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Everything posted by grelit

  1. They have McGee who they just extended, Leodis and Reggie Corner.....does the National Media pay attention????
  2. They have McGee who they just extended, Leodis and Reggie Corner.....does the National Media pay attention????
  3. Edwards over Cutler....please pass to me what ever you are smoking. Must be some good stuff...
  4. People are idiots to think that Edwards is an NFL quarterback.
  5. I would have to agree with Jim Kelly as he stated: “If you look at the solid teams around the league, you’ll see that they are really established at the quarterback position,’’ Kelly said. “We are still a question mark.’’ And have been for quite some time.
  6. lol....very good point...forgot about that.
  7. Wow....hope you meant Orton. Now that we mention Grossman I think Trent Edwards is more on Grossman's level...not Cutlers.
  8. In this day in age, there is no such thing as a perfect offensive line. With the turn over in Free agency you have to make the best of what you have. Look at the Colts, Steelers and Packers O lines. They are not great by any means, but they have a quarterback that makes plays. You could have any line in football in front of Trent, bottom line that he is no adequate on the NFL level to be a starter. You said its been years since we had a good offensive line...I say its been years since we had a quarterback as well. Edwards had "the best left tackle in football" the last two seasons and it still didn't help. I am done making excuses for him and officially of the Edwards bandwagon.
  9. I am up for the challenge...see you over there.....did'nt realize it was so right around here...
  10. Sorry I will lay off the politics now...go back to talking about mediocrity, aka The Bills...(very appealing)
  11. Very well said... Amen.
  12. I can respect that...and I didn't mean to jump to conclusions.....my apologies....
  13. Are you serious?? Freedom of speech is nearly dead?? Is this North Korea we are living in? That comment is a bit extreme...
  14. Further atrocities that were going on in the Bush era...? Here is a clue for you....The country was in horrible shape when Obama took over!! Was it not??? Am I missing something here? The first bailout package for the banks was on our former presidents watch! Banks were going out of business, and so was the auto industry all on Bush's watch... When he took office the country had a surplus!! 8 years later we are Billions and trillions in debt. .IS THAT ALL FORGOTTEN??!! I am sorry I have to go and cool off.... Have a great day.
  15. With all due respect you posted a link that had nothing to do with football as well..... ....OK OK I will move to the other board.... Hope you have a wonderful day!! Stay classy....
  16. Good find there...lol... But back to being serious...the movie that exploited Bush...you know the one....don't you? Even if I was Republican which I am thankfully not, I would have had a hard time supporting that guy. I mean he embarrassed your party. I just hope for the sake of the Republican party they can produce a better candidate next time. I mean at least someone that won't embarrass themselves publicly. LOL Oh and one that can actually put sentences together.
  17. Are we talking about FOX news and facts in the same sentence. This news channel has an obvious hidden agenda. FOX news is a joke. The U.S. economy grew at a 3.5% annual rate in the third quarter, ending a string of declines over four quarters that resulted in the most severe slide since the Great Depression. FACT...
  18. Just like when President Bush tried unsuccessfully to shut down Michael Moore's movie...lol trying to control peoples thoughts about him etc..... Say all you want about Obama, but he inherited a colossal mess....
  19. Jeff Garcia is not the same player anymore....there is a reason that he and others like him are unemployed.... I think people think about the player he once was...I mean Jim kelly and Joe Namath were great at one time....do you want to bring them in to? Unfortunately there is a time for everyone to hang up the cleats.....he is washed up.
  20. I totally agree with you.....with the exception to Eric Wood.... Winning starts with a good QB...(stating the obvious)
  21. Point well taken.....high-in-sight is 20/ 20 and I guess it is easy to play monday Morning QB after certain players don't work out. I hope their luck will change soon, and they will land a capable QB. Edwards, Losman and the rest of the bums they have had in here certainly have been a waste of time and an embarrassment to this this once proud organization and its former greats. Especially being the 50th anniversary of the team.
  22. I would normally agree with you but the recent 1st round QBs have worked out well...Plus some of the better QBs in the league are former 1st rounders... P. Manning E . Manning J. Cutler B. Rothlisberger M. Ryan J. Flacco A Rodgers D. McNabb C. Palmer P. Rivers T. Edwards is a 3rd rounder and is a bust. I know, I know, Jemarcus Russell...Ryan Leaf etc... I think I will take my chances with round one though....trusting the Bills front office to select the right guy though is a whole other story...
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