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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. Ron Mexico will feel like he just got hit by an STD with four hooves. ... and two sharp horns and a lot of fur. LASER Fur !
  2. The bettors would be happy if it was Tampa 5 Buffalo 3
  3. I think it was Rob Johnson's fault !
  4. You are 100% correct. Everyone needs to calm down no matter what happens until AT LEAST the middle of the season. Then we can stop saying calm down and start saying it's too late to do anything about this mess this season. Thank you for calling the group to order. I appreciate your maturity.
  5. Now you did it. You lost control and pointed out the problems with the team that will prevent them from winning future games. I know you love the team BUT saying ANYTHING negative means you are a traitor. Prepare yourself to be told to go cheer for another team. We don't need your kind around here you will be told. Thinking for yourself is verboten.
  6. I am sincerely sorry to hear that. A cat like you described is a real member of the family. Take care ~ Surf
  7. I agree last week NONE of the experts picked the Bucs to beat the Vikings
  8. She pathetic. Please have her go back to her day job at the mall food court. Let's try to display some real beauty next time.
  9. My frozen solid lazy-boy recliner in hell. "Hey Ralph, pass the beer nuts." Thanks for asking !
  10. Bocce Club Pizza on Bailey will send it to you overnight FedEx. By the time it gets to your house it will cost you $40 for the shipping and pizza. For a birthday or special ocasion it is worth it.
  11. That's why they call it DOPE !
  12. Compared to the pizza in Florida ANY pizza from WNY would be wonderful right now. I used to like Bocce Club on Bailey when I lived there, but I bet yous guys could show me some great new places.
  13. I like my beer and red wine. It depends what I'm in the mood for. The next time I do pour a glass of Aussie Shiraz or California Cab I'll remind myself I'm a pansy and try to enjoy it anyway.
  14. San Antonio also has a wonderful selection of ballet
  15. Curb Your Enthusiasm Reno 911 ATHF Harvey Birdman Being Bobby Brown
  16. Wallace Shawn is cool. I am sick of Ray Lewis as well. What a thug.
  17. Hoogarden ~ Tastes great !
  18. You're very welcome !
  19. Crooked Zebra thrive in New England I can't remember the last time the Pats didn't clear the spread at home and they did it again last night. Spread was 7.5 and they won by 10. SOS
  20. A skeleton walks into a bar and says “Bartender, I’d like a beer and a mop.” A snail walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says they don’t serve snails and throws him out. Two weeks later the snail comes back into the bar and says “Hey, why’d you do that?” A dyslexic walks into a bra... A man meets a gorgeous woman in a bar. They talk, they connect, they end up leaving together. They get back to her place, and as she shows him around her apartment, he notices that her bedroom is completely packed with teddy bears. Hundreds of small bears on a shelf all the way along the floor, medium sized ones on a shelf a little higher and huge bears on the top shelf along the wall. The man is kind of surprised that this woman would have a collection of teddy bears, especially one that's so extensive, but he decides not to mention this to her. After a night of passion, as they are lying together in the afterglow, the man rolls over and asks, smiling, "Well, how was it?" The woman says, "You can have any prize from the bottom shelf." A neutron walks into a bar. "I'd like a beer" he says. The bartender promptly serves up a beer. "How much will that be?" asks the neutron. "For you?" replies the bartender, "no charge" A baby harp seal walks into a bar. The bartender says, "What will you have, baby harp seal?" and the baby harp seal says, "Anything but Canadian Club on the rocks." A ham sandwich walks into a bar, orders a drink and the bartender says, "No, we don't serve food here." A termite walks into a bar and says to the manager "Is the bar tender here ?" A giraffe walks into a bar. The bartender says, go outside, the drinks are on the house. Two giraffes walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "What'll you have?" and they reply, "Give us two tall ones." A gay guy walks into the bar. the bartender asks, "what'll you have?" and the gay guy says..."Please, could you push in my stool?" A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender asks, "Why the long face?" The horse replies, "Genetics." A man walks into a bar with a duck on his head. Bartender says: "What can I do for you"? Duck says: "You can get this guy off my ass". A duck walks into a pharmacy and asks for a roll of chap stick. The clerk says "Will that be cash or charge?", and the duck says, "put it on my bill." Man walks into a bar and orders two drinks. He sips the first one and pours the second on his hand. The bartender seeing this, gets curious and asks him "Hey buddy, why did your pour that drink all over your hand?" The man replies. "Just trying to get my date drunk." A green snake and a pink elephant walk into a bar one day. The Bartender says 'You're both early, he's not here yet.' A dog walks into a bar and says, "Bartender, it's my birthday! Do I get a free drink?" Bartender says, "Sure! The toilets down the hall." A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What’s this? Some kind of a joke?" A widow walks into a bar in Miami and sits next to a guy. She says, "You're new here. Where are you from ?" He says, "I just got out of Okkeefenokkee Correctional Facility for murdering my wife with a hack saw and stuffing her into a suitcase." She says, "Oh, so you're single." A Rhino walks into a bar.