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Posts posted by garbag3man

  1. The physical reconstruction of his throwing shoulder is what is of most concern to me.

    His shoulder got absolutely flattened in that game against BYU, and he reinjured the same shoulder later in the year.

    He might now have a noodle for an arm.


    Isn't it basically the same surgery Drew Brees had, that scared the Dolphins away from him?

  2. I think Incognito is a RFA because of the lack of a CBA contract not sure- but if so It'd be up to the Bills if he stays or goes.


    Correct, Incognito is ours if we want him (he has not had 6 years in the league, so is an RFA.)


    I would like to see us go LT in the 1st Round and start a:

    Rookie LT -- Levitre LG -- Wood C -- Incognito RG -- Butler/Bell/Meredith RT.


    Levitre and Wood were beasts last year, and if we get a 1st rounder at LT our left side of the line is solid for years to come. Incognito is young, and played very well for someone just coming onto the team.


    I think that whether we go with Fitz, Edwards, Brohm, or a rookie, at least they will have a chance to succeed behind that line.


    Off Topic question, now that we have a coach who embraces the spread offense and did wonders with Tyler Thigpen, would anyone be open to picking up Graham Harrell from Saskatchewan?


    Kid had a monster college career, and could have been a promising QB.

  3. It depends. Is my son an old vet and this might be his last shot at a ring? or is he some young stud who will surely get another chance to get back to the big dance? that would play a large part in my decision. but since i dont have a son im leaning heavily toward the Bills


    I think the question was a reflection on how Archie Manning would be torn. In that case, Peyton already has a ring and will have his chance at a few more.

  4. Actually, it's when someone's argument is so inept I feel compelled to let them know they're looking like a fool with their pants on the ground. Yes, I agree it's nice of me.


    Nah, you are right, it is pretty inept to point out the fact that if the guy hates on the city, and hates on the team, that there is a pretty good chance that it might be the reason we didn't call him.

  5. One and done?




    Buddy and Chan deserve no slack whatsoever. The support fans gave Jauron in his first two seasons helped sustain his reign of fail. If results aren't immediate here, do not refrain from booing and expressing the need for real change in the Bills organization.


    You know, I agree, we haven't even won a game since he has been Head Coach. This guy is awful, I know cause I heard Teddy Bruschi, Tony Kornheiser, and all the guys on ESPN say it.


    I know he made the playoffs in almost every place he has been, but obviously he had nothing to do with it.


    I know that Bill Cowher wanted him to be HC of Pitt after he left, but come on, what does Bill Cowher know.


    I think we all need to just calm down here. We have a coach, who has a history of winning everywhere he has been. Sure we need to fill some holes, but lets see what he can do before we start calling for his head.

  6. Even better, the Bills were the first NFL team in 11 years to call on Gailey. You know what they say...washed up coaches, like fine wines, only get better with age.


    That is actually kind of a dumb thing to say when you consider that the Steelers interviewed him for their HC job after Cowher retired.


    Also, I am guessing that Billick not getting called had something to do with him ripping the city and the team with his "who would want to go coach in Buffalo" comment.


    We got a guy who will turn our offense around (made the best out of Tomzcak, Kordell, and Thigpen), lets see what he can do with the team instead of just whining about it.

  7. Going (back) to the 3-4 would seem to make sense. The Bills ran it for a decade, all during the SB run, and it's currently all the rage. The problem the Bills had back then was they had no true NT. And that will be the first order of business: getting a true NT.


    Terrance Cody?


    Sounds like we have a perfect trade back opportunity. Trade back, get two seconds, grab an OT in the 2nd, and Cody in the late first.


    Fill two holes for the price of the one.

  8. Like most Bills fans, I'm not crazy about about this hire, but was anybody really thrilled when Marv was hired in '86? He was an almost 60-year old retread from KC and the CFL best known for running the Wing-T.


    The big difference between 1986 and 2010 is that Marv came on board and had Kelly, Reed, Smith, Talley, Tasker, etc. (not to mention that the O-line had Hull, Ritcher and Wolford) just as they were all about to hit their prime. Right now, the Bills have no QB, the O-line is in shambles. Until player evaluation, acquisition (and retention) gets better, the Bills head coach position will continue to be a 3-year revolving door.


    It's sort of like President Obama - love him or hate him, his success is our success. His failure is our failure. Let's hope the blind squirrels at OBD have found another nut like Marv in the hiring of Gailey.



    Would like to throw out that, while they aren't Kelly, Reed, Thomas), we do have a solid RB combo, a great speed WR in Evans, and an underrated possession receiver in Reed. We also, have Levitre, Wood, Incognito which is the makings of a very good OL in a year or two, if we get a solid LT I think we could be a team that is at least playing games that are worth watching in December.


    Wow, methinks Mike Lombardi needs to take a few English lessons.


    Certainly, former Steelers head coach Bill Cowher’s ringing endorsement of Gailey will carry some clout, but will it all of western New York rest easy?


