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  1. Of course, when I asked to click the link, it was imbedded in the image post not the link on the post to Camp Puzzle Peace. The organization changed my son's life.
  2. x.com/ravens4dummies/status/1883711704871428577
  3. Click the post, all the donations are in the comment section...
  4. There's screenshots of their donations, not sure why the animosity with acts of kindness, this is bigger than sports.
  5. Dalton supports Camp Puzzle Peace and the Ravens fans decided to reciprocate what we did for Mark Andrews.
  6. This won't end well! https:
  7. This team is my full time job 😂 I wouldn't have time to take on a second one!
  8. It may have been Phillips he's wearing #97
  9. 2.5m cap space, don't see us as buyers
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