Fox has a liberal bias has been shot down repeatedly by many people on this board." I guess that ends this discussion.
  12. No, not running for anything.
  13. Uh, the question was, what heavyweights did Fox News have on. I gave him an answer. As I stated before, Fox regularly has liberal thinking people as regular contributors- Wesley Clark, Ferraro, Beckel, and even the Reverend Jesse Jackson. The point of this discussion is that many consider Fox to be biased to the right, why isn't that the other news networks do not get criticism for being biased to the left?
  14. I'm smart enough not to lose an argument by name calling and throwing out insults.
  15. Typical Liberal-can't answer the question. In answer to your question, I would consider Wesley Clark- who was a Dem. Candidate for President as a heavyweight. I would consider Howard Dean, who Cavuto interviewed on Monday, to be a heavyweight.
  16. As I said, they appear to be "right wing" compared to CNN, NBC, CBS, etc. The "news portion"- Shep Smith, John Scott, etc. appears to be fairly middle of the road. Outside of Hannity and O'Reilly, which are political commentators, I'm not sure that there is anyone else who is "right wing". They certaintly have liberal guests on some of the news shows and they are questioned, but no worse than the conservative guests. My question to you is: if Fox News is "right wing", how do you sterotype CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS?
  17. So Wesley Clark, Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Beckel, Geraldo (All regulars) are "Right Wing"? Please name a conservative who regularly appears on ABC News, CBS News, CNN, NBC News? MSNBC has Joe Scarborough, but that's it.
  18. Fox News is considered "right wing" because they are the only video news outlet that does not cater to the left.
  19. Next time, try the ribs at Gates- not the meatiest, but great flavor. Next time you're in town, I'll take you there.
  20. I'm always amazed that Fox News is stereotyped as "right wing" and "biased", but CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBOlbermann are never considered to be biased toward the left.
  21. Unfortunately, most of the people in this country are not as educated as the people on this board. So when the Today Show "hosts" start their show with comments like, "It looks like the Republicans may be hurt in the upcoming elections by the President's war in Iraq", that does influence people who cannot think very deeply. The people think what they are told to think.
  22. " Whatever happened on the early show is bollocks. I still don't think that this means that the news reporting is indicative of any agenda other than selling audience time." So when Chris Mathews says "It's time for the voters to talk to the President", there is no biased agenda there?
  23. I was listening to Imus this morning- he had David Gregory on. It is not an understatement to say that Gregory was extremely giddy.
  24. My son is going to the game. He'll be wearing Bills attire. He's bringing his friend, (unfortunately wearing Chiefs stuff). What's the forecast? Thanks.
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