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Posts posted by garbag3man

  1. He really looked bad today....


    1) Danced instead of turning up field to get a first down on 3rd and short in the first quater.


    2) Missed the screen pass


    3) Was laughing and having a good time on the sideline towards the end of the game.


    Freddy is the better player, Lynch is a bum who is one bad decision away from getting suspended for a year. Get rid of him and get some extra picks for the new coaching staff.


    If we had stuck with the run yesterday Marshawn would have had an huge day. He was averaging 4.8 YPC and he only got to touch the ball 9 times.


    You are focusing on two plays, where as if we had given him more than 9 carries all game, he would have blown it up.


    Everyone has to settle down about trying to ditch Marshawn. He has been a 1000 Yd rusher for the past two years, and we simply aren't giving him the ball. You can't get into a huge rhythm only getting 9 touches in a game.

  2. 1) Another fine game by Byrd. He left the field at around the deuce; I hope is is OK. It must suck to have runners charging at you with a full head of steam on virtually every play.


    2) I saw something interesting before the half. TO was on the sidelines bitching to Josh Reed, and Reed turned his back on him and walked away. Take from this what you wish.


    3) Poz played a very good game today.


    4) This game was the dictionary definition of Jauron Ball. A non-aggressive, weak, tiny little team with no Offensive Tackles and 200 defensive backs gets beat to s--t at home. Surprised are we?


    5) Moorman is a flat out freak, but you already knew that.


    6) The announcers were right. The incomplete pass at halftime was on Fitz, not TO. WAY too much air.


    7) Don't look now, but Schobel was on a pace for double digit sacks. He was dominating Orlando Brown. As soon as he left the field their defense fell apart. It would have anyway mind you. Stroud was gassed and Spencer Johnson was covering wideouts. What a freaking mess.


    8) I like Fitz but he was pretty bad today. Tough to blame him when your OTs are "Tinker Bell" and the "Nobody of the Week."


    9) There is no valid reason to keep Jauron. He never could coach, but he now looks like he is nearing a mental breakdown. Don't want that, ya know? They might have to put him in a treatment room with big posters of college defensive backs on the wall as part of his therapy.


    10) We probably won't, but I will forever cling to hope that the Bills will draft some big guys and build a football team; one that doesn't resemble a ballet ensemble.


    11) Is Lynch turning into a non-productive player? I sure hope not. Freddy Jackson is productive.


    12) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The answer to that one is a big No. I dont know where you call a 4.8 YPC non-productive. Lynch was running all over their defense and they decided to only give him 9 carries.


    The team looked awful yesterday, but Marshawn looked like his old self yesterday, even if he only got 9 carries.

  3. For all the critisicm he takes (and it's warranted)...Snyder wants to win as badly as any hardcore Redskins fan. That's his problem. He's like a superfan that runs the team and gets too involved. They throw $100M to get the best F/A D-lineman who only plays 1/2 the snaps because he so fat and out of shape. That's a bad move. They need to get rid of Vinny Cerrato, hire a real GM and coach.... and Danny boy needs to step back and watch. I'm sure he will pay a kings ransom for Gruden, Shannahan or some other well known coach.



    Problem is when they had Schott (or any good coach comes in) they request full Front Office control. Well Danny Boy doesn't like that, he wants to have Vinny in there so he can keep playing fantasy football with his team.

  4. Whatever the reasons are, Trent has not thrown down the seam or deep over the middle since the 1st quarter of the Monday Night game vs. Cleveland last season. That game damaged him, and it has looked beyond repair this season.


    Granted, he is already on his third offensive coordinator, but I'm not sure if that is better or worse. On one hand, it could be an excuse/reason that Trent hasn't gotten comfortable. On the other hand, it further drives home the point that regardless of the scheme/playcalling, Trent is going to throw short and safe the majority of the time.


    Let's not forget, Edwards only looked good in the first place when compared to Losman, a spazzy, confused QB who couldn't get a job as a backup in the NFL the very next year.


