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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. most people don't end up in a holding center for three days for a lane violation - as for the suicide maybe she thought her job interview was !@#$ed and in this job market some people are kind of desperate
  2. Not a big deal if the British royal family gave a NAZI salute - The British have enough of their own atrocities to repent from - Germany, Russia, and China are usually named when it comes to mass killings but Britain, France, Belgium, and the U.S deserve mention too.
  3. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha or something close was the original name before they used the more English sounding Windsor - and they were related to the Russian royalty (cousins I think)
  4. At the beginning there were quite a few proponents of Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party- most liked a strong authoritarian leader and thought that Germany would be a bulwark against Russian communism - you got to remember the Russians had killed their Royalty a short time before so anything that stood against communism was favored among the royals of Europe - also there was a number of American and British Industrialist doing business with Germany, in some cases those business dealing continued for a time even when the countries were at war.
  5. not true, nobody is trying to stomp out stuff like monster trucks, mud holes, and muddy hoes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU1_U9gR-Pg or mudjug selling confederate loving wisdom sharers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzW_oTdI2vE
  6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/06/25/an-interview-with-the-baltimore-cop-whos-revealing-all-the-horrible-things-he-saw-on-the-job/
  7. race is a culturally evolved state of mind and right now I'm channeling back two generations It's a layer cake
  8. Real white people are bigoted against people who think they are white - If you can't get upset about people coming over the Southern boarder destroying America because you know the Irish and Italians already destroyed it you might be really white. also a relief to white people
  9. I'm sorry if this is gonna hurt feelings but a lot of you aren't really white people - English, Scottish, Scandinavian, some German's but not Bavarian peasants- in fact if you're Catholic you are probably out of luck
  10. are you trying to make this about race?
  11. Criminal activity
  12. Italian also not white
  13. Why are you posting on this thread? since when are the Irish white people, put the bottle down - I mean white maybe but never people at least that is what my culture says.
  14. Anything that pisses off cuntservative crykitties is worthy
  15. Great post keep up the good work
  16. If you come back with no memories exactly what is living on - I suppose if in between lives you'd retain the experiences and got to compare experiences with other souls that would be cool, if living in the material world was sort of a high level RPG that would be some what interesting but what differentiates souls from one another? would different souls have different lives given the exact same DNA and exact same environment? and of course what is death? if everyone returned 3 days later I think more people would jump on grenades- I don't really understand how people hold these two beliefs simultaneously, death is the end and death is just a transformation but some how most people do.
  17. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2015/07/13/sunspot_cycles_won_t_cause_a_mini_ice_age_by_2030.html
  18. This is Oregon State law it is not the same as title II http://www.oregon.gov/boli/CRD/pages/c_crprotoc.aspx
  19. But since sexual orientation is not a protected class in Title II, The bakery case was about state or local law not Title II
  20. lets say you were in a state were sexual orientation is a protected class and you are a bakery that sells wedding cakes would you have to sell a gay couple a wedding cake? yes! would you have to sell a gay couple a special vagina shaped rainbow wedding cake ? no! - lets say you do Happy Anniversary cakes where you write people's names, for instance "Happy Anniversary Bill and Betty" would you also have to do "Happy Anniversary Barb and Betty" or "Happy Anniversary Bill and Bob" ? yes! well Tom you should call and state your opinion maybe you'll get the verdict overturned- look how well your opinion is respected here
  21. 1. Not all businesses are classified as public accommodations- I doubt that an artist would be but ask your lawyer 2. a business does not have to provide a service that it does not normally provide - if a sweater shop will not provide a wedding cake for a black wedding it is not discrimination, if a pizza shop will not provide a wedding cake for a black wedding it is not discrimination, if a bakery that makes wedding cakes will not provide a wedding cake for a black wedding that is discrimination and they can be sued, - the next question would be does a bakery have to make any modifications to it's standard fare? I think the answer is no, if a bakery makes square vanilla cakes with vanilla frosting it would be under no obligation to make round chocolate cakes with chocolate frosting. - 3. basically a business of public accommodation has to sell it's standard fare or provide it's standard service regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or religion- also reasonable accommodations must be made for the disabled- as discussed before sexual orientation is not a federally protected class but is protected in 20 States and some localities 4. standard fare -a strip club would be required to let in female patrons but would not be obligated to have male strippers 5. If a artist was considered a business of public accommodation (I don't think so), what would his standard fare be ? can you make a landscape artist do portraits? I have a friend who's an artist, he does three or four paintings a year and he turns down many commissions every year for all types of reasons, for example he won't do a portrait of a living person. 6. you might find these interesting http://civilrights.findlaw.com/enforcing-your-civil-rights/discrimination-in-public-accommodations.html https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/the-right-to-refuse-service-can-a-business-refuse-service-to-someone-because-of-appearance
  22. I'd say Rob keep looking you're bound to find someone who would do it for you.
  23. That's pretty easy we take the side of the lesbian - public accommodation
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