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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. I have read on this very board that life is unfair, usually this unfairness falls on the lower end of the income spectrum our two tier Justice system, our interest rate apartheid, our bloated military and surveillance state spending, our political system to the highest bidder- isn't the standard answer on this board "life is unfair deal with it"- in the 1940s to 1950s the top rate was 91% in the 1960s the top rate was 70% was the United States fundamentally unfair at that time? My system would be eminently fair to about 95% of Americans. if it slows down speculation that's not a bug it's a feature
  2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2015/05/31/wall-street-costs-the-economy-2-of-gdp-each-year/
  3. Nope 50% flat tax on all income over $100,000 no deductions all income taxed the same 10% federal sales tax on everything except food and medicine .5% financial transaction tax 12% corporate tax no deductions
  4. I've seen 6,3 and 3 eighths also 6,3 .2 from pro day and combine
  5. yep a unmarried or married couple could live together and make 200k between them and pay zero federal income tax of course if one made 200k and the other person made zero the person making 200k is paying 50k of federal tax - and again all income is treated the same - capital gains are adjusted for inflation and improvements - example you buy a house in 1980 for 40k inflation makes that 40k in 1980 worth 115k in 2015, lets say in 1990 you added a addition for 12k and in 2015 you spend 30k in major improvements to Bathrooms and kitchen- so 115k + 22k (12k adjusted for inflation) + 30k= 167k is you base if you sell at 200k then your capital gain would be 33k.
  6. never thought about one guy who use multiple avatars but their are posters who I couldn't distinguish between if their avatar were not visible- GG and Nanker, LABillzfan and KD in CT, Dante and RK fast- also Magox came on as World Traveler
  7. single and anything that is income is income
  8. the first 100k is taxed at zero so at 300k a third is going to the federal government
  9. yep the numbers are a suggestion 50% flat tax on all income over $100,000 no deductions all income taxed the same 10% federal sales tax on everything except food and medicine .5% financial transaction tax 12% corporate tax no deductions
  10. Obama has pushed TPP harder than any other legislation, he give speeches about Jamie Dimon that sound like love letters, his justice department has zero criminal cases against banks CEOs even though they were involved in LIBOR manipulation, FOREX manipulation, predatory loans, money laundering, etc etc- his give away to the insurance companies and pharmaceutical industry - He let Summers and Geithner weaken the Volcker rule to almost nothing = corporatist tool
  11. OK 50% flat tax on all income over $100,000 no deductions all income taxed the same 10% federal sales tax on everything except food and medicine .5% financial transaction tax 12% corporate tax no deductions
  12. I don't know if EJ will start with the Bills or even be here in a year but what I'm pretty sure of is that EJ will get better every year because he's smart, mature and a hard worker - a couple people I know were interested in Alex Smith as a QB over EJ what gets me about that is Alex Smith had 4 terrible seasons and two Meh seasons before he started playing well.
  13. When EJ leads us to the Super bowl most of the NFL will want to trade for him but we will laugh at their puny offers of draft picks and players.
  14. What Obama is not, is a communist, a socialist, a Muslim, an Atheist, or an anti-colonialist - he is totally a corporatist tool and wall street shill where do you think his money came from?
  15. And I criticize Obama for being a corporate tool, a war criminal, and a Wall Street shill. You know me being progressive and all.
  16. So if could see all your posts there would be as much criticism of Bush as of Obama. Some how I doubt it.
  17. So are they going into debt ?or are they making extra income by something like baby sitting for some other mother who has a job?, or do they have relatives throwing them a few bucks ? or a boyfriend ?
  18. That's your job, division of labor old boy.
  19. Maybe that's what you're thinking of. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/07/the-economic-case-for-food-stamps/260015/
  20. So can we agree that anyone who says a natural disaster or a disease is God's punishment for some type of sin is an ignorant !@#$
  21. George Washington was also a criminal
  22. I wonder if OC's mom taught him his social skills
  23. This would be a good year for John Huntsman to run as an independent
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