    Recently, my fundamental problem with the Bills organizational is that they hate change

  10. I am curious to know who Nevergiveup is on this board. He was right about Buddy Nix, and now seems to be right about Chan Gailey. I think you work at One Bills Drive or you are related to someone that works there. From now on, I will be paying closer attention to your posts. Come out from behind that mask and tell us who you really are.


    He is Buddy Nix. Created on Dec. 25th this year, right before they made the announcement.


    Also, thanks Nevergiveup, much appreciated for the scoop.

  11. I am thinking 9-7, a winning season, and at least in playoff contention till the end. (This is all assuming we fill the OT/QB holes in the draft, and he pulls in a decent DC).


    I like the hire, I like seeing that he is a winner, and I like that we have someone who has playoff experience as a HC. He isn't the big name, but he wins, and that is what we need.



    Go Bills!

    Now go get LeFevour and lets start rolling.

  12. Not sure about that. All those Bills fans at away games? They're not traveling fans. They're transplants. I live in Charlotte and have seen in first hand.


    Sorry that was more what I was getting at, just mis-spoke. Meant more that we have a huge fan base at home, and so many transplants that are huge fans as well. Its more of a culture than with most teams. Where even when we all move away, the Bills are still part of our lives.

  13. Wow, he got shredded.


    The truth is Buffalo is fine as a football market. It's not a very small market, really. Including canadian fans and die-hard Rochester fans, you're talking about a market of over 2 million people. That puts Buffalo on par with cities like Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Tampa, and Denver. Buffalo is also not sports saturated, with only one other competing professional team (the Sabres)...so I'd say Buffalo, while not the strongest market, is an okay middle-of-the-pack market. There are surely other weaker markets.


    You also have to add to that, that we have one of the biggest traveling fan bases. I have lived in Vegas and now DC, and been quite a few other places, and we have some huge contingencies seemingly across the country, more than most teams.



  14. "Wins as a starter as stat" = FAIL.


    Check out these hot "wins as a starting QB" stats:

    A) 7-18

    B) 24-15

    C) 10-18

    D) 18-14


    A is Troy Aikman's first two seasons. He started out 0-11.

    B is Wade Wilson's "wins" through 1989.

    C is Jim Kelly's first two seasons. He started out 4-12.

    D is Jim Everett's first three seasons of starts.


    You see where I'm going with this, and we've been over this a billion times on this board. Are B and D predictors or indicators of higher levels of skill and talent at QB? Only someone who's never watched a game of football would think so (and I'm sure you'd agree). The "Wins as starter" stat ignores the team around the player and suggests too much credit for what the QB does, 99% of the time. I don't think much of any of the QBs on the roster at this point though I'm intrigued by Brohm's potential. Still, this is a BS stat that proves zilch. Most of the QB stats on this roster point to a conspiracy of bad QBing, horrible system(s), and lack of talent around the QB onfield and on the sidelines.


    This is the problem that I see with this argument. If we were a fanbase, and a team that actually believed that developing a QB over time was something we should be doing, this would be a good argument. But all I see is how bad we have gotten.


    They listed Trent's record over the first 30 games as 14-16, while you just listed Kelly's WL over the first 28 as 10-18. All I see this proving is that we, as a fan base, and as a team, don't have the patience to let a QB develop.


    I am in no way saying that I think Trent is Jim Kelly, or even will be a great QB, but if we were like this when Kelly was 10-18, we would have been running him out of town, and bringing in Reich as soon as possible. And if he had won one single game, we would have appointed him QB and made sure Kelly never started again.


    I think we need to start anew (LeFevour please?) however if we get a real HC that wants to put Edwards in at QB, I am not going to argue with him, as we haven't actually developed a QB since Kelly. This is why we spend 15 years searching for the next JK, because we don't have the patience to see how good the QB's we actually have are.

  15. His personality and demeanor are very similar to Jauron. I am a season ticket holder and I am sick and tired of seeing our coach stand on the sidelines like a damn zombie and show now emotion or even signs of life. That'y why it was refreshing at first when Fewell took over. Atleast he had some fire.


    I honestly know very little about either one of them and will live with whomever they pick. Maybe Frazier will be great, he's well thought of according to national media. When I look at his credentials I am not really impressed. Atleast Grimm played in the league (and at a position where we need help), I think his personality is what this team and fanbase needs right now.


    Frazier also played in the league, and also we know that he can at least shuffle

  16. Let's see, they interviewed Frazier, wanted to talk to Schottenheimer, want to talk to Grimm ... doesn't seem like a ridiculous amount of obstruction taking place. Add that teams can be asked for permission to interview coaches during the playoffs and this argument is rather wobbly.


    Right, but even if Schottenheimer was the #1 guy that we wanted, this is the first week that we can interview him. So while we are going down the list, of Shotty Jr. was the #1 guy (which he wasn't, i hope), we still couldn't have interviewed him till this weekend.

  17. He was promised an interview from the very beginning. That is, he was a distinct exception.


    The Bills are working the list from the top candidates down per Buddy Nix himself.


    Right, but we still have to wait until coaches are done with their season, or we can actually interview them. So we can't just interview our favorite candidate if we didn't have permission or if we weren't able to by rule.

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