I will look forward to the day when we can have a conversation about a qualified NFL quarterback. Talking about the bums that we have currently on our roster is a waste of time. I agree with Jim Kelly.
OK then what is his excuse? I am sorry but I must of watched a different version of Trent Edwards last year...he showed me nothing.
Maybe I need to drink more when I watch him play, then maybe I could throw on the Rose colored Trent glasses and see the QB that all of you guys rave about...I really seriously must be missing something.
My bad...poor Trent. I mean, they should of surrounded him with the perfect environment for him to succeed. This day in freeagency thats what every QB has right? I should of known...poor baby Trent...my bad.
+1 I agree. People really need to come to terms that he is a god awful Quarterback...Excuse after excuse....
Not sure what the appeal to this loser is.
He hasn't played much, can't call him a bust until he actually plays in some game...
He lost his starting job to a future hall of famer, many Qbs would be second string to Warner, doesn't make him a bust.
See Aaron Rodgers.
People need to stop making excuses for the poor quarterbacking that we currently have. It is what it is, they suck...A good QB with a quick release can make everyone better around him.
In this day in age there is no perfect offensive line for a QB to have the perfect amount of time to throw. The turnover in todays NFL prevents this. A good quarterback makes do with what he has around him. A poor quarterback needs the perfect storm to succeed, ala Trent Edwards.
I am 37 years old and have a Bills fan for at least 30 years....Over the past decade this team has made the same mistakes over and over again. Slowly every year my optimism and passion slips a little more with every poor decision they make. First of all the team and its owner needs to show some passion and desire to win, and once I see that , they will get that from me again....
I am tired of supporting a bunch of losers ( the Bills) for the first time in 30 years I am just about fed up...
We need a QB to get him the ball.....Wes Welker looks amazing because he has a great QB throwing to him. The Bills on the other hand have nothing at QB.
All of the teams that went to the playoffs also had above average Quarterbacks that could actually throw the ball down the field, and not check down all the time. A good QB can also make an offensive line look above average. It is a two way street.
By no means do I want to sign Grossman either, but at least the guy has made it to the super bowl. He is a little better that these busts mentioned. Not much, but a tad better...lol