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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. There are all kinds of religious beliefs we make illegal and punishable - We don't let Christian scientists withhold medical treatment from their children, Polygamy is illegal regardless of your religious beliefs, Being Rastafarian does not allow you to smoke weed legally, you can't stone your children no matter how disrespectful they are and no matter how much my God Cthulhu needs human sacrifices they remain a legal no no.
  2. Most women's bathrooms have stalls which give privacy and I guess the assumption is they will be dressed when they use the sink - most locker rooms you dress, undress and use showers in the presence of others.
  3. Actually that article said nothing of the sort - it said China was pissed at Australia for disputing China's China sea claims - also China said mean things about Australia and made vague threats. As for Australia they have very abundant mineral resources and they were doing great business with China when China was growing at double digit rates, China's slow down has hurt Australia's economy.
  4. Apparently sovereign citizen nuts think they have an unfettered right of travel and are free from the requirements of driver license, insurance, car registration, inspection and such also they think they have the right to protect their property with whatever level of vigor or means necessary and do not regard law enforcement as a special case.
  5. Black and a sovereign citizen nut, that's a combination that will always be lethal.
  6. The machinery need to replace 100 workers probably needs 4-5 workers to maintain and program - why would you replace labor with machines if you need as much labor to maintain the machines
  7. What do you have against mark-to-market accounting?
  8. The U.S., Russia, China and others have been engaging in a zero sum war for (resources, power, influence)- no direct shooting so far thankfully but every other avenue is open - The Ukraine coup is part of this and in some ways it was brilliant because Russia was !@#$ed either way ,on the other hand is !@#$ing with a country that can effectively end civilization really that smart, Russia can't really win the game but they could kick over the board anytime they want to - another thing it was part of a foreign policy that pushed Russia and China closer together and while it was always Zbigniew Brzezinski dream to ring fence China and Russia until China invaded Russia for resources, what we have now is a Russia China relationship that is closest it's been since the 1950s. Separately China and Russia have a lot of problems but together they are a hell of a foe, Putin is trying pretty hard to peel off any European country it can from a U.S. directed agenda and China going to treat the China Sea the same way Israel treats the West Bank .
  9. The End game for Vlad is what it's always been a strong Russia who's regional interests are respected and who's voice is listened to in global matters.
  10. Hey Bob where exactly do you want the country to move on the issue? I for one would be happy if on he federal level they knocked it down from a schedule 1 drug to a schedule 3 or 4 drug
  11. If you're not using it then it's not really giving every !@#$ing dumbass a stage, a podium and a microphone
  12. by selling eyes, livers, and kidneys from Trump voters or anyone who has a "don't tread on me" flag to the Chinese elite - also I heard spleen is an Asian delicacy and I'm pretty sure we know where the mother load is.
  13. What you should want is titanium gold alloy ankles to replace those chalk ones but you've been very bad so you're getting a bag of wood pellets.
  14. Well it's a true statement, Tim Kaine's governing of NJ was dreadful, he provide no leadership, did no work, it was like he wasn't even there.
  15. Agreed, also stop blaming Manning and Snowden, the way to stop being exposed for doing disgusting and disgraceful things isn't better cyber security it's to stop doing disgusting and disgraceful things.
  16. Isn't Foles a statue? I think we are building our offense around mobile QBs
  17. I'd eliminate summer vacations from public schools (two week vacation every season) add an hour a day but eliminate homework, and make high-school 5years - this would add the equivalent of four years of education. create a free online university payoff existing student converting them to a 2% loan offer 2% student loans provide free tuition and text books for careers deemed in need, contingent on maintaining a B average - this would include trades schools
  18. Please move this thread to PPP
  19. While Tom definitely has the mass to cause the damage can he really generate the velocity needed given that his ankles are made out of chalk .
  20. The problem with the Green party is they only gear up for presidential elections - if they want to be relevant they have to do the hard work of getting Greens elected to school boards and city councilmen, then to state positions, then to congress and governors, then make a run at president.
  21. What part is homophobic?
  22. I don't know how you type when you're stroking Ted Cruz's dick with one hand and fondling his balls with the other, I'd figure you're using voice recognition soft-ware but I'm surprised it can understand your muffled words with your head so far up a fictionalized Reagan's colon.
  23. I've only seen a few true libertarians most are unwilling to give up America's superpower status
  24. Eric Holder is scheduled to speak and I'd boo and heckle him unmercifully https://theintercept.com/2016/07/12/eric-holders-longtime-excuse-for-not-prosecuting-banks-just-crashed-and-burned/
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