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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. http://prospect.org/waldman/myth-faulty-intelligence
  2. Well I doubt Anthony Caruso was a Taco bender but in truth Taco Bender or Spaghetti bender to a WASP they're just those swarthy fellows
  3. Should be called tasty fish
  4. no but I boycott all the movie studios that cast gays as straights- ( shakes fist at ghost of Rock Hudson, poor Doris Day) BTW GreggyT I have an Idea for a remake of the God Father using all Native Americans in the Italian parts
  5. the people I was thinking of were couples in their early 40s at the time but sure some are looking for mates - there's a Bread of life church in the south towns that is pretty famous for getting unemployed alcoholics and drug addicts straitened out and married.
  6. btw not everybody goes to church for religious reasons, I've known a few people who were agnostic but went to church for community or more cynically - networking
  7. Never seen one with a collar before - my guess is photoshop
  8. A lot of young people come back to the church when they start a family - I think for a variety of reasons this up coming generation might be delayed 3-5 years in starting a family
  9. I'd liked to understand the psychology of people who seem to have zero reason to cheat, lie or do something illegal but do it anyways - athletics, academics, money, politics, sex
  10. Tom I've gone from Redskin to injun to Indian I need another 30 years or so to adapt to Native Americans stop trying to destroy my culture waaaaaaaa
  11. https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/the-right-to-refuse-service-can-a-business-refuse-service-to-someone-because-of-appearance
  12. So stop watching TV Land,that will fix em, maybe I'll start watching because I've been boycotting over Bonanza using Italians for Indians
  13. does the equal protection clause provide protection for sexual orientation? are we talking gay weddings? what a lunkhead you are Tom
  14. No I'm arguing that a business license requires the business owner to abide with state or local non-discrimination laws - but if TYTT thinks such laws are unconstitutional he should challenge them. I'd also argue that you are a soulless prick and a buttinski.
  15. Do you think a required business license is unconstitutional? if so I suggest you open a business without said required license and then fight any legal action all the way to the supreme court - think of all the good you can do.
  16. Maybe the guy who runs TV Land is just a northern prick who likes to piss off Southerners and just suddenly realized how easy it was.
  17. Do you need a business license? sorry when you enter a business of public accommodation you give up certain rights, if you think your private ownership of something gives unlimited rights of what you can do with it then I suggest you paint your house from top to bottom with confederate flags, put an old junker on the lawn, build a barn let the lawn go wild, you own the property don't let them tell you what to do with your property.
  18. I mean, Places of public accommodation- just like I wrote - that's the !@#$ing law, you don't like it then get it changed or come here and bellyache ad nauseam or move to a country more inline with your beliefs
  19. Insulting your waitress or bartender, yelling war-criminal at Dick Cheney, heckling a comic etc etc and other forms of verbal abuse have always been cause for removal
  20. I mean, Places of “public accommodation”
  21. I missed the liberal pressure campaign that knocked the Dukes of the air - sounds like a corporate decision about money
  22. public businesses have to sell goods to the general public, of course they don't have to modify the product in unusual ways.
  23. Maybe he never thought about it before - maybe he didn't know the history of that flag and how it was brought back in the 1960s as a big !@#$ you to anti-segregation legislation and the civil rights movement.
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