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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. if you had made your position clear I wouldn't have asked - put a number to it man or at least a range, stop being a coward it's not like my opinion of you will become lower. see Tom doesn't hedge his position, he's a miserable prick and proud of it.
  2. Hey, you don't have to clarify your position but then maybe less outrage about your position being mischaracterized.
  3. what percentage do you think it is?
  4. Dude, I just described Chef's argument, which you then basically repeat with an anecdotal story- It seems like you are agreeing with my description of Chef's argument and are telling me you share his argument - if you are trying to make a different point please clarify. So you would describe putting an employee on PIP as a token gesture to avoid wrongful termination lawsuits
  5. I don't think you know what the word concerted means- perhaps you mean conscious So you are putting her on a Performance Improvement plan but have already decided to fire her in 30 days - may I ask where you work?
  6. Your argument boils down to "I've done well because I've worked hard and made the right choices therefore anyone who hasn't done well must be lazy and has made the wrong choices" I'm just extending your argument which is poverty is a choice and circumstance doesn't really matter.
  7. There are rich people in India, Venezuela, China, 1000 millionaires in Kyrgyzstan so I guess all the poor people in those countries are poor because of the bad choices they made - really one rich person in any country is enough to prove all the poor people are slackers- in North Korea they could all be living like Kim Jong-un if they just put their mind to it.
  8. we have a statistically improbable amount of Alec Baldwins at PPP
  9. how many hours a week did you work? where did you live?
  10. He was William F. Buckley's butler and Roy Cohn's fluffer.
  11. It's amazing that a news provider can claim to be unbiased or fair and balanced when they are obviously not - take that "Face News" or is it "Fox Book"
  12. So you are more than willing to accept slow or negative growth in exchange for more savings? well you should be happy then http://www.businessinsider.com/us-savings-rate-problem-2016-5 http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/01/news/economy/american-consumer-saving-not-spending/
  13. http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/06/04/67-percent-native-americans-say-redskins-offensive-155143
  14. Did you hear it from B-man?
  15. The amount of conservative claptrap B-man inserts into PPP more than offsets any liberal bias Facebook might have.
  16. It'd be nice if those 66.66.......% saved more but if they all did they'd throw the country into recession.
  17. I've heard many conversations that floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes are because God is mad about gays and abortions :doh:
  18. Obama is a supposed disciple of Zbigniew Brzezinski who's main adjective was to ring fence China and Russia with the hope of one day driving them into war with each other - this plan consisted of making countries friends of the West where they traded mostly with the West using Western financial institutions, trade organizations, courts etc etc - countries that could not be pulled into the Western fold would be destabilized making business dealings difficult and less profitable. In this basic world view terrorism would be a very low priority as they are no threat to U.S. long term world dominance.
  19. meh...........wait........no, meh covers it.
  20. probably meant to say rawboned as in lean not fully filled out.
  21. I think General Ann Dunwoody would be a great VP pick for Trump.
  22. On the other hand in the scramble for labor that would ensue, pushes for a 15 dollar minimum wage might seem regressive. Oh and if you are a renter, happy days, two million spaces fighting for tenants.
  23. Rafael Cruz
  24. I know some usual Republican voters who are considering voting for Hillary, I also know some Bernie Supporters who are considering voting for Trump - it's small numbers on both sides and I predict it's mostly frustrated talk on both sides and it is more likely that all of them will just stay home and medicate their pain.
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