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Everything posted by ....lybob

  1. not news, we have had increasing income inequality since the early 70s Lots of reasons for it- the principal-agent problem, CEO board collusion, rise of the globalist, fall of the unions, trickle down economics, the brain drain from science and engineering into finance, the end of the union vs corporation political model starting with Clinton, and the end finance being an agent for productive growth by lending to business as it was found to be more lucrative to churn investment capital and skim off the top.
  2. real unemployment always tracks 7-12 points higher than the unemployment rates the government gives- been that way for as long as I remember- discouraged workers aren't counted, neither are the underemployed, or kids out of college who'd like to get a job but decide to stay in college because there is nothing out there .
  3. I think you're right but I heard rumors of this stuff going on 20+ years ago when I was doing clinical rotations at Buffalo psychiatric center and the City Mission- I know at least one Florida Doctor got snagged because more than a few of the patients he was suppose to have treated had been dead for months before hand - I remember I said to my friend "treating dead people looks kinda bad" and he said "I don't know, maybe he's just a really really really good doctor"
  4. I'll work on my grammar you work on your spelling.
  5. 3rdrate you are so self-important that you demand a joke explained to you- you must have a very powerful neck to carry that melon.
  6. Hossage nothing I previously wrote was meant to be insulting, but this is, either you're a low-life who recounts tales of drug use, sex with minors, and and putting people in jeopardy by fleeing police at 130mph, without a hint of shame or you are stupid and crass enough to think such made up tales humorous and cool. You say you are a hard-core "finance dude" but go on an antisemitic cry-baby rant when a real businessman like Nate lays down the law to you when you don't keep your property up and ruin property values in the neighborhood. btw that's one battle of Midway you don't want to engage in.
  7. Answer this question: If you armed Hossage, 3rdning, and DC Tom with salad forks and put them in a standard size pro-wrestling steel cage who would come out victorious? A) DC Tom B) Hossage C) 3rdning D) It's a trick question you'd never get three heads that big into a standard size steel cage.
  8. It's going to be an unrequited love
  9. I don't really know Conner but if Hossage is against him then I'm for him.
  10. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong- I'm all for the pay of Federal employees being in line with those in private sector - with the caveat that the parity take in account experience and education. Also I wonder why the salary of soldiers were not listed in comparison to the salary of private mercenaries, are not those pretty comparable professions.
  11. you are ridiculous - those positions are part of the infrastructure that make business possible- I'd like to pluck you down in some 3rd world country where there is no rule of law, no regulations, just the law of the jungle and see how well you do.
  12. "Salaries and benefits—for identical jobs—are 30 percent to 40 percent higher in the federal government than in the private sector. Claims that this dramatic discrepancy in compensation is warranted because of government workers’ high skills are unjustified, as this study shows. Equally unjustified is the fact that federal workers can rarely be fired, no matter how poor their job performance. Congress should align federal salaries and benefits with market rates—a simple, and fair, move that could save taxpayers nearly $47 billion in 2011. Heritage Foundation labor policy analyst James Sherk provides detailed data on why Congress should not overtax all Americans to overpay the privileged workers in the civil service." excuse me if I take anything from the Heritage Foundation with a grain of salt or maybe the shaker- I'm sure there are examples like Janitor, security guard, building maintenance where that's true (it's probably maddening to you that a janitor with a county, state, or federal job is making $12/hr instead of $8/hr) - usually for less highly skilled labor- as labor becomes more skilled that reverses - for example my brother was doing software development and debugging for air traffic control systems and quit because he could make 4x as much doing similar work in the private sector. I sure that there are inefficiencies and corruption in various government agencies but I still want protections like the type OSAH, NHTSA, EPA and other agencies provide.
  13. Give it up Rfeynman it fruitless to argue with someone who thinks it's ok to steal as long as you do it in a clever manner- welcome to the world where Human decency is a character flaw, and trust is a chink in the armor to be exploited.
  14. The public sector provides services- police, firemen, judges, teachers, librarians, park workers, sanitation workers, public health workers- you may think that they do not provide good value for the money spent- but your above statement is just not true.
  15. Does Beck ever have a good argument ? yes does he usually destroy that argument with extreme, over the top, disorganized crazed rantings? Yes or at least from the 5 or 6 times I've watched him. I sometimes listen to larouche that guy can make sense for twenty minutes before he goes into an insane rant which seems to be about 18 and a half minutes longer than Glenn Beck.
  16. As ExiledInIllinois said that's the trade off lower pay better benefits
  17. I hope you're talking about Jeff Beck because Glenn Beck is performance art, a freak show, you watch it the same way you watch a train wreck.
  18. Rfeynman is dead on about Enron manipulation for theft of the California energy grid - there are tapes of Enron traders calling power plant operators and telling them when and for how long to have shut downs. GG I hope this isn't your standard for posting because then this place would be nothing but DC Tom posts on WW2
  19. I'm surprised that WisconsinBillzFan didn't chime in that the only reason they are getting help is because they are Brown.
  20. count carp for a living? I thought people on this board just carp for a living period.
  21. I say Massey Energy and they will do it on merit.
  22. 1. Nice spelling, obviously more of a hooked on phonics type guy than a sight reader - if this is a legacy creation forgive me I'm a newcomer to this moroncracy. 2. I'm not trying to imply you're like Hitler just that you and Hitler would give each other big sloppy kisses and exchange meaningful glances.
  23. Malthus, Sanger, Rhodes,Hitler, Dzerzhinski, Rand and now Joe In Macungie, Joe why don't you stop sugar coating it and tell us all about how we must rid ourselves of the "Useless Eaters".
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