1. single parent homes don't make people unemployable- lack of a high school degree, a criminal record, not having jobs in reach of reliable transportation, having no work record and an overall lack of jobs in relationship to those who want jobs - and it is this last factor that is most important because if their were two job openings for every person who wanted a job then all those other factors would fade to insignificance.
2. if there are a thousand job openings and ten thousand people looking for a job then 9000 job seekers are going to be unhappy - now here's the thing, anyone can get a job but 9000 people are going to be out of luck, if mopey Jack was inspired by a life coach to up his gumption 50% and that got him a job then great but he displaced someone with less gumption, If slightly undereducated sally took some night courses and scored a job that's wonderful but she displaced someone with less education.
3. But won't full of gumption Jack and better educated Sally be more productive workers and won't that help the overall economy? yes but only if they get a substantial piece of that increased productivity which they can use to buy more goods and services and that hasn't been happening the last since the early 1970s