I'm not worried about the planet being destroyed I'm worried about a degradation of the planets ability to support human life- the way these people think it's like they know nothing of the Dust-bowl, which is clear evidence that human activity can cause massive environmental degradation.
Football is about trends and then being the first team to break the trend - when 5,10 CBs are dominant you want 6,3 + WRs to take advantage, when teams compensate by getting taller CBs you take advantage by getting smaller super quick WRs.
Argue incessantly that the word hacked is so vaguely defined that not only have the computers in question not been hacked but that no computers have ever been hacked.
If you want Mathis and to extend Dareus you need to cut players with a decent cap savings- cutting just Chris Williams doesn't do it - love Fred and have nothing against Cassel but that's where the money is.
Tyson Chandler - almost 37 inch arms and 31 BP, played in college at around 360lbs and was scouted as having slow feet but is down to 330lbs and movement is much better than expected, basically Bills have an undrafted FA with the physical qualities of a 2nd or 3rd round player- I'd be afraid that he'd be snatched eventually from the practice squad .