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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. I'd be a little happier if we had been able to detect and disrupt ISIS troop movement to Ramadi
  2. Everyone an at will employee and competing against a global labor force , I'm sure it's the closest thing to heaven in many corporate boardrooms.
  3. don't you mean "for all in tents of porpoises"
  4. but you don't even care that he wrote docs instead of docks - when I first read I was horrified about all the doctors that must have died
  5. Maybe instead of saying "Remember when he media wasn't totally sold out to the left?" how about remember when the media wasn't concentrated in so few hands and there was more diversity of viewpoints- maybe we have different definitions of what left is, do you consider the take over of our government by large corporations and mega wealthy individuals as leftist? there have been studies done https://represent.us/action/theproblem-4/ that show that public opinion makes almost no effect on which policies become law, what does have major impact is money.
  6. It wouldn't be dumb if this was the first time that argument had been brought up and it hadn't been decided but that argument has been brought up and has been decided so it is dumb.
  7. says the guy who thinks the CIA and NSA are filled with lefties
  8. Some people accuse John Murphy of having no edge but at least he asks fairly good football questions - if I was to ask an question with edge it would be "hey Rex are you really going to start training camp with just 4 OTs and do you really need 9 guards, what's up with that"
  9. Most reporter ask questions like snotty little girls trying to start drama
  10. Reporters " every time we ask Rex about Amaro he answers us, he won't let it go" They're waiting for Rex to say no comment so they can write "Rex ducking Amaro questions"
  11. http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pubs/ss/clsstxep.pdf
  12. I doubt they even have this anymore but I use to buy 1000 min for a year with T-mobile for $100 dollars I usually had left over minutes at the end of the year
  13. Big News would be John Huntsman running as a Democrat
  14. I remember when that lefty J. Edgar Hoover was spying on all those righties in the civil rights movement and peace movement .
  15. A nation state can not exist without taxes and all tax systems are arbitrary and unfair, I like the unfairness and arbitrary nature of the tax system I propose compared to the unfairness and arbitrary nature of the existing tax system or other tax systems I've seen proposed on this board.
  16. revenue minus operating expenses - operating expenses (worker wages, worker pension, machinery, energy/utilities,materials, property costs) - not operating expense (dividends, campaign donations, acquisitions) if you pay out a 100 million in dividends or campaign donations or to buy another corporation that must come from profit so you owe the government 12 mil.
  17. I want to reduce the statutory rate from 35% to 12% how that lower statutory rate combined with 0 deductions would effected the effective tax rate on corporations is unknown it might raise it a bit.
  18. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/sdn/2015/sdn1508.pdf
  19. profits - revenues greater than operating costs yep
  20. If you make less than 100k they are tax free as for people being !@#$ed aren't people always being !@#$ed
  21. If the hallmark of emerging markets is exporting more agricultural products and natural resources than manufactured goods then we are an emerging market.
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