    Seeing as we are heading for an uncapped season, I don't expect the Bills to be in a bidding war for an available free agent QB, considering the money an open market would demand. Therefore, I'm bracing for another hopeful draft pick and three years of inconsistency until we know what we have with the next guy.


    What does it matter, everyone will be calling for this new draft picks head after 4 weeks. I am not saying Trent is good, and I have been here hoping for Max Hall, but there is a very good chance that quarterback isn't going to be good for a few years, but no Bills fans seem to have the patience for that. We don't have the answer but we have to stop calling for QB's heads and find out if maybe we have the answer, and just need a few years for him to learn.

  5. more excuses and denial, sorry. Trent has had many starts in the huddled up offense and still regressed. He had that horrible, mental slump last year (Cle, SF and Miami?) where he had no confidence. He was in the crux of another slump when he got injured in NY. Good QB's don't go into these horrible mini slumps like Trent is having a habit of doing. In Football, you don't have the luxury of having 4-5 bad and unproductive games in a row since that's a Qtr or one third of your season down the tubes.


    First off, not making any excuses, and I agree with what you are saying about his regression. The only reason I say any of this is that I am tired of the revolving door of QB's and the willingness of fans to get on to the next QB and start the new controversy.


    I preface this with the disclaimer that I am in no way saying Trent is a great or even solid QB, and that I am in no way saying he is anyway the same kind of QB as Drew Brees.


    That said I think that it is time we pick a QB and stick with it. There are going to be a few bad years while developing a QB, Brees was fairly awful his first two years before he worked it all out and developed into a great QB. Lets be realistic, not every young QB, or even many at all, will be Matt Ryan or Joe Flacco. Most young second year starting QB's suck, its just a fact. It takes a while to get used to the game.


    I am not saying Trent is our guy, and I am not saying Fitz is our guy, I just wanna see the team win. But I also realize that at some point the team has to pick a QB and stick with it, and develop the guy.

  6. Wow, "Simon"! First of all, you must have a LOT of time on your hands, which I don't. However, here's a feeling I have that may or may not be accurate......maybe you could look it up to see if it's true or a falsehood.


    It SEEMS that Fitzpatrick throws to his wide receivers (i.e. Evans and Owens) more on average per game than Trent Edwards does. I also KNOW that Lee Evans has 2 touchdowns in 1-1/2 games with Fitzpatrick at QB. This SEEMS to be a better average per game than with TE. 2 touchdowns in 1.5 games roughly equates to 21 touchdowns over a full season, whereas 1 touchdown with TE over 4.5 games equals about 3.5 touchdowns for a 16 game season. It also seems that there isn't as much "checking down" with Fitzpatrick than there is with TE (see catches by running backs and tight ends). No, I don't think Fitzpatrick is the long-term answer at QB for the Bills, but I DO think that he gives the Bills a better chance to win week in and week out right now.

    This is something that has been bugging me. If you actually look at the passes to WR objectively, I am willing to bet that this is a function of the team slowing the offense down and not going with the no huddle any more. In the five passes that Trent threw before Jenkins tried to pull his head off, Trent hit Lee on the same pass Fitz did later, and hit Nelson on a crossing route for a nice ten yard pickup.


    If they decide to go with Fitz, well all pull for him, but I think Trent deserves a full game with the slowed down offense before we go ahead and say that we can compare any of this.

  7. The offense sucks no doubt. Fitz is not a long term solution. I think people are just happy to see some resemblance of an NFL QB. After you watch 4 games full of checkdowns and sacks it does not take much to get excited about. Edwards set an extremely low bar.


    I still don't think an honest decision could be made at all. Trent spent the first five weeks of the year playing in an awful no-huddle offense. Once they went to the huddle, he was moving the team and went 5-5, also hit Evans on the exact same slant Fitz hit him on, right on the numbers, and Evans got just tripped up.


    I think Fitz played well enough not to lose, but I don't think that you can look at that game and a half and say Fitz should be the guy. Trent was looking really good in the jets game before they popped his head off. If they keep winning, ill take whatever, but at the same time I would like to see if the zone blocking and slowed down huddle offense would help Trent in a full game.

