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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Say the Bills average 66 offensive plays a game - how many would be running plays and how many would be passing plays - then dole out the carries and the targets . for example I'll say an even split between run and pass 33 each Run carries - McCoy 21, Jackson 7, Dixon 2, QBs 1.5, Brown/Harvin/Felton 1.5 Pass targets- Watkins 10, Harvin 6, Woods 6, Clay 5, McCoy 2, Hogan 2, everybody else 2 should probably subtract at least 2 targets from the passing game to account for sacks but since our OL is revamped I won't
  2. we excuse you because a 228% public debt to GDP ratio could make anyone grumpy
  3. You would think !@#$ing sex robots would leave one with a more centered and calm chi
  4. That's a debate you can have the OP - in fact I brought up the non-truncated quote to show that the quote was more about colonizer vs colonized and not on how there was some NAZI ISLAM meeting of the minds.
  5. This is the full quote I am sure that the Japanese, the Chinese and the peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France, in spite of the fact that we are related by blood.
  6. China would like to say no need to fight over things because you can find anything you want at Alibaba.com also for our special comrades in Russia if you are a little short on cash we would be willing to take desolate Kotelny Island off your hands for 15 billion in US treasury notes.
  7. I must say reading the comment section was informative
  8. It's scary to contemplate what type of disease could be transferred by that lubeless mind !@#$- 50 paragraphs of oy vey
  9. 5.05 40 yard dash is good only for 300-350 pound linemen or Ryan Mallett
  10. Obama - American mother, foreign father (Kenyan), born in Hawaii and the right-wing says if he can't absolutely prove he was born in the USA then he is disqualified for the office of President Cruz - American mother, foreign father (Cuban), born in Canada - so how is this guy not disqualified for the office of President or has the right-wing position evolved on the matter
  11. Schwartz is coaching his own version of the Bills on super special Madden - He gets Suh, Incognito, Rodney Hudson, and Orlando Franklin in FA and re-signs Jerry Hughes and Searcy Trades Chandler, Wood, and K Williams to NO for Jimmy Graham Defense M Williams, Dareus Suh Hughes Alonso, Brown Bradham Graham, A Williams, Searcy, Gilmore Offense OL Glenn, Franklin, Hudson, Incognito, Henderson TEs Graham, Grey WR Watkins, Woods RB Draft QB Manuel Schwartz says he has the real Bully and that Rex has a gadget Offense - he's gonna track his Madden team against the real Bills and if his team does better he's gonna let Terry and Kim know about it.
  12. I think OL, LB, DE, DT are all possibilities but there are a number of good sized CBs out there and if the Bills like one that's there at 50 I could see the Bills going in that direction.
  13. You think of threat in military terms but what the leaders of Israel see as a threat Is their well educated productive engineers, scientists, and other professions saying to themselves " we could live anywhere is it really worth living here" Sure their fundamentalists are do or die but a lot of their fundamentalist basically see religious study as their one and only job and that's not what keeps a society going. So any threat that tips the calculus of the professional class from staying to going they see as a long term existential threat.
  15. Fanspeak is all over the place depending which big board you use, just did a draft where Danny Shelton is there at 50 , personally I'd like a big CB and if combine freak Byron Jones was there at 50 I'd take a chance.
  16. The very fact I deemed him a lefty means I think he's smart - but that's not the point, the point is he's a relative unknown on the national stage with diverse qualities so depending how the image and narrative is shaped he could be 1. a candidate that turns out the left while not promoting a strong turnout from the right 2. a candidate that does not excite the left while promoting a vigorous turnout by the right- His ability to bring out his favorably qualities to the appropriate audiences depends on money and the quality of the campaign staff.
  17. Muhammad never talked to Allah he talked to the angel Gabriel, where as Joesph Smith talked to the angel Moroni, Muhammad had epileptic fits ? small world so did Saul who later became Paul - mental Illness, hallucinogens and elaborate explanations of why god not only excuses your antisocial behavior but demands it is the corner stone of the three religions of the book and their offspring.
  18. Jim Webb is a lefty with military service, strong 2nd amendment supporter credentials and a little bit of good old boy southern charm- how far you'd get with combination comes down to money and the quality of your campaign staff.
  19. Sure Orton wanted to throw at 5am he leaves the bar at 4am has a little breakfast but is still loose between 5am -6am then disappears in private "film study" until 3pm - Orton vs Mike Williams is classic alcoholic vs pot head enmity.
  20. My guess is that Cassel and Manuel compete to be starter but that Taylor gets snaps every game - I could imagine a hurry up Watkins, Harvey, Woods, Goodwin, Clay, Taylor set that plays one or two possessions a game - in contrast to Manuel/Cassel, McCoy, Felton, Clay, Watkins, Harvey set that might be the base
  21. Maybe they should offer 100,000 bus riders $100,000 dollars to relocate instead
  22. The quote isn't Israel will be wiped off the map the quote is the Zionist regime will fade from the pages of history- The public Iranian stance is that the State of Israel is an illegitimate colonel occupation and will not last long term - long term to Persians might mean 5000 years - here's a joke do you know what the difference between America and yogurt is? If you leave yogurt alone for 200 years it'll grow a culture.
  23. yes but only part - they need information about everything - how much information do you need to simulate a world? and once a world is simulated what interventions will nudge it in the direction you want.
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