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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Before free agency and the salary cap there was at least a little room in the NFL for sentimentality now there is none.
  2. Say TT gets hurt around half-time, if I'm up 14 points then put in Cassel but if I'm down 14 points I'd want EJ
  3. The republicunt party is full of racists who go to bed every night worried they may wake up to find they are a minority and may be treated like they treat minorities. That's what a third of your party is about, then there's a third who believe the great sky daddy is watching their every move just waiting to punish them if they don't do their best to enforce bronze age wisdom on everyone- the rest are just sociopaths.
  4. It's republicunts who throw around President porch monkey.
  5. Obama going to Alaska is a historic blunder, a tragedy that will mar his presidency.
  6. yep, if you have anything of value and it's not either well hidden or well protected it's you fault if anything happens to it.
  7. not racism, anti-Canada-ism or more exactly anti-north of the 49th Parallel-ism no Canadian or Alaskan should be allowed to vote or hold office south of the 49th Parallel.
  8. Too late Rafael (Ted) Cruz already got through.
  9. torching the Reichstag seems a little redundant maybe 1000 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/26/opinion/why-republicans-reject-the-iran-deal-and-all-diplomacy.html?&moduleDetail=section-news-0&action=click&contentCollection=Opinion&region=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article
  11. My favorite scenario is Biden takes votes from Hilary allowing Sanders to win the Democratic nomination then Trump runs as an independent splitting the republican votes and Sanders wins the general election.
  12. More like, they like Trump because he makes establishment people feel bad - people have been sick of the Status Quo for awhile now and they are gonna get increasingly radical in their choices until they feel the system is starting to treat them better .
  13. what separates EJ Manuel from the greats? he has to find 2 or 3 more completions for every 40 passes he attempts and he needs an extra yard per attempt - could self improvement, slightly better receivers and slightly better Oline play achieve this? I think so.
  14. Could EJ start? let me put it this way, just because the local media have been reading tea leaves and deciphering the meaning of Rex scratching his left ball more than his right ball doesn't mean they know crap - I think this is still a three horse race and even if EJ doesn't start in the beginning of the season I believe small running QBs have trouble staying healthy and immobile older QBs have trouble staying healthy too.
  15. You don't understand how a more educated citizenry is a benefit? you don't understand how that college debt delays household formation and the economic cost that delay entails? well you are plenty stupid I'll give you that. Chef you have asked why is Wall Street as bad as Cigarettes the answer is that Wall Street representing the financial sector in general has become a parasitical drain on the real physical economy and a financial transaction tax would curb what I consider the most extreme example of this parasitical behavior High-frequency trading.
  16. I answered your question Chef, you may not like the answer but I answered.
  17. College should be free because it would be good for the country and the individual Wall Street should pay for it because like cigarettes it's bad for the country and the individual.
  18. As of right now for me Andre Davis and Deonte Thompson in Goodwin and Hogan out.
  19. Trump is the anti-Obama not politically correct Washington outsider strong bold statements uncluttered by nuance or an understanding of history (no professor Obama weakness) businessman (how often have I heard that government should be run like a business) Born rich and got richer (no community organizer here) Trump should win the republican nomination in a walk
  20. Breitbart was a loathsome douche which is why he is a fitting avatar for you.
  21. One of the things conservatives tend to believe is that America is a meritocracy that the rich got that way by being smarter, working harder and having the right moral fiber while the poor are dumb, lazy and unmoral. Since Trump is the richest GOP candidate wouldn't it stand to reason that the GOP electorate would view him as the smartest, hardest working and most moral candidate.
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