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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Mount Mitchell I think - love the moonshine
  2. Phil Taylor was a monster for a short time but injuries really cut him down.
  3. So weak, what a pathetic attempt, it is such a loser move to gloss yourself "smartest man in the room" don't you have a friend to validate you? maybe your wife? I see why you are a libertarian knucklehead, no one ever loved you.
  4. It's a good thing you glossed yourself "The smartest man in the room" because that was weak, if I'm a weekday drunk you're a weakday punk.
  5. I quit almost every day unless I don't sleep.
  6. Hey, you're spending your time engaging a drunk and I'm spending my time engaging an Ahole, my excuse is I'm drunk what's your excuse?
  7. Yeah but you blamed your loser ways on Obama's reelection "elections have consequences" instead of just admitting your ahole personality loss you income.
  8. says the loser of losers
  9. I'm glad I type better drunk than you do sober - btw anymore stories about abusing the help over election results, I love to use them to demonstrate the mind of a cuntsevative
  10. ALOL is that "Almighty Loser Of Losers" or "Ahole Laughs Out Loud"
  11. does anyone think the Bills say something like Matt we were willing to give you 4.5mil to be a starting QB will you take 1.5 million to be a backup QB
  12. This is why you are a loser, and will continue to lose the political argument, anyone who doesn't have his sociopathic head up his well traveled sphincter know that the rich and corporations are bribing politicians to keep and create special tax loopholes. The system is corrupt and it's why establishment politicians are held in such low regard.
  13. If the European Union had stuck to trade and travel they might have been OK but a single currency and monetary policy without integrated economic policy is a loser, it be like if we threw Mississippi and Louisianan to the wolves.
  14. What I'd want in a conservative president? 1. a fiery temper 2. weak blood vessels 3. a liberal VP
  15. http://www.villagevoice.com/news/the-10-most-corrupt-tax-loopholes-6436479 boy you are going to be so sad when a Democrat win the Presidency again, I can't wait to hear about your next use of "elections have consequences" speech to explain why you're an Ahole
  16. We were talking about buying tax loopholes you simpleton, in this context you bringing up the Clinton foundation makes no sense, if you want to change the topic to bribery for influence in international commerce then say so you sociopathic cretin.
  17. The question I'd ask Carson is "how old do you think the earth is?"
  18. I've never understood the attraction of a ground and pound running game paired with a short passing game QB who has an upper limited of 15yd passes - sounds like an invitation for the defense to put 8 in the box and creep everyone up- what I want to see is three power runs for the 1st down then a play action pass that goes for 40yds.
  19. That makes no sense
  20. The loopholes are legal, in this country it's legal to bribe representatives to change the tax code for your benefit.
  21. As people have said they can't call in the debt but theoretically they could sell enough of our Treasury bonds that it would interfere with us selling our Treasury bonds maybe forcing us to raise the interest we pay on our new treasury bonds.
  22. I hope it doesn't cut into your time of being a cruel mockery of life.
  23. Yeah, I think you are finally catching on Tom.
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