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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. https://mises.org/library/sad-legacy-ronald-reagan-0
  2. Putin despises Hillary and with good reason - she and Nuland facilitated the coup in Ukraine which has led to where Russian-American and Russian-European relations stand today.
  3. If Hillary really wanted to Stop a Trump presidency she'd step aside for Bernie
  4. Trump up 5 points CNN/ORC poll
  5. Hope not, since religion is a grandfathered in socially acceptable belief in things that would label you a child or a schizophrenic by an impartial observer.
  6. More like baxako Amolicaxa uk axagaxain
  7. interesting short read http://www.beerscenemag.com/2010/04/the-short-and-bitter-history-of-hops/
  8. Germans often claim that they perfected beer but I don't think even they have the audacity to claim that they invented beer.
  9. Sorry, I put your post though a Gibberish translator but apparently it's not sophisticated enough in fact I think I may have damaged it. http://mybigmonkey.com/gibberish/ If you have a moment of clarity can you help me out - got you're goat - is that suppose to mean "got you are goat" meaning like "I understand you are a goat" or "got your goat" meaning like "I have your goat" with the implied threat that your are going to sexually abuse my livestock.
  10. It's goad, and generally I don't reply to writing that indicates the writer has some form of mental impairment, I thought poor Boyst he's always been stupid but either he's had a stroke or more likely contracted a prion disease from unprotected man cow love.
  11. Police now claiming the officer was actually shooting at the autistic client and missed, mistaking the toy train for a gun, proving it wasn't racism but .....mmmmmmmm massive ignorance of autism? really poor vision and incompetent shooting .........on the bright side the behavior specialist is probably glad he was shot instead of his client.
  12. When it's Hillary against The Donald, Hillary is 2-3 points ahead but in polls that include Gary Johnson and Jill Stein - Trump is ahead by a point
  13. republicans are letting their freak flag fly
  14. yeah him too but that is a more painful procedure
  15. The Boltons have a preventive procedure for skin cancer, maybe you'll get a free procedure someday.
  16. Also a problem among the Amish, Mormons,Ashkenazi Jews and European royalty
  17. red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
  18. you're plagiarizing "nailin Palin"
  19. Imagine in some alternative earth the Westboro baptists got billions of dollars to metastasize all around the globe instead of the Wahhabists
  20. White? I thought you were Italian, my bad
  21. What are you complaining about you're a man of color.
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