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Posts posted by shakar

  1. Don't care if he laid him out. Ball hits your hands, you catch it.


    He did take another look downfield, and actually stepped up in the pocket. Just happened to be no pocket to step into. Even as a pretty good Trent fan, it's time to move on. Let's see what someone else can do, and see if it is the line or the QB play.


    guess it's Edwards fault Parrish didn't catch it too. :wallbash:

  2. Not to be redundant, but the reason we couldn't run the ball was also because of Trent Edwards. Miami was stacking the box and daring him to beat them with his arm and he just isn't capable of doing that. Other teams know this and you can look for more of the same this coming Sunday. Until and unless TE learns to check down when there are 8 0r 9 men in the box and go to a three step drop with a slant over the middle, that is what we are going to get. After three years, he still hasn't figured this out. You can't run the ball when the defense is taking away the run. If you can't throw it in those situations, you are doomed to failure.


    Can't setup the pass with no protection, O-line's fault for not running the ball, last time I checked quarterbacks aren't good at blocking or throwing with defenders hang'in off them :huh:

  3. Was listening to the Cowterd show yesterday and he was making every excuse about Sanchez checking down, because he was running for his life. People can say what they want about Trent sucking, but he had zero time, he had numerous balls batted down, and was running for his life. We need to fix the O-line. Plus it's hard to run the ball when the defender is there with the hand off.

  4. Amazing after the first game almost everyone is throwing in the towel. I think most on here need to find a new team or get back on the med's. There is no way this team is going to the playoffs, but with that being said all I really want to see is continued progress through out the season. You really can't evaluate a team after just one game!!! I know "Trent sucks and it's deja vu all over again", but lets give it sometime to develop and not worry about wins and losses at this point. Here's to bright future for the Bills in the years to come! :beer:

  5. Hate to be a Debbie Downer here but if it wasn't for Spiller on this offense, we probably would look worse than last year if that's possible. Honestly, Trent looks just a Trentative and it's more than obvious that he just doesn't have "IT" to be the guy under center.


    Call me what you want but it just my personal observation through 2.5 preseason games and countless regular games the last few years. I really want him or someone to succeed at QB but I don't know if there is anyone on the current roster to take that job, with the exception of Levi, who is still relatively unknown.


    I guess everyone can blame the O-Line for some of it but, honestly, how much can you blame them when the QB looks skiddish at best.


    Trent for President!!! :devil:

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