  8. TO eluded to it earlier this season. Trent doesn't know how to assess single coverage and ball placement. This is why he will have very few 300 yard games if any. Most QB's look for single coverage to throw in. It takes Trent longer to pull the trigger. Trent being extra careful doesn't seem to result in less picks either. Defenders are sitting on his short routes forcing him throw longer which he can't properly assess so he will not do. Other than the "go" route he will not pull the trigger. He is not a gunslinger. It is much easier to teach a gunslinging QB on how to reel it in than to teach a timid passer on how to sling it (JP Losman being the exception of course).

    It will be interesting to see Fitz with a week of first team snaps. He seems to pull the trigger sooner especially on the 15-20 yard pass. I don't see TE completing the pass for Lee Evans TD against the Jets. as Fitz did.


    TE completed that exact same pass earlier in the game, and Evans was a step slower on that play. Made the exact same throw on the exact same slant, and he got tripped up. I would say that the change was the huddle and not TE or Fitz.

  9. Hahahaha. I love that you're using stats to justify why Fitz isn't the answer. He's obviously not the answer (and also doesn't have a cannon for an arm), but he's basically the same as Edwards. A possible upside here and there, and downside here and there, the point being: Fitz isn't the answer, but man, Trent certainly isn't either.


    I know that Trent isn't the answer, but lets be serious here. We have 10 games left, and we have to have a QB. I am making the point that no matter what happens, when Trent comes back from his concussion, we should be giving the keys to the offense back to him. Fitz checks down even more than Trent does, and at least when Trent checks down, his passes are accurate.


    Also, I don't think Trent's career is over yet. I think that it is hanging by a thread, but he has accuracy, and he has the arm strength to get the ball down field. He has been tentative every since his concussion last year. If they can find a way to get him back to pre-concussion number 1 form, he could still have something to contribute to this team.


    Not to mention if we actually had some semblance of a pocket for him to pass from, it wouldn't hurt either.

  10. That doesn't make sense.


    Ryan Fitz:

    5.3 Yard per Attempt

    57.7% Completion percentage

    51.4 QB Rating


    Trent Edwards:

    6.7 Yard per Attempt

    61.2% Completion percentage

    78.0 QB Rating


    I dont understand how you can say that Fitz has a huge arm, the guy is averaging a full yard less per attempt (and that is with starting all last year with Ochocinco and TJ Housh on his team). Trent was airing it out all year at the beginning of last year until they started rolling a guy over the top on Lee, and then we had no second WR.


    This year we simplified the offense and proceeded to stack the deck against Trent with a young o-line (not giving him any time in the pocket to find his WR) and then installed a no huddle offense that did nothing but confuse that young O-Line.


    Also, lets not forget that Trent hit Lee on the exact same pass last week early in the game and someone tripped him up. Fitz checked down as much if not more, and just managed to get lucky and have Lee break one. Edwards was finding his WRs and stretching the field (Shawn Nelson had a huge grab) before he went down.


    Fitz is still just a backup and a guy who is serviceable, but he can't stretch the field any more than Trent can. The biggest difference last week was AVP on the field and finally going to a zone blocking scheme. Don't forget trent was 5-5 and had thrown for almost 10 Y/A before he went down with a concussion. Plus his YPA would have been way larger if Owens had caught that bomb against Tampa.

  11. Trent is still by far the best quarterback on the team. Fitzpatrick put up awful number, an atrocious passer rating, and everyone is all over him. I dont understand.


    TE hit Evans on exactly the same pass that Fitzpatrick hit him on, and Evans just happened to get tripped up. The improvement in the offense didn't come from Edwards going out, it came from huddling and it came from having AVP coach from the sidelines and actaully know what was going on.


    I still think we have a better offense than has been shown, but Fitz isn't the guy to lead us into the promise land and he is still the 2nd best QB on the team by a long shot.

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