``A cocktail bartender``. The bartender replies`` Drinks are free``. Rhino:Why? Bartender: We don’t charge Rhinos`` . Four young nuns walk into confession together. The priest says "o.k. girls, what happened now?" The first girl steps up and says "well, we were walking through the park, and this guy wearing a trench coat jumps out from behind a tree, opens his coat, and he is totally naked". The priest says "o.k., what happened then?" "Well, I've never seen a naked man, so I looked at him, I mean, I LOOKED at that man". "Oh, dear God" says the priest. "Say three hail Mary's, and wash your eyes in that bowl of Holy Water" The second girl steps up. "O.k., what happened?" "Well, I've never touched a man before, so I touched him, I mean, I TOUCHED that man" "Oh this is horrible" says the priest. "Say ten Hail Mary's and wash your hands in that bowl of Holy Water" All of the sudden, the fourth girl jumps in front of the third one and says "hey, I want to gargle before sister Suzy washes her butt!" An Irish guy starts going into a New York bar and orders 4 shots all at the same time. He drinks all 4 then leaves. This goes on for several weeks and finally the bartender says, "Say buddy, what's with ordering 4 drinks all at the same time?" The Irishman says, "Well, when I left home I promised my 3 three brothers that I'd have drink for each of them every day." Several months goes by and one day the Irishman comes in and orders 3 drinks instead of his usual 4. The bartender says, "My deepest condolences, friend, I assume one of your brothers has passed on." The Irishman looks up and says, "Thank you, but no, I've not lost a brother. It's just that the doctor has insisted that I quit drinking........" A bear walks into a bar and says to the barman, "Can I have a.......................................................................pint of lager?" "Yeah sure", the barman says, "But why the big pause?" (paws) Then there's the one about the man and his dwarf stallion who goes into the bar. The man orders a beer and the dwarf stallion whispers something to the barman. "Did he order something?" the barman asked. "Yep," said the man. "Listen closely." Again the dwarf stallion whispers something. "I can't hear what he's saying." says the barman. "Yeah, I know." says the man. "He's a little horse." A giraffe, a doe and a skunk were having cocktails in a bar. The waiter brought them their bill. The skunk said, "Gee, I'm afraid I only have one scent." The doe then stated, "uh . . I had a buck on me an hour ago, but not now." Then the giraffe said, "Well it looks like the highballs are on me." So this empty beer bottle walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey, weren't you drunk in here last night?" So this cow walks into a bar, and says, "Hay, Bartender!" A ghost walks into a bar, "Sorry," says the bartender ,"we don't serve spirits here." A man walks into a bar only to see a sign "Free Beer -- Certain Restrictions Apply". The guy says to the barkeep, "What kind of restrictions apply?" Barkeep: Well, you've got to do three things, then the rest of the evening's beer's on the house. Guy: Sounds good to me, what do I have to do? BK: Well, first you have to drink a whole bottle of pepper tequila in one chug. Then, there's an alligator out back with a terrible toothache and you have to pull out the tooth with your bare hand. Finally, there's a woman upstairs who's never had an orgasm, and you have to make her happy. Guy: You're f*cking nuts. I'll buy my drinks, thank you. Well, time passes, and the guy's had a few too many and says... Guy: Awright, ware's dat tikeela? BK: You're gonna do it? Guy: Damn right, I'm gonna do it. The barkeep hands the guy a fifth, and the guy just slams it down. He stumbles out back to the alligator. There's terrible noises thumping, screams and growns, and finally, the guy staggers back into the bar with his shirt ripped and bloody and terrible gashes across his face and torso, and sez: Awright, where's the broad with the toothache? A man walks into a bar carrying jumper cables. The bartender says, "HEY, don't you try to start anything in here." Vlad the Impaler’s favorite joke was, > > This bar goes into this guy........ A guy walks in a bar and sees a woman and two men at her table. He shoots men and asks: "Why is the lady alone?" Two nuns in the bath and one says to the other "Where's the soap ?" to which the other replies "Yes, it does, doesn't it ?" Q: Why did the architect have his house made backwards ? A: So he could watch TV at the same time.
  21. Unreal ! The Noles defense won that game for us. Our offense did what they could to lose it but Miami's QB and kicker wanted to lose it even more than we did. I'm in shock the Noles had 9 sacks. Why did the one Cane get ejected? What did he do?
  22. ... and Sting made a fortune using Bob Marley's voice. Roxanne ! Listen to the accent in that song. Did Sting have a Jamacian nanny?
  23. Please stay safe and good luck !
  24. Who's paying for your school? If you are get out now and stop the bleeding. If your parents are paying ... they don't want to waste their money. It's not about being interested in the subject matter it's all about doing what you have to do to get the best grades you can get. That bar exam will kick your butt if you don't have a passion for doing this now.
  25. I remember walking by his place in Williamsville when I was a kid. It was cool
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