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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. Rueben Randle, no one will touch him, last three seasons 611, 938, 797- he's one of those NFL mystery jobs
  2. Not quite the athlete that Pryor is, Logan Thomas is bigger and has all the qualities of a pass catching weapon at TE - right now he's sitting on the Giants practice squad as a QB .
  3. Does Laos get a piece of the action?
  4. There is a "Nihilists For Trump" movement you sound like you could be a member.
  5. Cheap shot by Howard Dean he should be ashamed of himself - I can see how it's tempting to sink to the alt-right level ( Obama is a secret gay Muslim, Michelle is a Tranny, and their daughters are adopted/clones) (Hillary and Bill had dozens of people murdered in Arkansas) - I do wonder if you had 50 or so lib websites and 20 or so lib radio nuts spewing that Trump is a coke snorting Satanist who eats babies if you could get Hillary supporter to parrot back that meme like Trump supporters parrot back the Michelle is a Tranny or Obama is a gay Muslim meme.
  6. Federal student aid, some would say
  7. I understand, the person must seem like a slacker compared to DCTom who has 30 posts a day.
  8. The dumpy frump had a beginning slump but head in rump Trump said he was smart not dumb because Taxes he paid none making his working-class chums into chumps. So Trump of orange hair clump should takes some lumps but I bet he gets a bump and why is that? cause many have the attention span of a gnat and the intelligence of a stump.
  9. He played for poon under a native moon in Sumatra but a lover of Italian food Sinatra played for pasta in Hofsta
  10. Sinatra played for pasta in Hofstra
  11. Playing for all the pasta in Hofsta the Donald was held scoreless, Hofsta big O The Donald held incommunicado.
  12. Tony Baloney you don't read very well and neither do your posts but keep up with your CAN-DO-DO ideas and I will devote to them the energy they deserve.
  13. It's time to take the Bills, Detroit, Cleveland, And Chicago and smoosh them into one team called the Great Lakes Mistakes - they will be allowed a 200 man active roster and if they do better than 8-8 they will automatically win the Lombardi trophy.
  14. Guy has a lot of talent but may be an alcoholic- fully autonomous vehicles and legalized Marijuana would be god sends to the NFL
  15. I missed the peer reviewed journal it was in.
  16. being the Bills they probably would suck in a completely different way
  17. METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE no longer useful ? I beg to differ
  18. McCoy to Minnesota, Corrdarrelle Patterson to Cleveland, Josh Gordon to Buffalo
  19. Would you be more outraged by your kid robbing and beating an old lady or some other kids robbing, beating and raping an old lady - one is worse but the other is connected to you.
  20. Something people should consider when thinking about Saddam, Assad, and Gaddafi, yes there were/are groups against them because they are brutal dictators but they are also opposed by groups who's main complaint is that they are not Islamic enough- they provide education and other rights to women, and show various degrees of tolerance to other religions - in this mix of groups it always seems the fundamentalists becomes the dominate faction, I think that's because they are more willing to both kill and die - the moderates are looking for a better life but it's hard to have a better life if you get yourself killed.
  21. Depends on how much he wants salary-wise - I like him as a back-up QB - maybe TT is gone and he's backing up Jones next year
  22. Oh..............and for lybob. The Clinton Foundation spent less than 6 percent of its budget on charitable grants in 2014, according to documents the organization filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in 2015. During the 2014 tax year, the tax-exempt foundation spent a total of $91.2 million, but less than $5.2 million of that money, or 5.7 percent, was granted to charitable organizations, the group’s tax filings show. The Clinton Foundation raised nearly $178 million in 2014. The organization’s charitable grants also declined significantly when compared to its donations in 2013. Compared to its 2013 charitable grants of $8.8 million, the Clinton Foundation’s grants in 2014 declined by more than 40 percent, even as its revenue over the same period increased by 20 percent. According to the tax filings, the Clinton Foundation is currently sitting on $354 million in assets, including $125 million in cash or cash equivalents and $108 million in property or equipment. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/aug/25/reince-priebus/reince-priebus-false-claim-80-clinton-foundation-c/
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