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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Don't get cocky, even though all the republican candidates look wanting one of them is going to make it through the gauntlet with tons of money and Hillary has all kinds of negatives - if she has the mindset that she is destiny's choice there could be a rude awakening from which she can't recover.
  2. great now some dunce is going to think Volts are Watts
  3. http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2690-05112015.pdf These are the documents, I don't get out of them what Judicial Watch gets out of them.
  4. Tampa bay - he could hide between Jackson, Evans and Austin Seferian-Jenkins
  5. This isn't just a problem of poor people - if you are unemployed then starting at 3 months - and ending at 18 months you go from unemployed to unemployable . The whole problem is people are thinking about things ass-backwards - it's not lack of skills that are keeping people unemployed it's lack of jobs that are keeping people from having job skills.
  6. 1. single parent homes don't make people unemployable- lack of a high school degree, a criminal record, not having jobs in reach of reliable transportation, having no work record and an overall lack of jobs in relationship to those who want jobs - and it is this last factor that is most important because if their were two job openings for every person who wanted a job then all those other factors would fade to insignificance. 2. if there are a thousand job openings and ten thousand people looking for a job then 9000 job seekers are going to be unhappy - now here's the thing, anyone can get a job but 9000 people are going to be out of luck, if mopey Jack was inspired by a life coach to up his gumption 50% and that got him a job then great but he displaced someone with less gumption, If slightly undereducated sally took some night courses and scored a job that's wonderful but she displaced someone with less education. 3. But won't full of gumption Jack and better educated Sally be more productive workers and won't that help the overall economy? yes but only if they get a substantial piece of that increased productivity which they can use to buy more goods and services and that hasn't been happening the last since the early 1970s
  7. http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB328/II-Doc14.pdf BTW remember Curveball? http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-na-curveball20nov20-story.html#page=1
  8. I think I remember "shaped the intelligence and facts around the policy"
  9. China was the big winner, Iran came in second, Afghanistan came in third but America was a close 4th
  10. Good call that would have been my third guy
  11. Advocate for the fringe player you think may attain greatness or at least OKness I'll start with Justin Hamilton DT - just looks like a player to me even though DT is already the Bills strongest position - I predict practice squad but if a rash of injuries occurred then a chance to play. Randell Johnson OLB- Don't know about his football IQ but his athleticism stands out in practice.
  12. Shiite, Sunni, Kurd are the three pieces you are looking for - the Saudi would have influence in the Sunni sector along with ISIS - Iran would continue to have influence in the Shiite sector - The independent Kurdish state would have Turkey pissed off along with Iran and probably a few other countries in fear of a greater Kurdistan.
  13. https://www.gop.com/debate-fact-check-obama-would-have-kept-thousands-of-troops-in-iraq-under-the-status-of-forces-agreement/
  14. http://mediamatters.org/research/2014/09/05/fox-hides-bushs-actions-to-claim-bush-gave-visi/200662 Would you have kept U.S troops in Iraq without immunity? guess Obama could of said !@#$ you we're staying and !@#$ your laws but it would be pretty hard to claim Iraq was a sovereign democracy in that case.
  15. Indianapolis colts are a good team but they don't scare me
  16. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-plans-to-buy-pakistani-nuclear-weapon-10257964.html I don't know if this anything new I've heard rumors about Saudis getting nukes from Pakistan for the last 6-7 years ........... just like I've heard about Iran being a few months from a nuclear weapon for years and years.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Blumenthal His intel doesn't sound like it's the most trust worthy
  18. Yeah I don't really have an inkling where Doug is going on this - usually you go into camp with at least 6 OTs and into the season with at least 4- Chris Williams is the only guard that has any experience at OT and he's a guy who's been hurt about as many games as he's been available to play plus he was pretty bad at OT when he played there healthy - I thought Barksdale was holding out for big money or something but he signed with SD for a million with a chance for another million if met incentives, hardly a cap crusher.
  19. I was surprised the Bills didn't seem to make any effort to retain Chris Hairston, if he was recovered from his medical condition he's seemed to be a swing tackle who you can play a few games without getting killed
  20. Dareus is a great player and will be missed but Stefan Charles and Corbin Bryant are not chopped liver - in fact I think it would be interesting to see a sack per snap comparison for our DTs
  21. Does anybody have numbers on how much all this spying slows down the internet and computers?
  22. I think the graphs here are more readable http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
  23. Jesus Christ!! what a bunch of maudlin hooey
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5y-ok3l27k Gatorman I'd like you to watch this series, if after that you don't give a damn about loss of privacy then I'll give up on you.
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