All of a sudden, I'm having second thoughts about Beane & Mc"d . This guy is total crap---why waste your time. Bring in an older vet or a young guy for the practice squad. Why your at it Bill's brass, make a trade for an above average offensive lineman to mix in with our young guys.
Not me. I've been watching since 1965. Haven't missed many games in that time. I want to see the bubble guys & see who might make a push to make the roster.
Yeah, I thought Darnold was the best QB in the draft. I think the Bills were high on him. Many Bills fans & myself thought we had the picks to get the guy we wanted but I think the Jets out foxed us. Screw the Jets & the frigging Colts. I hope Allen pans out for us. If the Colts every call to move up in the draft, I hope Beane strings them along & then drops them like a lead balloon.
I'm more concerned that Dawkins doesn't play & Josh gets creamed. If he doesn't play well, no big deal, apparently he's responding really well to coaching & improving every week, so it will just be back to the drawing board to work out the kinks.
I didn't know they taught square dancing in high school. I dated a farm girl in my younger days & she took me to a Grange square dance. I had no clue about square dancing but they should me how & I had a great time.
I agree with you Nucci. I don't advocate censoring people, I just brought it up as a point of discussion. There seems to be more clauses trying to be added in recent contracts. I think the strangest one this year was the Bears rookie LB being dinged if he was suspended for leading with his helmet.