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Everything posted by sonyab1974

  1. Oh thank you!!! I did not know how the name Bills Mafia started. Now I want to go on twitter and read Johnson's tweet along with the fans comments! Too bad I can't.
  2. I misunderstood you? Oops sorry. What were you trying to say?
  3. No.. Didn't you see the schedule of that day? Check it out.
  4. OH HEY! Fantastic. Congrats to him!!!
  5. Joking about what?
  6. Bills vs the Jaguars October 8th, at 9:30 AM. 9:30 AM?!!?!!?!! WHAT?!?!!! That has to be a mistake..
  7. The schedule drops next week?! GREAT! 🥳Thank you!
  8. I guess. Well, we will just have to see how he plays when the games start. Hmmm. Maybe!!
  9. I watched the video and WOW! He is good!
  10. I never heard of him. I guess they aren’t going to show the bills on the draft today since I don’t see them on the number list and this post was made.
  11. I saw video clips of him playing in games, and WOW!!! He is good. Glad he is chosen.
  12. Oh.. Thank you! I can't wait to see who is picked!!
  13. What is the schedule for the draft when they show the Bills?
  14. Yes!!!! That is wonderful, but also scary. I'm going to worry about him when the football season starts. The people who thought he actually died and this is a fake Damar, I wonder what they think now.
  15. There is a service for her. I'm so confused. Yes! Exactly! Thank you!
  16. What?!?!! She passed away?! 😵
  17. Hmmm. Is he any good?
  18. Are you okay???? 😢
  19. Awwww yeah. It does feel like they died and we are at their funeral.. it will be okay. We always have next year!!!! I'm sure they will be stronger next season!!!
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