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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. Whore-iffic ! The scars from her boob job are terrible and a BIG Turn Off. Saggy butt comes from zero exercise. Count me out please ~
  2. I'm 6'4" and weight 215. That guy was a bit shorter than me and weighed about a hundred pounds more. That is a big strain on his heart when he's at rest. Then for him to go full force in a game ... It's very sad and his family must be in shock. The poor kid had the best of his life in front of him.
  3. The Stadium would be safer than the inner city. Sad, but true. What are terrorists? Those are people who use terror as a means to an end. For more information on the subject I suggest you watch the movie Brazil and read the book 1984. Then take a look at our nightly news.
  4. Buffalo is not a target. Have a great day at the game!
  5. Just like it takes some real knowledge to know the value of a great offensive line to a football team the same applies to a bass player in a band. One of my favorites is James Jamerson. The heart of the original Motown sound. http://www.bassland.net/jamerson.html If you listen to one song, I suggest Stevie Wonder's "I was made to love her" That's Jamerson in there making that song a hit on his own. Being a guitar player he does stuff on bass that makes my jaw drop. Good luck with the switch from guitar to bass. You'll need to toughen up your finger tips. A lot of guitar players in big bands record the bass parts themselves when they record a record. It is an art in itself. Good luck ~ Surf
  6. Tabs are a fine way to learn fast without the mumbo jumbo of reading sheet music
  7. Get him a good teacher who can teach him songs he likes right away. If he likes rock it won't be too hard. Then get him an Ampeg bass amp. You can get him a vintage SVT or a new classic SVT or one of the smaller models. You most likely got him a Fender bass but there are a lot of nice ones out there. Once he knows his Ampeg logo he'll see it everywhere on TV with all kinds of different bands. It is the standard. I don't play my guitar through a Marshall. I am happy with my Mesa Mark IV with an extra speaker cabinet. I have it on some special foam thing which seperates the sound from the floor. The world needs more bass players. Please continue to encourage the lad.
  8. There's nothing wrong with Little Feat. I've seen them several times and I even saw them twice with Lowell George leading the band. One time way way back they were suppose to play a free concert in Delaware park. Once the warm up bands were done (including The Road) the equipment changed and the show was about to begin. It was a great summer day outside in the afternoon on a weekend. Just as the limo carrying the band pulled up a riot broke out because a cop was arresting a hippie in front of the whole crowd and taking him away by his hair. Before you could say Dixie Chicken lots of police on horseback came into the park out of nowhere and shut it all down. I remember seeing Richie Hayward (drummer) by the limo saying he was getting the hell out of there. In other words, they were "Buffalo'd in Buffalo". Once Lowell George left the band to try the solo thing I was living in LA. I had tickets to see Lowell George play a future concert. On a Saturday afternoon Ticketmaster called my apartment and told me the show was cancelled. When I asked why they told me because he was dead. RIP Lowell George
  9. You quit drinking, smoking and pot. What on earth made you do that? Did something happen in your life to make you think things would go better if you quit all of those at the same time? Or did something happen and now you have to quit? Drinking: Jesus went to a wedding once and they had jugs of water. So the Son of God himself made wine. I read that in some book. Drink fine wine and be closer to your maker or at least closer to the guys who wrote the book. Smoking: Good move. Ciggies are useless and make your breath smell bad. Not sexy. It isn't the tobacco so much as the 200 chemicals in the cancer sticks that make them deadly. GOOD CHOICE. Pot: Almost everyone quits in the Summer if they want to or not. Summer is a very dry time of the year. Good luck ~ Surf
  10. ... or opium. That makes you think grass is crap once you release the dragon within.
  11. I work for BearingPoint. I hope he comes back to win it but he doesn't look confident and he doesn't seem like he's on a mission like he did when he won the masters.
  12. fan is short for fanatic
  13. Because the refs were blowing fowls
  14. I don’t use a ring tone. I will when I can find one that plays “She’s a Bad Mamajamma”. I use vibrate because I’m in meetings so much I never have it go off. Next, if Delta flew on time I wouldn’t have to call my wife when I’m finally in the seat to tell her I think the plane is going to take off. That’s before they close the door. I wasn’t saying I want to use my phone more on the plane. I said they don’t work on planes when the plane is in the air. I have tried it many times in the bathroom since 9/11 at 30,000 feet and I can never get a signal. So I have no idea how on 9/11 those poor people got their phones to work to call their families and say they were hijacked. Do you happen to know? Also, I used to work on avionic systems and there is no way Joe Six-pack’s cell phone is going to interfere with the plane’s navigation systems. Those components are completely shielded from EMF. I also realize that the USA didn’t say the reason for the Iraq war was to get their oil. We did it for much better reasons than that. To find WMD and to take out a tyrant. Ol’ What’s His Name. However, while we were there we did take over control of all of their oil. I just didn’t know why our gas prices went up so high BUT you provided a good explanation. It’s as if we invaded the Artic Circle, took it over for our selves and the price of a bag of ice went up at the 7-11s. More as it happens ~
  15. I have no idea what shape our country is in. With Bush in office it is all diversion. I could kick Osama's ass I'm so mad at him. One dude in a cave pulls some crap and I have to take my shoes off and get my crotch wanded every time I fly ... which is four times a week every week. By the way, cell phones still don't work in airplanes when they are in the air. I still don't know how those folks called when they were in the air on 9/11. I also don't understand how Forrest Gump got to stand with JFK in the movie. I wish SOMEONE could explain to me how we go into Iraq, take over the country, their assets and their OIL that we bought for years and the price of our gasoline goes sky high. Where are the spoils of war? If gas at the pumps was 25 cents a gallon we'd get a lot more support for our troops.
  16. Shakemaster rules. He even represents The Drizzle!
  17. I am so grateful I chose not to have kids. What a world this is turning into. As far as calling this a trend. I think that is a misuse of the word trend. Illness would be a better choice of words.
  18. I thought you were going to say that the dress flattens out nicely when it is on the floor.
  19. I used to get it then I stopped payment and told them I didn't want it anymore. They kept sending it forever. Just recently they stopped. I wonder if there's a new one in the mail today?
  20. I would rather have a girl be a tiny bit overweight than underweight any day. My wife is 5'7" and weighs 135. She's got it in the right places too and hates it. I love it. She wants to be more like 120. I've seen her like that and it's too boney for me.
  21. I went to that place way way back in 1980 under the original name. There was that one, The Jet Strip and my fav at the time The Wild Goose. I worked at Hughes Aircraft and we used to go there at lunchtime for the free pizza and some entertainment. Things were quite "different" back then.
  22. That's the great John Prine !
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